"Then let's take this secret place away!" Hearing what Xingyu said, Lin Feng immediately made a decision, "just right, I have a guy here who can eat this secret place!"

Lin Feng's mind moved, and Qingling appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"What do you want from me!" Because of swallowing a space, the power of the thick soil shuttle on Qingling is getting weaker and weaker, but the power of space is getting stronger and stronger.

This girl is naturally suitable for doing such things!

"Here you are!" Lin Feng put a ray of light in front of Qingling, "this is the secret territory of the whole field. Are you interested in eating it?"

Lin Feng looked at Qingling with a smile.

The green spirit raised his head and couldn't believe it in his beautiful eyes.

If she swallows a secret place, her cultivation will increase a lot!

"Thank you, master." Qingling lowered her head, slightly bit her lips and said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Qingling's more and more solid body, hesitated for a moment, turned to nod and said, "well, here is yours. Take your time."

With that, Lin Feng's mind moved. After feeling where Xiaobai was, he rushed directly towards Xiaobai. Xiaobai, Alice and Zhao Qingluo were together. Behind them were Ji Zhao and others.

Seeing Alice, Ji Zhao still looked unbelievable.

"That... Senior Xiaobai, Alice... No, no, no, the goddess is really the tutor's wife?" Ji Zhao's eyes swept around Alice, swallowed her mouth and said dryly.

"I'm Lin Feng's wife!" Alice looked at the people with a smile and said.

Zhao Qi raised her head and looked at Alice with a depressed face. What's the task of that boy? Even if she has such a high cultivation achievement and such a wicked second daughter, she still has such a beautiful wife!

This is the existence of anger and resentment!

"Hello, Shiniang!" Ji Zhao immediately came up to Alice and followed her with a smile. "Hello, Shiniang, I'm the teacher's favorite student. My name is Ji Zhao. Please take care of me!"

Ji Zhao couldn't help looking at Alice.

Zero distance contact with the goddess!

Although you can only see and can't think, it's enough to see! He has never observed a beauty so close!

"I Hu search you, boy. You're bold and fat!" Lin Feng came directly in front of Ji Zhao, rolled his eyes up and down and said, "is the leather loose and let me tighten it for you?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at Ji Zhao and said.

"Ah, mentor!" Suddenly, Ji Zhao raised his head and saw that it was Lin Feng. His original look immediately changed. He smiled in front of Lin Feng and said, "mentor, how did you come here at this time?"

"If I don't come, are you going to wipe out my daughter-in-law?"

Lin Feng turned his eyes, looked at Ji Zhao and said.

"No, no, no, I don't have the courage. I'm a real teacher. I'm just... I'm just curious about how my teacher's mother looks. Hey, hey..."

Hearing Ji Zhao's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes, put his arms around Alice's slender waist and kissed Alice on the cheek.

"I didn't meet Qin Shuangshuang!" Lin Feng asked Alice softly.

"Brother Lin, don't worry. We've always protected my sister-in-law!" Xiaobai said with a smile, "although my sister-in-law has been fighting with us, Qin Shuangshuang has never seen her!"

"Don't worry. I know how to behave. I just feel a familiar smell around Qin Shuangshuang. I just don't know if that smell has found me."

Alice whispered to Lin Feng.

"Maybe, are the students of Castle Peak college all right?" Lin Feng asked in a low voice.

"It's all right. Although Qin Shuangshuang's woman is extraordinary, she is not everyone's opponent."

Hearing Alice's words, Lin Feng nodded.

"Brother Lin, what shall we do now?" Xiaobai looked at Lin Feng and said softly, "we've almost turned over the secret land of the field, and we've taken everything we can take away."

Lin Feng's heart ached.

He didn't know that the star is gone, and the space can be eaten by Qingling. If he had known, he wouldn't let these guys take all the treasures in the space!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt particularly painful.

"If you take it away, the level of the wilderness secret place is only so high, and those natural materials and earth treasures can't surpass that level. Now you take it away, the whole secret place will feel. Next, as long as you return the whole secret place to forge, maybe the level will be higher!"

Just when Lin Feng was in pain, the voice of Qingling sounded in Lin Feng's heart.

Lin Feng is a little more comfortable.

When they went out, the students consumed the whole secret place.

Feel this, Lin Feng's heart, very painful.

Here, everything that can be taken seems to have been taken away.

At the door of the secret place, Qin Shuangshuang stood there, looking at a group of people with sharp eyes.

Lin Feng walked in the middle of the crowd. Alice had already entered the air box and was placed in the storage bag by Lin Feng. In fact, Alice had entered the seeds of chaos.

Everyone went out tacitly.

Qin Shuangshuang stared at the disciples of Qingshan Academy who were pouring out like a tide.

When did these disciples go in!

How can you go in so much!

Until the last one to go out, the secret land of the wilderness was about to be closed, and Tianhuang bird didn't feel the blood of the dragon!

Lin Feng looked back at your hands standing there, and a indifferent smile came from the corners of his mouth.

What a stupid woman!

He had chaotic seeds on his body, and his breath had long been covered up and could not be emitted again.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng shook his head, turned and went out directly!

Qin Shuang felt that someone was looking at her. When she turned her head, there was nothing!

"Girl, that man didn't come out. Let's go. The secret land of the wilderness is going to be closed!" Tianhuang bird sighed and said, "it seems that our Tianhuang academy is really predestined!"

Qin Shuangshuang's body trembled when he heard Tianhuang bird's words.

"Just... Can't you wait?"

"You can't wait any longer. Once the wilderness secret place is closed, it won't open until next year. Unless you want to stay in this secret place for another year, you will miss the big competition of the Fifth Academy. This time, the champion of the big competition is very important to you."

Qin Shuangshuang nodded.

Qin Shuangshuang was the last one to go out of the wilderness. As soon as he went out, he could just see his grandfather and President Hongshan piled there. President Hongshan looked calm, but his grandfather stared round.

"Blow, no beard, you blow the wool!"

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