When Lin Feng passed, the remaining students had arrived.

The so-called five colleges competition is the battle between the five most powerful colleges of the main star. Of course, before selecting these five colleges, there will be a thorough battle. This battle is the competition between all colleges of the whole main star.

For example, if Castle Peak academy wants to reach the competition field of the Fifth Academy, it must dress up the 108 powerful schools assigned. This time, they have only three months to solve these 108 schools, and more than one school every day.

"Lin Feng arrives!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hong Shan nodded. In front of Hong Shan stood a woman in strong clothes.

"This time, we went to 108 schools. We went to three groups with 30 people. Each group assigned 36 colleges. The last ten people who won will be the main force of our five colleges competition. As for the remaining competitions, I will select other students in the school."

Hongshan's voice was not high, but everyone didn't speak. Lin Feng stood there and listened quietly.

Hongshan arranged everything.

After listening to this for so long, Lin Feng also figured out that this time, it was clear that he was going to play. If he wanted to go to the court of the Fifth Academy, he would beat 108 colleges along the way. If he lost, he was destined to be replaced by one of the 108 colleges.

Castle Peak academy has never fallen down from the altar, but this time, the enemy of Castle Peak academy is very strong.

So strong that even Hongshan is not fully sure.

"This is your supervisor, Hongyan tutor. Hongyan tutor will ensure your safety and assign colleges for you along the way. You should be ready."

"Yes!" Everyone's voice is very loud.

Lin Feng followed the crowd, but Hong Yan's eyes fell on Lin Feng.

It seemed that a flower burst in his heart. Lin Feng's body suddenly tightened up and turned to look at it. However, Hongyan stood beside Hongshan without moving.

What did this woman do just now?

Lin Feng frowned. He absolutely didn't believe that the woman just took a casual look at herself!

Forget it!

If the enemy doesn't move, I don't move. If this woman really wants to do something, don't blame him for being ruthless at that time!

Thinking so, Lin Feng's mind instantly settled down,

After leaving Castle Peak academy, thirty people were divided into three groups.

"This is a support group. The purpose is to ensure your life needs, as well as pills and refining tools." The support group is one person in each hospital. The Dan hospital is Xiaobai and the instrument hospital is Zhao Qi. As for the Fu hospital and the array hospital, one is called Ding Xiaoxiao, a thin and weak girl, and the other is called Shi Jia. These two people have always stood together and are obviously a couple.

And Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo in the team.

The dean is quite satisfying.

Feeling these people, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

This is a mix of men and women. Aren't you tired?

I knew I had a wife with me, otherwise I would be heartburn to see others show their love every day!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

"Brother Lin, why are you unhappy?" Xiaobai gathered in front of Lin Feng and whispered, "but this time, I see that brother Lin is the one with the lowest hypocrisy. You see, everyone has reached the human immortal peak. It is said that your original position should be that of Zhu Feng. As a result, brother Lin you have a foot in it!"

Xiaobai whispered to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

He offended people again?

"But Zhu Feng is also among the reservists. Although he can't kick the hall with us, he will entertain the students who come to our castle peak academy. Those defeated colleges will come to Castle Peak academy to study. Zhu Feng and they will study in castle peak academy."

What does that mean, kicking each other?

Lin Feng's mind paused, but he muttered in his heart.

Let the strong go all the way, and the weak come to Castle Peak academy to find some comfort?

"This time, those schools that kick the hall will be unlucky!" Xiaobai said with a smile, "Zhu Feng is having a fire. They just came to the door!"

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng's mind paused. He found that this guy seems to be a complete gossip lover.

Why haven't you found that Xiaobai has such a powerful function before?

Lin Feng looked up and down at Xiaobai.

Feeling Lin Feng's look, Xiaobai's body trembled. He looked up at Lin Feng and said, "Lord... Master, what's the matter?"

"It's all right. I found you a guy, especially gossip!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "whatever it is, let's go. We have experienced the past all the way, and we will grow a lot!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai nodded and said, "brother Lin, what are you going to do after your experience?"

How are you going?

Lin Feng looked at the front, paused, turned to smile and said, "I'm going to go to various places to experience. It's a kind of growth!"

Lin Feng turned to look at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai scratched the back of his head, smiled and said, "I'm going to find something with Qingluo. We can always find the thing you said after looking at the place. We can find it bit by bit."

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"I'll pay attention to this, too." Lin Feng said softly. After all, Zhao Qingluo's combat effectiveness is not low!

If this woman can be used by herself, not only Zhao Qingluo, but also president Hongshan behind her good friend Zhao Qingluo, but also many people can be used by herself.

Lin Feng knows the accomplishments of President Hongshan.

"Brother Lin, it's very kind of you!" Xiao Bai's silly boy, Lin Feng shook his head.

"Don't gossip in the team!" A cold voice sounded, and Hongyan's eyes fell on Lin Feng and Xiaobai.

Xiaobai immediately stopped talking. Lin Feng stood there and wanted to refute. At last, he didn't say anything. They had entered the deep forest.

"Next is your first experience. In one day, you have to go through this forest and arrive at Hanhai college, the college closest to our Castle Peak college. If you don't arrive in one day, your task will be heavier!"

Hongyan's words were very cold. After that, she disappeared.

In addition to Lin Feng, others have already understood deeply. Lin Feng touched his nose and looked ignorant. Is there such a thing?

This... This NIMA is a little too stupid!

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