
The attack and the white feather sword were facing each other. A golden blade slowly moved the little three, and Lin Feng snorted coldly.

If Fan Ying hadn't been fast enough, this guy would have hanged his heart!

What a powerful thing!

Lin Feng looked at the front with stars in his eyes. He could never give up!

Lin Feng continued to move forward, but this time, he accelerated his speed. With Lin Feng's speed, the surrounding environment kept retreating in Lin Feng's eyes, and attacks rushed towards Lin Feng, but those attacks quickly dissipated after contacting Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin!" A startling cry came from the distance. Lin Feng looked at it and Xiaobai rushed directly towards Lin Feng. "Brother Lin, I'm curious. I've been walking here all the time. It doesn't affect me."

Xiaobai smiled at Lin Feng and said.

Is this guy a descendant of Xingyu?

Lin Feng looked down at Xiaobai. Xiaobai stood there foolishly. Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Lin Feng paused, turned to nod and said, "probably. Let's go first."

"Brother Lin, you don't know I've been waiting for you here for a long time." Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai waved his hand and said, "it's really annoying along the way. The surrounding scenery has changed and changed. I thought I was lost again!"

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed immediately.

Before Xiaobai started, Lin Feng's white feather sword directly penetrated Xiaobai's body, and countless golden lights dissipated little by little. Lin Feng snorted coldly and looked up at the sky.

The sky was quiet, but Lin Feng knew that Xingyu must be watching everything around here. He didn't believe that this guy would give up such a good thing since he came!

There will be no free lunch at the end of the day!

"Xingyu, since I'm here, I don't mean to give up. Do you want to surrender or wait for me to shoot down? I won't interfere with your choice, but you'd better know the difference between the two!"

The sky was quiet. Obviously, he didn't answer Lin Feng.

"The master is so domineering!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong only felt very hot eyes. In this fairyland, the master's cultivation just began to be at the bottom. The master can say such domineering words. If you are not familiar with people, you must have laughed off your big teeth.

Lin Feng went on.

"Master, be careful!" Thick soil suddenly said, Lin Feng nodded and his eyes were serious. With Lin Feng moving forward, the surrounding scenery began to change. Those changes went deep into Lin Feng's mind a little bit. When he felt these changes, the corners of Lin Feng's mouth closed.

"Master, I feel it?" Borch suddenly shouted in surprise.

Lin Feng nodded.

He had also felt the violent tremor from his heart.

"Exotic flavor?" Suddenly, Qianlong's voice became sharp, "master, it's the breath of the demon world. How can there be people in the demon world here?"

People in the demon world?

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "all the students who came in are from Castle Peak Academy. There can never be an exotic atmosphere here."

Lin Feng said very definitely.

"No, someone came in. This guy should also be a student of Castle Peak college." Houtu said with certainty, "master, you'd better be invisible. In this way, you can enter safely."

Hearing the words of thick soil, Lin Feng nodded.

Lin Feng's body suddenly disappeared into the wilderness. The touch in the sky suddenly lost Lin Feng's breath and poked out from the clouds. Lin Feng really disappeared.

Where's this guy?

Xingyu frowned and his eyes were full of doubts. He didn't think that someone could break his array!

He made it here!

Ordinary people simply can't do it!

Thinking of this, the look of the star is a little cold. He doesn't like such destruction!

"That guy stuck his head out!" Qianlong communicated with Lin Feng with his mind, "master, why don't you catch that little thing first and let's deal with it again?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

The star is hiding in the clouds. In addition, the tool spirit is just a transparent body. It's a little too simple to avoid yourself. Therefore, the best way is to get the star shuttle and consider catching it back.

As long as the star shuttle is in hand, Lin Feng believes that the guy can't run away!

"Let's not worry!" Lin Feng said softly, "first find the Dragon tomb and get the dragon's blood. Only when we get the dragon's blood can we unite all our forces. At that time, even if Xingyu wants to refuse, there is no way."

Lin Feng's voice is very light.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, sansuo was silent.

They knew that Lin Feng was telling the truth. As long as they took the dragon's blood and the star shuttle and had to deal with it, it would be very simple.

Lin Feng sat there in a good mood.

Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped.

His mind slowly flowed away in the surrounding space, and his body was washed away by forces; Among the forces, Lin Feng felt a familiar force.

It's that force!

Yes, that's the power! He is familiar with the power, which is the power of the blood of the dragon!

Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes, accelerated his steps and stood where he first stood.

"Is the master crazy?" Seeing that Lin Feng went back directly, Qianlong whispered, "how did the master go back again?"

Lin Feng walked up again according to the previous road. This time, Lin Feng walked very seriously. He wanted to step on all places and didn't mean to let go of any place.

This is where he is looking!

Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile. As long as he finds here, he will be able to find all his strength!

Lin Feng looked serious.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the three shuttles were all silent. They saw it clearly from Lin Feng.

An insect killer rushed towards Lin Feng again. Lin Feng's white feather sword directly killed the insect killer. In turn, Lin Feng stopped, and a faint smile came up at the corner of his mouth. He knew where the entrance of the Dragon tomb was.

Looking up, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no place to find. It turns out that the entrance to the Dragon tomb is the entrance to the secret land of the wilderness.

No wonder everyone can't find where the Dragon tomb is!

"The secret land of the wilderness is here. Can we go out to the periphery in advance now?" Lin Feng suddenly asked Qianlong.

"Although these sunglasses are powerful, we can also break through this secret situation and go out directly." Qianlong nodded and said.

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