Xingyu wanted to struggle, but he couldn't struggle out of Lin Feng's hand at all. He could only let Lin Feng buckle him and take him to the outside. His struggling eyes twinkled with anger and looked at Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng had a good time. He played with the star in his hand, with a bit of exploration in his eyes.

Why is this thing so fun?

Lin Feng turned to look at the two people and said with a smile.

"Let go of me." The stars looked cold.

Lin Feng sat there smiling.

"Give me a reason to let you go, and I'll let you go, otherwise I'm sorry, I won't let you go." Lin Feng looked at Xingyu with a smile and said, "or can't you give me a reason to let go of you?"

Xingyu's body trembled slightly.

Lin Feng's words, although smiling, but Xingyu felt the cold from the cold winter and the twelfth moon.

The guy in front of me is not a easy guy at all!

On the surface, he looked gentle, but the smile made Xingyu's hair stand up. He was a real villain!

Xingyu stood there and confronted Lin Feng.

"Oh, oh, isn't this the little fart child of Xingyu?" Qianlong's untimely voice immediately came together, "Oh, Hello, little guy. I haven't seen you for several times. I said, little guy, why are you becoming more and more cute? Who do you think you inherited?"

Qianlong smiled in front of Xingyu, looked up and down at Xingyu, smiled and said, "isn't this who?"

In Qianlong's voice, it was all cheap, "Oh, oh, isn't this the Lord Xingyu who vowed not to be another's slave all his life?" Chihiro's voice rose again.

In Qianlong's voice, it sounded like being cheap, and Lin Feng's eyebrows frowned slightly.


Xingyu looked at Qianlong, but Qianlong was still shaking in front of Xingyu.

"Well, don't make trouble." Lin Feng has recovered, and Qianlong is quiet immediately. Lin Feng puts his eyes on Xingyu and feels Lin Feng's eyes. Xingyu's look changes a little.

"What do you want?" Xingyu looked at Lin Feng with a cold face, "I won't recognize you as the Lord. My master can only be Lord long Huang!"

"I inherited the blood of the Dragon Emperor. Is there any difference between me and the Dragon Emperor?" Lin Feng smiled, looked at the star and said, "look at me now, isn't it your Dragon Emperor!"

"You're not!" Xingyu's voice increased a little, "Lord long Huang, don't take you so bad!" Xingyu sneered, "my dragon emperor is the master of my life!"

Lin Feng stood there looking at the stars.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't speak, Xingyu began to beat drums. Is it possible that the boy is not afraid of him?

Xingyu looked at Lin Feng and looked a little uncertain.

"Qianlong, do you think this boy has a brain problem?" Lin Feng suddenly said to Qianlong.

"Master, you must say that there must be something wrong with this boy's head!" Qianlong said with a positive face, "otherwise this boy won't say such annoying words at this time. Master, what are you going to do with this boy?"

Xingyu stood there, looked at Qianlong and said with a positive face, "we must have a way to deal with it."

"I think it's good to put it in the demon smelting pot." Lin Feng touched his chin and said with a smile, "speaking of it, I haven't used the demon smelting pot for a long time. It's huge here. Most importantly, no one knows what's in this place. Is it good for us to use the demon smelting pot here?"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Xingyu's body trembled. Trembled!

Demon pot!

"Master, I think it's OK to use the demon refining pot to refine the star. In this way, the star will be your master's slave. As long as the star shuttle has an heir, this guy will be free."

Qianlong follows Lin Feng. The one who laughs is called pengse!

The star looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's mind moved for a moment. The demon smelting pot has been cultivated in the air of chaos. He felt Lin Feng's call and fell directly into Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng looked at the demon smelting pot in hand.

Compared with the lower bound, the demon smelting pot has been repaired a lot, but there are still some loopholes, but it is more than enough to deal with Xingyu.

"You... Are you serious?" Seeing that Lin Feng really took out the demon refining pot, Xingyu's body trembled and trembled, "if you want to think clearly, Xingyu shuttle's strength will be greatly reduced without me!"

"Instead of letting a disobedient guy follow you, you say, should I directly deduct your power or should I control you?" Hearing Xingyu's words, Lin Feng said with a smile, "don't worry, I have some capable soldiers here to deal with you, but with a disloyal dog, I might as well erase your memory directly."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xingyu's body trembled.

This guy, obviously, doesn't seem to be kidding.

Qianlong stood there with an excited face.

"Master, master, hurry up. Let's solve this matter earlier. I was less bullied by this guy before. Now, as long as this guy enters the demon refining pot and his strength decreases greatly after coming out, I must bully him back!"

There was excitement in Qianlong's voice.

Lin Feng liked this kind of fanning the flames very much. He sat there smiling and waited for Qianlong to continue fanning the flames, but his body trembled and trembled more and more.

Do you really want to do this?

"Xingyu, we all work for the Dragon Emperor. Although the master's cultivation is not high now, the master will be able to stand on the cloud in the future. Xingyu, come with us."

At this time, Houtu stood up.

"Tarzan, why are you here?" Starfish's eyes suddenly looked at thick soil.

"Hehe, just you, remember my original name. I've been in the lower bound for a long time. Later, they changed my name to Houtu. I'm used to it." Thick soil said with a smile.

"Hum!" Xingyu sneered, "just be kind!"

"Follow your master. He won't let you down." Houtu said softly, "he is a good master. He can do what we can want. At least, you can have a safe way out in the future."

The voice of thick soil was very light, but the star was silent.

A little is missing!

Lin Feng's mind will meet Boqi.

"Xingyu, we all follow our master. Don't hesitate. We are all tool spirits. We wander between heaven and earth. Sooner or later, we will become weaker and weaker. Although you have tried every means to preserve your strength, don't you see your future?"

Poche whispered.

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