Hongshan turned to look at Qin Yun and said with a disgusted face.

"Old and immortal, you can. This time I let my baby granddaughter in. It's good for you to send so many students in." Qin Yun looked at Hongshan and said viciously.

Almost half of the students of Castle Peak college have gone in!

"You've already seen that the secret land of the wilderness is about to burst. The only student who enters from the front is definitely a student. As for how these students enter, I don't know. Why don't you ask them?"

Hong Shan's eyes turned to one of the students.

The student was smart, immediately stood up, smiled and said, "if we returned to the Dean, the tutor originally took us to investigate the surrounding ruins. As a result, we saw something wrong in the sky, so we went in. We didn't expect that we would go to the wilderness secret place, but we went in a little late!"

"Yes, Dean, when we go in, the wilderness secret place will be closed in a few days!"

These people stood up and said something that made Qin Yun cold hum.

"I think you just stand and talk without backache!" Qin Yun snorted coldly, "if there is no reason, the secret land of the wilderness will collapse?"

Before Qin Yun's words fell, Du Deli vomited blood. On the original green vegetable field, the entrance of the original wilderness secret place was so sunken, and the whole wilderness secret place disappeared in an instant.

Qin Yun stared round at the scene with an incredible face.

This... This... How could this happen?

"You see." Hong Shan stood up and sighed, "although this wilderness secret place is not a top secret place, it has strong aura. It can also be regarded as a sign of our castle peak academy. If this sign is completely destroyed."

Hong Shan looks a few years old.

Even if Qin Yun wants to plead guilty, there is no possibility of pleading guilty at this time.

"Then... I'll leave first." Qin Yun directly stood up, waved his hand and flew away with Qin Shuangshuang.

"You are scattered!" Hongshan waved, and all the disciples of Qingshan academy left at this time, leaving Lin Feng standing there alone.

"You boy..." Hong Shan looked a little complicated. His eyes fell on Lin Feng. After a while, he sighed, "well, this is the fate of Qingshan Academy."

"Dean, this is for you." Lin Feng smiled and sent a small light spot to Hongshan. "This is a small space secret place I captured in it. It is not mature yet. If the Dean can put this space secret place in Qingshan college and let him grow up, I believe that this secret place can better serve the students of Qingshan college in the future."

Lin Feng was ready before he came out.

When the original liquid secret place was swallowed up, Qingling gave Lin Feng this small space point. Lin Feng filled it with chaos gas. With the maintenance of chaos gas, the level of this space will never be worse than that of the wild secret place.

However, the only bad thing is that it may take hundreds of years for this space to be generated. Lin Feng believes that it is only a few hundred years. Castle Peak academy can afford to wait.

Hongshan looked at the small space node in his hand and sighed helplessly.

"If this grows up, my castle peak academy will take off its skin again." With that, Hong Shan's eyes were on Lin Feng. It was obviously like I was going to rob you.

"What the dean said is, but there is a trace of chaos in it. If the Dean can put it in a place that can speed up the speed, this guy will certainly grow faster. Maybe a good secret place will be formed in a few decades."

Lin Feng looked at Hongshan with a smile.

Hong Shan paused and looked at Lin Feng with some doubt.

"You don't want me to help you raise this space!"

Hongshan's words were full of doubts. He knew that the boy must be upset and kind.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

"Dean, I got this trace of chaos from ancient relics. I gave it to you. If I want to take it for myself, will I give it to you? The income of my hero restaurant is enough for me to raise it. "

Lin Feng looked at Hongshan with a smile and said.

Hong Shan paused, looked at Lin Feng and put things away.

"In that case, the old man, I'll be your boy's heart. Your boy said it was for me. Remember, don't hit his attention!" Hongshan looks afraid that Lin Feng will take it away again.

Lin Feng smiled and didn't speak.

"Here you are, old man!" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Hong Shan immediately smiled and shouted, and immediately gave things to Du Deli who had been waiting.

"Hey, boy, I can keep this space for 50 years at most." Du Deli said to Lin Feng with a smile, "boy, do you want to come back and have a look?"

"Sure!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"This boy manages everything every day. There's still time to come back and see such a broken space. Don't come back, that's it!" Hong Shan said with a disdainful face.

Lin Feng giggled. Although President Hong Shan's words were disgusted, Lin Feng could feel that the old man was a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

After going to Du's yard for a while, Lin Feng felt the excitement in the yard. Lin Feng shook his head. These people!

One by one must be waiting for how to exploit him!

As soon as Lin Feng opened the yard door, Xiaobai was in front. Everyone rushed towards Lin Feng. The sky was full of vegetable belts and other things.

"Where's Shiniang?" Zhao Qingluo's eyes looked around.

"Little girl, you are crazy. How dare I release your Shiniang? How can I say that Qin Yun and Tianhuang bird are still in Tianhuang academy!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Qingluo spit out his tongue and head.

Qin Yun is an expert. If you know that Alice is mixed with the students of Castle Peak college, especially the tutor, Alice may not be able to go back.

Thinking of this, Zhao Qingluo spit out his tongue and head.

"But it's different when you enter the small yard!"

Lin Feng's mind moved. Alice immediately entered the air box. Lin Feng threw out the air box containing Alice. Alice smiled close to Lin Feng and her eyes lit up when she saw Lin Feng here.

"Tianhuang academy is gone?"


"Then I'd better go back." Alice tried to leave, but Lin Feng took Alice's hand, leaned close to Alice's ear and whispered, "this is my territory. There are arrays outside. They have long been isolated from breath detection. As long as I don't want to, no one can find out what's inside."

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