"Brother Lin, help!" Xiaobai shouted, and the whole flew up. A spotted giant cow rushed to Xiaobai in front of the clouds and headed directly towards Xiaobai. Before Lin Feng spoke, Xiaobai's body was pushed out tens of meters away. The Titan stood not far away and opposed the spotted giant cow.

"The cultivation of this Titan is no joke." Seeing the Titan standing there, Zhao Qingluo whispered.

"Do you think 3000 spotted giant cattle are joking?" Lin Feng looked at the front with a smile, and his eyes were shining. He wanted to see how these spotted giant cattle achieved in the end!


With a loud cry, more than a dozen spotted giant cattle rushed directly. These guys knew that they regarded them as smart. They directly pushed up dozens of them at one time, rather than foolishly all the time.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Although these guys bear the name of cattle, their IQ is still good.

"Brother Lin!" Xiaobai once again said to Lin Feng that his white clothes had become dirty. He looked at Lin Feng pitifully and said, "brother Lin, I don't know how hard it took to find you all the way!"

"Come on up!" Lin Feng waved his hand and Xiaobai fell beside Zhao Qingluo. Seeing Zhao Qingluo, Xiaobai seemed embarrassed and silently turned his head.

Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head.

"Oh, oh, look at that giant cow. It's so stupid!" Xiaobai suddenly shouted. All the spotted giant cattle looked at Xiaobai. Xiaobai swallowed his saliva and looked pitifully at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's mind went directly to the spotted giant cattle. The spotted giant cattle, who could only fight clumsily, immediately became sensitive. Under Lin Feng's guidance, these spotted giant cattle kept going up and down and directly surrounded the Titan in the middle. The Titan had no power to refuse at all.

"Brother Lin, you are so powerful!"

Xiaobai gave Lin Feng a thumbs up and said.

Lin Feng just looked at the front, and his mind was still passing. With Lin Feng's passing, these spotted giant cattle seemed to realize their importance, and all of them began to agitate.

This is a born thug!

Seeing the appearance of these spotted giant cattle, Lin Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Soon, the Titan fell to the ground and struggled powerlessly. Sixteen spotted giant cattle took Titan, one of the overlords in the secret land of the wilderness.

"The Titan's cultivation is so high that he didn't expect to be so fragile under the spotted giant ox." Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

"It's not that the spotted giant cattle are powerful, but brother Lin's array is powerful. These sixteen spotted giant cattle form a huge array. This array envelops the Titan. Brother Lin uses force!"

Zhao Qingluo explained softly.

"Xiaobai, where are Ji Zhao and them?" Lin Feng looked back at Ji Zhao.

What he asked Xiaobai to do was to follow the dean's instructions and bring in the students of Qingshan Academy who had several air boxes.

Of course, the purpose of coming in is to experience. Secondly, it is to prevent Qin Shuangshuang. When Qin Shuangshuang comes in this time, it is impossible for Tianhuang academy to say that they just go after some experience. Hongshan will never allow Qin shuangshuangshuang to take away things from the secret land of the wilderness.

"In a few hundred years, this secret wilderness will be really good." Lin Feng looked at the secret land of the field and said softly.

"Grandpa and Du Laohan have kept this secret place for hundreds of thousands of years to use it as the school of Castle Peak academy after it is stable." Zhao Qingluo's eyes looked forward to it. "Not many people know this secret, but the secret land of the wilderness is really a good... The secret land of space doesn't need experience at all. Just get the spirit of space."

Lin Feng nodded.

Zhao Qingluo's understanding of the wilderness is naturally deeper than him.

"Come on, let's do our business first!" Lin Feng said with a smile. Zhao Qingluo's eyes fell on Lin Feng. If Lin Feng is really a lucky man as Grandpa said, can Lin Feng help

Instead, Zhao Qingluo shook his head.

Even Lin Feng may not be able to get such an important thing!

Thinking of this, Zhao Qingluo's look darkened again.

"You want to ask me about the dead flowers!" Seeing Zhao Qingluo's appearance, Lin Feng said with a smile, "do you want to find dead flowers?"

Zhao Qingluo bit his lips and nodded after hearing Lin Feng's words for a while.

"I want to avenge my parents. I can only get the dead flowers. However, the dead flowers have always been in the hands of the Zhao family, but grandpa told me that the dead flowers of the Zhao family are fake. No matter who gives light to the dead flowers, after light to the great revenge, go up the poor blue and down the yellow spring, light to follow the Lord forever, and never repent. "

Zhao Qingluo said to Lin Feng with a positive face.

Xiaobai's heart tightened. She had ignored Zhao Qingluo. At this time, she grabbed Zhao Qingluo's arm. Zhao Qingluo looked at Lin Feng seriously.

"I've seen dead flowers, but I don't know how to find them. At least now, we can't get them." Lin Feng sighed and said.

"Master, the place where the dead flowers are located may be at the spatial level or in the yanxuan continent. It is more likely that it is just a shadow cast by the main star. The Zhao family has exhausted all their efforts to find it. Master, you'd better not participate."

Qianlong's voice sounded in Lin Feng's ear.

"I've seen it. Of course I can look for it." Lin Feng said carelessly.

Zhao Qingluo stared round at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng waved his hand and a video appeared in front of Zhao Qingluo. Seeing the scene in the video, Zhao Qingluo's body trembled. With her trembling, the four petals on Zhao Qingluo's forehead turned around actively.

"Tut Tut, it's not inferior to the constitution of her ancestors!"

Seeing Zhao Qingluo's appearance, Houtu whispered, "if the master can ask the girl to follow him in the future, the master won't lose. The girl is worth the master's pay."

"Thick soil is right." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Hong Shan's granddaughter, who is personally guarded by Hong Shan, how can her cultivation talent be poor!

"Brother Lin!" Zhao Qingluo turned to look at Lin Feng with some expectation in his eyes.

"I've only seen it. This dead flower is of no great use to me. If it's really useful to you, I'll give it to you, but I don't have it." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said.

"It is said that the ancestors of the Zhao family left this page after reaching the level of the Immortal Emperor, but no one knows where she has gone, and the dead flowers have disappeared with her." Zhao Qingluo bit his lips slightly. "Will that place... Be her last foothold?"

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