Lin Feng's body went straight forward.

"Be careful, master!" Qianlong suddenly shouted, and Lin Feng's body was on alert for him in an instant. Then, a light shuttle directly from Lin Feng's side, and Lin Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead.


"The power of gold is the sharpest power to attack among the five elements. Although Xingyu doesn't rank high, it's mainly because the above ones are too changed. Among the first dragons we master the power of the five elements, he is the most powerful."

Thick soil came to Lin Feng and said softly.

Hearing Houtu's words, Lin Feng nodded and looked serious.

"The girl Qin Shuangshuang fought with Qingshan Academy." Qianlong's focus is in the sky.

"Don't worry, there are so many people. Qin Shuangshuang won't be an opponent even if he has three heads and six arms. Besides, there is his wife on it. Do you think his wife is a fuel-saving lamp?" Poche said painlessly, "madam, ordinary people can't deal with it."

Borch had absolute trust in Alice.

"Well, although Qin Shuangshuang's cultivation is good, she still checked some in front of so many people. Moreover, Alice has a lot of arrays in hand. Once those group battle arrays are used, Alice's strength can be increased more than ten times."

Lin Feng also nodded and walked slowly in the void.

Here, it's not empty. Lin Feng's mind is slowly released. He can feel the surging forces around him. Those forces are constantly passing here.

What a strange power.

Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes. A faint feeling directly spread all over his whole body. This power was constantly stirring around Lin Feng. Lin Feng couldn't grasp or touch it, but he could feel it.

That's what's doing!

Lin Feng can know all this clearly without thinking.

Unbearable power!

Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes, and his body trembled. Then, a strong wind came directly from around. Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes, shook his hand, and a spiritual practice directly washed away.

Want to trouble me?

Lin Feng sneered. The atmosphere around him was constantly changing, and his bright eyes locked directly in front of him.

No one has dared to come to him for such trouble!

The field of potential energy and sword bloomed at Lin Feng's feet. The originally transparent world suddenly began to change. Golden lights flickered around and attacked Lin Feng directly.

"Isn't that guy Xingyu dying? Why is the level so powerful! " Chihiro screamed and said loudly.

"Because when he set the level, he certainly didn't expect our master to be so young and powerful." Poche sighed and said, "but this power should come with the cultivation of the successor. These attacks are within the range that the master can bear!"

"What a loss!" Qianlong murmured, but he didn't set any level!

"Can you compete? You give the dragon's blood to a woman. If the master didn't hurry up in the past, the dragon's blood, that woman tried her best to integrate into her own body! " The voice of thick soil was not heavy or light. Qianlong hit the corner of his mouth and didn't speak.

It's his fault.

Qianlong himself didn't expect that his old love. People would go back on their word. Even if they did, they wanted to fight against the blood of the dragon!

Even the mentally retarded people who started the twelve dragons and encouraged the learning of the false dragon dare not dream about the blood of the dragon!

The Dragon Emperor is a combination of heaven and earth. He is appointed by heaven. No one can change it!

"I... I'm just kidding. Look at me. When did I eat that?" Qianlong murmured and whispered, "I'm still right and wrong."

Sansuo was silent.

At this time, they couldn't help at all. They had to stand aside and watch eagerly.

Lin Feng's eyes were solemn. He looked at the front with his eyes. His hands shook and attacked one after another.

Lin Feng's attack was quick and accurate.

Feeling Lin Feng's attack, sansuo couldn't help shaking his head.

At this time, the master hasn't used all his skills. It seems that the master is getting more and more powerful!

"Are we going to do something now?" The three shuttle floated in the void and asked in a low voice.

"There is no way. We can only deal with it by ourselves. This is the test of the star. Only after the master has passed, can he get the blood of the dragon." Thick soil is the most realistic, floating there, said faintly.

"Thick soil, can I tell you something?" Hearing Houtu's words, Qianlong turned his head and bared his teeth at Houtu, "can you stop talking nonsense?"

Thick soil should not be thick.

He was the last one to wake up. As soon as he woke up, he accepted the transformation. Although his cultivation was the weakest, after the transformation, he did have the best performance among the three shuttles.

Thank Lin Feng for all this.

Qianlong and Boqi hate the kindness to Houtu.

They want to be treated like this, but they don't!

"Look, if the master has something wrong, we can't explain it!" With that, thick soil flew straight forward, looking forward.

Three shuttles fell around Lin Feng. Lin Feng's attack speed was very fast, and a few clouds in the golden light remembered things, but Lin Feng was always able to catch them at the right time.

"NIMA, it's not over?" Feeling this scene, Lin Feng's face became gloomy for a moment,

These golden lights have been constantly deriving and attacking, which makes Lin Feng very unhappy now. He wants to solve these things quickly!

Lin Feng's whole body began to transform. The Dragon claws and scales covered him. Lin Feng stood there and let the golden light hit him.

Under the cover of dragon scales, these golden lights hit Lin Feng, just like tickling Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

No matter how the golden light hit him, Lin Feng looked as light as a cloud and directly penetrated the clouds below. Lin Feng's eyes were firm.

Nima, he wants to see who wants to trouble him!

Lin Feng fell directly on the physical ground. In front of him was a small courtyard. In the courtyard, a man in a white robe embroidered with gold silk thread was sitting there for tea. When he saw Lin Feng coming, the man turned and looked at Lin Feng.

"Are you the star?"

Lin Feng took a step forward.

The man in white didn't answer Lin Feng's words, but directly attacked Lin Feng. He was quick and ruthless, and didn't give Lin Feng time to react at all.

This is deliberately looking for trouble!

Lin Feng snorted coldly.

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