"Master?" Qianlong shouted out in some uncertainty, master, are you going to walk the road you have walked before again? " Qianlong asked carefully.

Lin Feng didn't answer Qianlong's words, but walked slowly towards the front. The place he walked was the same as the place he walked before.

Was it really sent back by the star?

All these scenes are really familiar. He has been in this state for many days in the vast desert!

Suddenly, the soil layer below moved, Lin Feng waved his hand, and the white feather sword directly cut off a small insecticidal.

It's true, everything is true!

Lin Feng looked down at the Sandworm beast rolling its body, frowning. Why?

All this is so true that Lin Feng thinks it is his own illusion. However, how can the illusion be so true?

Lin Feng stood there, holding the white feather sword in his hand. For a while, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and said, "will we enter the Dragon tomb at the beginning? Now we have walked out of the Dragon tomb? "

Lin Feng felt the position of his heart.

The dragon's blood in the heart is still flowing slowly, and there is no previous palpitation.

"Master, I think we entered the Dragon tomb later. Maybe it's just the same environment. After all, the environment is made by Xingyu. Therefore, it's understandable that the environment here is somewhat different."

Thick soil whispered to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng paused for a moment and looked ahead. His eyes became brighter and brighter.

Since it is very possible to make it yourself, it seems that it is not too much to pass it on now. In that case

Lin Feng speeds up and flies to the front. The surrounding scenery is constantly changing. Lin Feng's mind is constantly feeling the surrounding environment. Since it's just a fake environment, there will be loopholes!

Lin Feng is very confident about this!

Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped. The wind blew in the distance. Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes. There was a familiar smell in the wind, but the big guys were not there.


Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. With a wave of his hand, an attack directly hit around. Lin Feng's speed was very fast. When there was no response, Lin Feng's attack had fallen on it.

Dare to play with me?

Lin Feng groaned, shaking his hand, accelerated his speed and rushed to the front.

"Get ready for battle!" Lin Feng's mind roared. Bai Yu sword directly imagined the front with a spirit training, and the surrounding environment immediately changed.

"Play this with me, young master. I'm the ancestor, okay?" Lin Feng wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. The surrounding environment was slowly changing. Suddenly, an attack rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

The three fell in front of Lin Feng and were directly combined. A burst of light directly swallowed the attack in front.

"The power of pure gold!"

"This guy still likes to play like this!"

"I don't know if I've been playing for hundreds of thousands of years. Are you tired of playing?" Three shuttle, you look at me and say a word.

"Fortunately, the master transformed our identity and gave us a new understanding of energy absorption. Otherwise, we are really not the opponent of this guy. This guy is too cunning!"

Houtu said with a smile, "it seems that this guy has grown a lot over the years!"

"This guy is more than growing up. This guy is becoming more and more cheap!"

Hearing the words of Houtu, Qianlong turned his eyes and said, "among the five elements, the power of gold is only second to the power of thunder. As the first dragon, Xingyu has already figured out the power. Now he comes out with his own power, isn't he bullying us?"

Qianlong's voice was full of complaints.

"This guy is really powerful. He can maintain such strength after hundreds of thousands of years. He can compete with the three of us now. This guy maintains well."

Borch sighed with relief. "Master, let's be careful of this guy. This guy is not a vegetarian."

"I see." Lin Feng nodded.

After the integration of the three, the power is more powerful.

"I see!" Suddenly, houtudun said, "master, this time, we may be busy. Xingyu is not like relying on you!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng's mind moved and looked up at the sky. There was a golden power flashing in the sky. Seeing this power, Lin Feng was stunned in his eyes. Is this?

Star shuttle?

No, it's just the spirit of the star shuttle!

The spirit is the spirit of this space!

"Xingyu is independent of his own power. He left the dragon's blood and Xingyu shuttle in the Dragon tomb, but he has become the master of the secret land of the wilderness. This guy is really brave. He doesn't worry about the trouble of the Dragon Emperor in the future?"

"The Dragon Emperor has long disappeared, and there may be only a pair of bodies left, so I advise you not to put your hope on the Dragon Emperor. Now our main purpose is to get the blood of the dragon."

Chihiro's voice was chilly and said.

"It's not good to be so ambitious and destroy your prestige. Since you've come, there's no reason to let go. I want the dragon blood. I want the star shuttle, and I want the spirit of the star shuttle, too!"

Lin Feng's words are simple, but the words are affirmative.

Now that you're here, there's no reason to let go!

Lin Feng's eyes slowly took back from the horizon and turned to walk directly inside. The three followed Lin Feng, and the love on his face was a little nervous. When they heard Lin Feng's words, they always felt that the Master seemed to be going to do a big job!

This is their master!

If the host plays too much, it's them who suffer?

Thinking of this, the three of you looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, they silently came down to Lin Feng and continued to move forward with Lin Feng.

Here is Lin Feng's journey alone.

"Give up those indifferent things. Since I'm here, I can go for the first time, and I can still go for the second time, even for the third, fourth and fifth time..."

Lin Feng's voice is very light, but Lin Feng believes that the star can be heard.

This boy is very proud!

When the boy gets his hands, he will tell the boy what it is to be a shuttle!

Even the young master dares to play tricks. He thinks that guy is dead!

Lin Feng's eyes are serious.

Lin Feng's my speed is very fast, step by step forward, and I look serious.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and Lin Feng's body immediately tightened up.

An attack rushed towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng hurried to open more. The attack passed by Lin Feng, turned around and attacked Lin Feng again.

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