Lin Feng turned his head and looked over. Tasks had been assigned there.

"Brother Lin, listen carefully." Xiaobai pulls Lin Feng and whispers.

"Zhao Qi, come here!" Lin Feng turned to look at Zhao Qi, "well, I didn't say this in advance!"

"This is the annual rule, don't you know?" Zhao Qi frowned at Lin Feng and whispered, "or you haven't paid attention to this matter at all."

Lin Feng touched his nose and didn't speak.

Naturally, he didn't pay attention to this matter.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng could only sigh in his heart.

"Well, you tell me, I don't understand. If you make a mistake later, it's bad." Lin Feng said softly.

Before Zhao Qi opened his mouth, he had already called Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, your accomplishments are the lowest, but we know your combat effectiveness is OK. You are responsible for protecting the four of them. This is our reserve savings force. If there is a problem with our reserve savings force, we will be in great trouble!"

The leader of the team is Li Feng. He is very tall. Lin Feng has a good impression of this guy.

"OK, Captain Li, don't worry!" Lin Feng nodded with a smile to protect people. It's the easiest job!

"Good!" Li Feng smiled at Lin Feng. Nine people fanned out to the front, and Lin Feng followed with the follow-up reserve group.

"Brother Lin, it's good. Don't come forward to kill the potion!" Xiaobai said with a smile, "but I really miss the days when I went out to kill monsters with you!" Xiaobai shook his head and said.

Every time he went out to practice with Lin Feng, Lin Feng always sent them to the front and asked them to deal with monsters by themselves.

Thinking of this, Xiaobai is very depressed.

"Depressed what? Depressed, let's go. Let's hurry up. I tell you, some monsters are cunning. They don't necessarily appear in front. They may appear behind us. They will give you a fatal blow when you don't pay attention!"

Lin Feng whispered to Xiaobai!

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai's body trembled. She looked over again and saw Lin Feng's face with a smile. Obviously, Lin Feng was deceiving him.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Xiaobai muttered a few words. Zhao Qingluo's divine knowledge fell on Xiaobai. Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, we were in trouble the first time."

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng looked ahead, but saw a huge barrier erected in front. Seeing this, Lin Feng frowned.

What kind of play is this?

"It was the array master of Hanhai Academy who arranged the array in front." Li Feng frowned and said, "this array is xianpin Level 3. It is alienated by the Han sea. It is bound to block us here!"

Hearing Li Feng's words, Lin Feng frowned.

Can you still play like this?

"Such means are common. In order to participate in the competition of the five institutes, each student will set up countless obstacles to deal with us. The purpose is to let us not go over and delay time. For example, we must solve Hanhai academy before tomorrow evening. If we can't do it, Hanhai will alienate us and start instead of us tomorrow evening."

Zhao Qi looked at Lin Feng and said softly, "so today, we must pass it on!"

"So it is!" Lin Feng nodded, his mind moved, and he fell in front of the array. The array master Shi Jia also followed and fell beside Lin Feng.

"I remember that mentor Lin Feng is also very skilled in array." Shi Jia turned to look at Lin Feng and said softly.

Before he came, he had investigated everyone's information. He was also familiar with Lin Feng.

"Well, let's go together. It's faster!" Lin Feng turned around a part of the array and frowned gently. This guy just made a blocking array here and wouldn't let them pass.

It's really obvious!

"What do you think, Mr. Lin?" Shi Jia raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. There was a thin cold sweat flowing on her forehead.

"The only way to use this array is to control violence with violence." Lin Feng said with a positive look, "let's just throw a few arrays in and detonate."

Shi Jia nodded.

"I think so, too." Then Shi Jia took out several arrays.

Seeing the array made by Shi Jia, Lin Feng sighed. He was still a little younger. The array was good, but Lin Feng knew that it would be a little bad to deal with those guys.

"Use this!" Lin Feng's mind moved and lost a dark thing that was not in the middle of winter.

"This array is a strong blocking array. If you use a relatively mild blasting array, it will consume a lot of resources, but this strong blasting array is different. Almost one can be solved!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Jia nodded clearly, but her eyebrows were still frowning. Looking at the things in Lin Feng's hands, she couldn't help asking.

"What's the name of this array, sir?"

"This array is called atomic bomb!" Lin Feng smiled and shook his hand. A huge screen blocked him. The atomic bomb exploded in front of the array. The star shuttle immediately flew to the sky with the people.

All the people only felt that it was dark in front of them. When they opened their eyes, they had landed on a shuttle. Lin Feng took them floating in the sky. Below, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the whole array was completely destroyed.

Shi Jia swallowed her mouth.

This array... NIMA is great!

"Well, let's move on." Lin Feng gestured to Xingyu to put the people below and said with a smile, "these arrays are not well arranged!"

The corners of their mouths twitched.

"Well... Mentor Lin, you can give me this array. It's really not good. I can buy it!" Shi Jia turned to look at Lin Feng and said seriously.

"It's a little expensive to buy, but for the sake of your hospitality to call my mentor, I can sell you a mild improved atomic bomb. However, this thing is not called atomic bomb, it's called grenade. The blasting force is not as powerful as atomic bomb, but there are about three arrays just now, which is almost the same, An atomic bomb needs 100000 top-grade fairy stones, but a grenade only needs 1000 top-grade fairy stones! "

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Everyone's eyes were originally on Lin Feng's heart. After hearing Lin Feng's words, they hissed and turned around with some disdain!

A thousand top-grade immortal spirit stones. Why didn't Mr. Lin rob them?

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