"Do you think I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Lin Feng sneered and shook his hand. Lingli pilian directly opposed the man's attack. He had been on guard against the man for a long time, so when the man attacked himself, he attacked at the first time.

There is no free lunch in the world. Obviously, these guys don't want to give him up!

To live to this day, Lin Feng does not rely on his talent, but on his continuous efforts and sweat!

During the battle, he experienced a lot and walked through many corpse mountains and seas of fire. He finally came to today. Although these guys are powerful, they are still a little worse for Lin Feng!

"Master, this guy is a puppet!"

"This is a puppet refined by the stars!"

"Xingyu is best at refining puppets. Although this guy is a dragon, he has been in charge of the whole puppet sect for many years. No one even found that he is a dragon." Sansuo whispered to Lin Feng.

Is there such a thing?


"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Lin Feng turned his eyes, and the white feather sword stirred the puppet to pieces.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes.

By the time he realized it, he had solved the whole puppet!

These two damn boys, this is clearly intentional!

Lin Feng stood there, looking at the front, slightly biting his silver teeth, his eyes glittering with light, and said, "let's go in, maybe there's more in it!"

"Master..." hearing Lin Feng's words, sansuo looked helpless.

"Master, this puppet is exclusive to Xingyu. As you can see, if this puppet is not as good as you, he will collapse directly." Qianlong whispered to remind Lin Feng and said.

"It's all right. Don't I still have chaos seeds? Let's put the puppet in. It's certainly possible to play a song puppet in such a large space. " Lin Feng said with a smile, "as for him to fight in my world, let him be happy!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, sansuo immediately became silent.

Nima, they all forgot that Lin Feng has this function!

This is

For a time, everyone didn't know what to say. How could they forget that there was such an unnatural baby on the master!

That's just a professional setting for opening and hanging up.

Sansuo stopped talking.

The courtyard is deep.

Lin Feng walked inside and walked through one door after another. The scenery behind each door was different. He met many puppets along the way. Lin Feng took all my puppets back and took them as his own.

These puppets are all good things. If you take them back to guard the gate or something, they must be first-class!

"Master, what are you doing with so many puppets?" When Lin Feng saw the puppet, he put it away. Finally, Boqi couldn't stand it. Looking at Lin Feng, he asked carefully.

"Is there something missing in our Dasheng village? I thought carefully. There are no big things missing, but there are still some small things. For example, like this kind of puppet, it's good to let these puppets guard the Dasheng village or send them to the hero's restaurant after thorough research!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "these are good things."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, sansuo couldn't help shaking.

How can they forget that the master is a complete bandit!

Sansuo was silent.

A light suddenly came down from the sky. When he got the light, he directly shrouded Lin Feng's body. After feeling the light, Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the sky. Countless smells were gathering here.

What is this?

Lin Feng was stunned. After feeling the breath, his eyes narrowed slightly.

This is the star!

Lin Feng was almost sure that the little thing Xingyu was coming!

"Are there any ways for you three to deal with dragon shaped tools like you?" Lin Feng suddenly asked.

Sansuo was silent.

"No." Qianlong took the lead.

"I don't know." Poche also said.

"No one in our dragon clan can use the dragon clan's soul as an instrument spirit except the Dragon Emperor, so I don't know how to deal with the dragon clan's instrument spirit."

Thick soil also said pitifully.

They are the supreme dragon family. If Lin Feng didn't have the blood of the Dragon Emperor flowing on his body, they wouldn't compromise in front of Lin Feng!

Hearing sansuo's words, Lin Feng nodded.

Obviously, this is a difficult problem.

It's really... A trouble!

Hearing sansuo's words, Lin Feng closed his eyes and was agitated around. He successfully captured the breath of Xingyu. Xingyu probably thought Lin Feng couldn't catch him and was floating around all the time.

"Do you know the fatal point of the star?" Lin Feng asked again.

"I don't know."

Three shuttle's answer, neat and uniform.

Is there any difference between asking and not asking?

Lin Feng paused for a moment and directly turned to walk towards the front. The Star Crane tail followed behind. He felt the follower following behind. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile. Although the little guy never spoke, he always followed behind.

Obviously, he was afraid.

"Upright Shilong, I used to like to do this little thing of sneaking around. Are you too sorry for your name of golden Shilong this month?" Lin Feng walked slowly towards the front with his back hands.

It was quiet around.

The smell of Xingyu is much lighter, but Lin Feng can still catch a little trace.

This guy boasts of being smart. Protect yourself well, but as soon as Lin Feng's breath comes over, it will be exposed.

That's smart.

Lin Feng walked slowly towards the front.

Lin Feng's speed is not very fast. Sometimes he suddenly speeds up and sometimes slows down.

Xingyu followed Lin Feng, always properly controlled his speed and walked with Lin Feng.

Where's the smart little guy!

Feel the appearance of the star, the corners of Lin Feng's mouth hook up.

Naturally, he won't let Xingyu catch it so easily. The most important thing is that Xingyu is too unreliable.

Lin Feng's speed is very slow, and Xingyu follows Lin Feng's back step by step, walking forward with Lin Feng.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's breath disappeared, and the whole disappeared in front of Xingyu.

"Where have you been?" Xingyu's body showed up, and his eyes kept scanning around with some curiosity. It was quiet around, and there was no one.

Feeling this, Xingyu's body trembled.

"Hehe, what a dishonest guy!" Lin Feng smiled and came out from around. He clasped Xingyu's body in his hand and played.

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