"Master, what shall we do? There are many things under this! " Three shuttles close together with Lin Feng all the way down, "all of them are those sand insects. They are constantly climbing up. Moreover, the space cracks here seem to be useless to those sand insects."

Hearing sansuo's words, Lin Feng frowned.

This thing is really a trouble.

"You come back first." Lin Feng put away the three shuttles and stood in the void. He looked down with some gloom and uncertainty. Obviously, it was not so easy to let people pass.

Lin Feng stood there, looking a little gloomy. He had to go there.

However, the road in front of us seems to be somewhat impractical.

This damn thing is completely blocking his way!

Lin Feng stood there with a bit of gloom on his face. Suddenly, Lin Feng waved his hand and attacked directly in front. He didn't believe it. He couldn't solve such a small problem!

Lin Feng snorted coldly, shook his hand, and an attack fell directly on the space crack.

The space crack did not move, but was quiet there, emitting a disturbing light.

The spiritual power training fell on the space crack, which cut the spiritual power training into countless sections floating in the void. Beauty, but this beauty is too deadly!

This is a big problem!

Lin Feng is standing on the space crack, and a suction force is constantly sucking Lin Feng's body. His clothes don't tell Lin Feng how he won't stop sucking.

Since we can arrange such a game, there must be a solution.

Lin Feng sat there with his mouth closed. He looked serious. He was observing and observing these space cracks.

The space cracks are constantly swimming. Walking, Lin Feng is not given any chance at all. Obviously, these space cracks also know what Lin Feng wants to do and have been on guard all the time.

Feeling this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

What a trouble!

Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes and his mind slowly approached the space crack.

These cracks are constantly separating, filling the surrounding space again and again.

Here, it has almost become a paradise for space cracks, and can be said to be pervasive.

Only those sandworms.

Sandworms shuttle between space cracks, which have no intention of attacking sandworms.


With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, several sand insects fell in front of Lin Feng. The sand insects swam in front of Lin Feng. Walking, they seemed to be afraid and cold. Seeing the appearance of these sand insects, Lin Feng's look was cold.

He couldn't find the contradiction.

If you can't find it, there must be a contradiction.

This is a truth that Lin Feng has always known.

Since you don't want me to find it, I have to find it!

Lin Feng took the sand worm in his hand and slowly studied it. Time passed bit by bit. Lin Feng didn't seem to know that time had passed.

In the secret realm above, Qin Shuangshuang and Yun Luoying have fled the encirclement and shuttled through the secret realm of the field.

Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

This time, Lin Feng didn't sprint down, but rushed directly to the secret place.

"Master, what are you doing?" Qianlong hurriedly asked Lin Feng. Lin Feng didn't answer Qianlong's words. His whole body was full of strength and hit the secret place with a fist.

The secret place is not reliable.

Being hit by Lin Feng's fist, the whole secret place collapsed in an instant and was exposed in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stood there with his hands on his back and looked at the secret land of the sudden collapse of the wind.

"Master, they are still in the secret place!" Qianlong said loudly to Lin Feng with a little fear. In his opinion, Lin Feng is definitely not such a murderer!

"Don't worry, it's not a secret place at all, it's just a refractor. The secret place is below, below these space cracks." Lin Feng pointed down and said with a smile, "without the refractor, we can find the Dragon tomb hidden in the secret territory."

Lin Feng stood where there was a secret place before.

Sansuo was confused by Lin Feng. I don't know why Lin Feng said so.

"Master... Are you mistaken?"

"Have you noticed before that all the people in the secret realm are facing us in the opposite direction. What does this mean? It's like having a mirror in front of us. What we see is the secret realm in the mirror. The real secret realm should be where it can be refracted."

Lin Feng pointed to a place in the space, turned and rushed directly.

Sansuo followed Lin Feng.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, something broke in Lin Feng's face, and countless space cracks swam around. Walking, Lin Feng was in the middle, his body directly shuttled through the past, and turned to look at the scene below with a bit of heaviness.

What he wants is right under this.

Lin Feng pursed his mouth, with some joy on his face.

"Master, I see!" Sansuo followed Lin Feng and said loudly, "we've found a place!"

"Yes, master, we can finally shuttle through!"

"Master, it's really great!"

Sansuo followed Lin Feng and said loudly to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Yeah, great. They finally came in.

"Come on, let's go and meet this star for a while!" Lin Feng's mouth aroused a gentle smile, but his eyes were only indifferent. Looking at the front, he waved his hand and directly integrated his whole body into it.

Sansuo is close to Lin Feng.

It fell on the ground and was made of real gold everywhere, which made Lin Feng somewhat invisible.

This is the tomb of the golden beginning Dragon Star!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his hands. The whole fighting spirit soared with him. Finally, he found it!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was in a better mood.

"Master, we'll accompany you in!" Qianlong said to Lin Feng with a smile, "Congratulations, master, you're going to get a share of the blood of the dragon!"

"Your mouth. Ba is very sweet!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "let's go. We really should go in. After coming here for such a long time, we finally solved the problem."

Lin Feng is in a good mood.

To solve this problem, Lin Feng's mood is even better.

"Let's go back and forth now. When we get to the destination and get something, don't worry, master. We'll help you teach the cutting-edge boy a good lesson. This guy really keeps talking!"

Qianlong chatters endlessly.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Master, be careful ahead. The combat effectiveness of Xingyu is very strong. His cemetery must not be so easy to pass." Compared with Qianlong's creation, thick soil is much more gentle, he whispered to Lin Feng.

"I know. Don't worry. Let's go."

Lin Feng looked at the front with his back and breathed a sigh of relief.

The blood of the dragon, Lin Feng, is here again!

[recommend Tianquan star's ghost blade of the strongest king of war, the king of war returning to the city. Why do you take it so? How do you step on all living beings, look up at all things, embrace beautiful women and take charge of the sky?]

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