"Well, let's go. Let's break through this secret place and go out now!" Lin Feng's mouth wore a gentle smile, "I know how to destroy this secret place!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, sansuo was excited with Lin Feng!

The master has found a secret place to enter!

As long as you can enter it, everything else is not a thing!

Thinking of this, sansuo, you look at me and I look at you. They all see excitement from each other's eyes.

As long as you can go in

As long as you can go in, everything is not a problem!

"Let's go." Lin Feng raised his head and said with a smile, "in that case, let's go directly to the place at the entrance."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone turned to look at Lin Feng and looked puzzled.

"Do you remember what the dean said? There are fragments of the Dragon tomb in the secret wilderness. The fragments of the Dragon tomb are made of special materials, but have we never seen that kind of material in the secret wilderness? "

Lin Feng turned to look at sansuo and said with a smile.

Sansuo nodded. Indeed, they went all the way and didn't see it at all!

"Isn't the Dragon tomb here?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, sansuo trembled. If they were not here, wouldn't they be happy in vain? However, they clearly feel the existence of the star!

"Yes, of course here!" Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile, "but we were wrong at the beginning. The Dragon tomb is not in the field secret land, but in the field secret land, which is the top of the whole dragon tomb, that is, the Dragon tomb is under the field secret land."

Lin Feng pointed to the ground below and said with a smile, "those sand insects climbed out of the Dragon tomb." Lin Feng said with a positive face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, sansuo looked at each other and trembled.

If what Lin Feng said is true, then


Sansuo did not hesitate to fit. Before Xingyu reacted, they rushed out of the secret land of the field and stood at the door. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

This place is really... Familiar.

Lin Feng's hand was slowly placed on a piece of fragments of the Dragon tomb. A breath locked these fragments of the Dragon tomb. Lin Feng slowly put his eyes on the coin, and his mind spread deep along these smells.

Still can't see the depth of the edge, but this time, Lin Feng recalled a faint smile.

Suddenly, Lin Feng opened his eyes.

"Go straight ahead, you take me through the space barrier over there!" Lin Feng pointed to the front and said.

"Yes, master!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, sansuo's light became more and more bright. He directly wrapped Lin Feng's body and rushed over there. Lin Feng looked at the scenery there and raised a faint smile. He didn't believe that he couldn't solve such a thing in the mysterious continent!

Feeling the power getting closer and closer, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile and threw out an attack directly.


Something was broken. Lin Feng stood there with a gentle smile on his mouth. In front of him, it was still the secret land of the wilderness, but it was different from the secret land of the wilderness.

here we are!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked ahead with a faint light in his eyes.

"Master, shall we go on?" Qianlong whispered, "we have penetrated the hierarchy."

"Wait." Lin Feng waved his hand and looked at the sky.

The situation of the wilderness secret place is reflected in the sky. Xiaobai, Zhao Qingluo and Alice have shuttled through the secret place. Over there, all the students of Castle Peak college surrounded the people to be surrounded.

Qin Shuangshuang was struggling in the whole.

"Not bad. This guy is very capable." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Worthy of being taught by the master." Qianlong smiled and said, "these little guys are good thieves one by one. It's just that so much blood has been spilled in the castle peak academy. Don't make trouble there."

"Preparation is your ability." Lin Feng said with a smile, "Alice is not in there. These students just found the loophole in the secret land of the wilderness and happened to come in. If you want to blame it, it's Tianhuang Academy's failure to find it."

Lin Feng stood there with his hands on his back, saying that the clouds were light and the wind was light.

This world has always been the world of the strong.

Even if Qinyuan was trying to find trouble, all the students of Qingshan academy went in from under his eyelids. These extra students of Qingshan academy really just appeared here for special reasons.

Qin Yun couldn't find any reason.

"Let's go. It's getting late. Let's go in." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and walked directly to the front.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people behind immediately followed Lin Feng, with smiles on their faces. When they heard that Lin Feng was going to look in front, everyone's spirit perked up.

Along the way, several people looked at the scenery above and paid attention to the road below.

There were not many things in the void. Several people moved forward, and occasionally there were small space cracks. Lin Feng also skillfully hid in the past.

"Master, something's wrong. That guy in Xingyu can't put his graveyard in the void. Have we been deceived by this guy's cover up?"

Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng.

"I guess so." Lin Feng nodded and stood there no longer walking. The space crack passed by Lin Feng. Lin Feng's body skillfully hid in the past. The crack wrapped the meteorite behind, and the meteorite instantly turned into soot.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's look changed.

These space cracks are so powerful!

"Master, look down!" Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng. Lin Feng bowed his head and saw a continuous burst of thunder below. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's face immediately changed.

good heavens!

It's down there.

"There are space cracks below. It's estimated that it's a little difficult for us to pass." Houtu sighed.

"You can't go, you have to go!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth and snorted coldly. Looking at the front, his eyes were gloomy and uncertain. Anyway, he had to solve the trouble in front of him!

Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with gloom and uncertainty!

"But... Are these space cracks... Too many?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, sansuo turned to look at Lin Feng and said with some uncertainty, "so many space cracks, it must not be so easy to penetrate the past."

"Then break in!" Lin Feng looked at the front and said with a cold face, "anyway, we have to go first. As for what will happen in the back, it's all behind." Lin Feng said solemnly, "I'm his mother. I don't believe I can't solve such a trouble!"

Then Lin Feng's body went directly down.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the surrounding environment also changed.

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