"Hehe, anyway, so many materials are also put. Instead of putting them, it's better to take them out to benefit the fairyland, don't you think?"

Lin Feng said to Xingyu with a smile.

"Master, just be happy. Anyway, the Dragon tomb here is just a decoration." Xing Yu said in his heart that there are still people chasing outside. Otherwise, Lin Feng can exercise well at the several checkpoints of the Dragon tomb. Now it seems

At the beginning, the Dragon Emperor still underestimated the obscenity of his successor!

Xingyu walked in front, and Lin Feng followed slowly. Suddenly, Lin Feng's body trembled. Trembled. Then, the position of his heart began to tremble violently. Trembled!

Dragon blood!

This is the breath of dragon blood!

Lin Feng didn't think that he could feel the blood of the Dragon at this time!

That's great!

Lin Feng turned a corner with the star hook, and it suddenly opened up in front of him. They seemed to return to the previous small courtyard again. However, this time, the heavy small courtyard disappeared. In exchange for a simple room, a table was placed in the middle of the room. On the table, the star hook shuttle was placed there, but the golden shuttle was flashing light red at the moment.


Lin Feng looked back at Xingyu.

"Yes, master!" The star flies directly in front of the star shuttle, and then enters the star shuttle. Lin Feng breathes a sigh of relief, looks at the quiet star shuttle, and evokes a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth.

Xingyu controls Xingyu shuttle and appears in front of Lin Feng. After a circle around Lin Feng, a dragon's blood falls into Lin Feng's hands.

The blood of the Dragon flickered in Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng put it in his palm and played it well. Suddenly, Lin Feng paused.

This blood can't be started!

"Star, what's going on?" Lin Feng looked up at the star.

"Return to the master, because you entered here directly, the prohibition of the dragon's blood itself has not been untied. If you want to absorb the dragon's blood, you must first remove the prohibition on it!"

Xingyu stood beside Lin Feng and said respectfully.

Nima, there is such an operation!

Isn't that what he's playing with?

Lin Feng stared round and looked at the guy in front of him. His fingers trembled slightly.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Xingyu smiled and said, "however, the prohibition of the dragon's blood is not very powerful. As long as the owner can break through the Dragon tomb, the prohibition of the dragon's blood is almost that intensity."

Hearing Xingyu's words, Lin Feng nodded and said, "whatever it is, take it away first. Let's go out first!"

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the star shuttle directly took Lin Feng out of the Dragon tomb. After going out, Lin Feng looked at the big guy, smiled and shook his hand, and directly included the whole into the seeds of chaos.

Fortunately, the space of chaotic seeds is large enough, otherwise he really doesn't know how to place these things.

"Do you mind?" Lin Feng turned and looked at the star.

"The Dragon tomb itself is an ancient relic. These materials are first-class and good materials. It's understandable for the owner to take them away." Without lifting his eyelids, he whispered, "take it out, just as the master said, it can also benefit mankind!"

This guy, is he hurting himself?

Hearing Xingyu's words, Lin Feng paused for a moment, turned to nod with a smile and said, "I knew it was our Xingyu who was sensible."

The corner of Xingyu's mouth twitched.

You took them all. What else can he say? What else can you say?

Xingyu feels that the master is a sugar Rooster!

People are all iron roosters. Just don't pull a hair. It's clear that the master doesn't pull a hair. He has to stick other people's hair on his body! Even if you paste it, you can still take it for granted!

He was convinced!

"Come on, let's meet sansuo. We should leave!" Lin Feng said with a smile. Xingyu took Lin Feng to the void. Suddenly, the whole disappeared, followed by sansuo.

Qin Shuangshuang stood there, looking cold.

Her attack fell into the void and never fell into reality!

But why did sansuo disappear?

Is it still here?

"Grandpa Tianhuang, do you feel it?" Qin Shuangshuang lowered his head and asked in a low voice.

"Yes." A virtual shadow appeared around Qin Shuangshuang, "what a powerful man! He not only left, but also took away the Dragon tomb. What a powerful man!"

Tian yuniao shook his head and couldn't believe it in his eyes. "Shuangshuang, let's go back now. While the entrance of the wilderness secret place hasn't been closed, that man must have not gone out of the wilderness secret place. Let's block it there!"

The sky Phoenix bird's eyes were gloomy, "since he took something, there must be breath on him. At that time, we'll deal with it directly before we go out!"

Hearing Tianhuang bird's words, Qin Shuangshuang's eyes flashed a touch of gloom.

"Yes. Grandpa Tianhuang. "

With that, Qin Shuangshuang directly turned and flew outside. Tianhuang bird followed Qin shuangshuangshuang. No one and no bird had the mind to enter the secret land of the field, but stayed at the gate.

"What a cheap woman!" Qianlong and Lin Feng fell not far from the secret land of the field and whispered, "this Qin Shuangshuang is powerful enough!"

"It's just a chess piece of Qin Yun and Tianhuang bird. Qin Shuangshuang's talent is very strong, and she still has a special physique. It's a pity that she is now controlled by Qin Yun, and Shengsheng has buried her talent!"

Lin Feng sighed and said.

"Well... Master, why don't you go and ask this woman, and then you can take it as land and stay with her!"

Lin Feng looked at him with chilly eyes. Qianlong stopped talking immediately. He just coughed and said, "what shall we do now?"

"Go and meet Xiaobai and them!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "then go out to the secret land of the wilderness, Xingyu, this secret land, can you protect it?"

Lin Feng looked at the star.

He remembered that the dean said that once the Dragon tomb was taken away, this adversity would collapse.

"Yes," Xingyu hesitated and said, "but after all, this secret place was supported by my strength. Now it is easy to collapse without my strength, but this secret place can be taken away."

Xingyu turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "master, you take away this wilderness secret place. With the passage of time, this place will slowly grow into another small secret place, and it won't be much worse than the original wilderness secret place."

Hearing Xingyu's words, Lin Feng's heart moved. This is a secret place. Who would dislike such a baby?

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