All the students immediately became silent. Even if they sold them, they couldn't take out a thousand pieces of top-grade Fairy Spirit stones!

Thinking of this, all the students were silent in the past.

"I said you can't do this. Are you a little decadent?" Seeing everyone's appearance, Lin Feng sighed and said, "I said you all pick up your spirits. This time, we should completely solve the matter."

All the people are still silent.

It's not that they don't want to lift their spirits, but that they can't lift their spirits at this time!

Thinking of this, all the people were there in silence.

"Well, for everyone's sake, I'll give you a discount. I didn't mention one of the seven hundred top-grade immortal spirit stones. You are all the elites of Qingshan academy this time. You can't take it out at all."

Lin Feng looked at some guys with a smile.

He doesn't believe it. These guys really can't take it out!

All the people trembled and trembled. You looked at me and I looked at you. At last, they were silent one by one. They were not unable to take it out. It was tutor Lin's words that were too tempting and confusing.

"We... Although we have some top-grade immortal spirit stones, one thing is 700 top-grade immortal spirit stones. Mentor Lin, it's not that we don't want to take them out. There are too many."

Li Feng looked at Lin Feng bitterly and whispered.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm very open-minded. You can also exchange materials with me. You see, there are beautiful mountains and rivers here. There must be a lot of materials. Let's go all the way and make a lot of money at that time. You can accompany me. Let's go all the way to pick up materials and take them with us. What do you think?"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I'll collect your materials according to the price given to you by Castle Peak academy, including your lean meat. How about it?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people looked at the nest and I looked at you. They all saw their hearts from each other's eyes.

If so

Everyone mutters, then they'll make a lot of money!

After all, these materials were handed over to Lin Feng on site, and their profits were the largest

After returning to Castle Peak academy, these materials will inevitably lose some toughness, which will reduce the harvest of materials. However, if they are treated here, they will earn more than they take back!

Moreover, it can also be replaced with resources!

"It's not my praise. I'll tell you. I have many resources here. You all know that Danpu is my shop. There are pills and others in my point section, and many of them are sold to me by the students of Castle Peak college. I have a lot with me now. Of course, you can find them to customize what you like, don't you?"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Only Zhao Qingluo stood in the corner, looked at Lin Feng and shook his head helplessly.

The strange grandfather always said that Lin Feng was a monkey spirit. She thought Lin Feng was not a monkey spirit. This was a complete profiteer!

If these students take the materials back to Castle Peak academy, it is also one of the ways to fill the inventory of Castle Peak academy, but in the blink of an eye, all of them were taken away by Lin Feng.

But I am also excited!

Everyone knows that Lin Feng's things are definitely not high-quality goods!

"Don't worry, mentor Lin. we will work hard along the way!" Everyone looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said.

With Lin Feng's sweetness, everyone's mind is higher. One by one, they rush forward like beating chicken blood. Even if Shi Jia Xiaobai didn't need to go up, they began to deal with monsters one by one!

There are many monsters in the mountains, but we work together. The processing speed of monsters is fast enough, and we advance very fast.

Hongyan hid in the clouds and saw the team moving forward like chicken blood. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. Why are these boys so excited? Did you buy something or eat something?

Hongyan still had to worry, but he saw a group of people quickly deal with the monster and give it to Lin Feng. Lin Feng recorded it with a jade disc in his hand. Then, several students changed some things such as pills.

This boy

Hongyan's heart sank slowly. Thinking of the dean's explanation, she just stood there with her eyes narrowed. At this time, she didn't disturb the pace of these students.

And she has two teams of students to monitor!

Hongyan sits at the far end. In front of her is the camera terminal controller given to him by Hongshan. All the scenes of the three teams of students fall into her eyes.

Lin Feng completed his sneaking trip in the mountains in about ten hours.

Along the way, everyone is very good.

Out of the mountain, everyone paused.

"Mentor Lin, we're out now. What should we do?" Unconsciously, everyone looked at Lin Feng. Li Feng, who was originally the captain, also looked at Lin Feng. No. 4 didn't think Lin Feng robbed him of his credit.

He is worthy of being tutor Lin. although he is about the same age as them, Lin Feng's guidance helped them a lot along the way!

Thinking of this, people only feel in a particularly good mood!

"Since I'm here, of course I'm going to say hello to the Hanhai academy!" Lin Feng smiled and looked at the front with a strong sense of war in his eyes. "We have arranged so many arrays for us in the deep forest. If we don't treat them well, we really think our castle peak academy is a soft persimmon?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone was full of fighting spirit.

Those Han Hai alienated disciples who hid in the secret office heard Lin Feng's words, and their whole hearts followed closely. This guy is not so easy to deal with!

But this guy seems to have come to the door!

Thinking of this, all the bodies trembled unconsciously.

These students of Hanhai academy are already afraid before they start fighting!

"Captain, what should I do?" A relatively rational student turned to look at their captain and asked softly.

"Of course it's a fight. I don't believe they can go through trials and hardships all the way, and their physical strength can be so good!"

The captain of Hanhai Academy said, gritting his teeth.

The students of Hanhai academy heard the words of their captain and went back directly with the captain. Lin Feng watched the students of Hanhai academy leave and just took everyone directly to Hanhai academy!

Standing at the gate of Hanhai academy, Lin Feng's feet shook!

"Hanhai academy, Castle Peak academy is kicking!" Lin Feng still spoke. Xiaobai immediately said loudly, "wash white and come out to meet us!"

Everyone's eyes were on Xiaobai.

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