This wait is three days.

Just when everyone wanted to give up, the party rushed towards this side.

"Hey, hey, I don't know how many people have suffered this time!" Walking in front of him was a man with sharp noses, followed by the same thin monkey, "we found this thing. Hey, I don't know what we can make this time!"

"Anyway, we sell 1000 top-grade Fairy Spirit stones for one bottle. That's enough!" Everyone smiled and rushed towards this side all the way. Lin Feng sat there and raised his eyebrows when he heard these guys' words.

These guys have a lot of courage, but they seem to have a little more courage!

Lin Feng's mouth gave a sneer, "it seems that it's not good to punish these guys. These guys don't know where they are!"

"Brother Lin, come!" Xiaobai, holding a weapon in his hand, said with a nervous face.

"Don't worry. The array has already been arranged here. Later, they will directly go through the array and enter it. Let them enjoy it first, and then we'll get them out."

Lin Feng said that the clouds are light and the wind is light.

As Lin Feng said, these guys directly stepped on the array and suddenly heard a rumbling sound. Half an hour later, Lin Feng took people out of the dark and opened the array.

The five people sat on the ground with dark things all over them and felt the fresh air. The five people looked at Lin Feng and his party, especially Lin Feng standing in the middle with an evil smile on his face.

"How are you!" Lin Feng looked at these people in front of him with a smile, "tut Tut, I still want to know when I can entertain you well. Unexpectedly, you can't wait to be greeted by me!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people's bodies trembled.

This guy's words are so weird!

Lin Feng is still standing there.

"You... What do you want?" One of them took a step forward and looked at Lin Feng, "you... Who are you?"

"I am your great grandfather. Do you like the gift I gave you?" Lin Feng walked in front of the five people with a smile. The cultivation of the five people is not very high, but obviously, the five guys are good at business.

But this time, the five guys fell.

"Boy, don't provoke these five guys. There are strong people behind. Leave as soon as possible!" Hongyan's voice sounded in Lin Feng's ear. Lin Feng paused and smiled.

Just let these five guys go?

Isn't that a pity?

"Shi Jia, this is an immortal grade five array. You are responsible for arranging it." Lin Feng smiled and threw the array plate to Shi Jia. "Today, I decided to have a good play!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Jia immediately went. After a while, the array surrounded everyone in the middle. Lin Feng looked at the five people and still smiled happily.

"Do you want to wait for the strong to help you?" Lin Feng looked at it with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the five people looked at Lin Feng. There was the smell of the array around them, and they could obviously feel that they could not arrange this array.

The boy's mind is so delicate that he guessed their mind one by one and arranged an array. How could such a powerful boy suddenly appear here?

This time, they are completely planted?

The five people looked at Lin Feng with some uncertainty.

Lin Feng sat there smiling, but the joy between his looks became more and more clear. He wanted to see when these five guys would beg for mercy!

The five guys looked at Lin Feng. They only felt that the smile on Lin Feng's face was very cheap.

"Well... Brother Lin, what shall we do now?" Xiaobai came up to Lin Feng and whispered, "I have a lot of itch powder here. Anyway, these guys are so smelly now. Don't give them any more itch powder?"

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng was about to nod, but five people over there jumped up.

"You boys, do you know who we are? We are from Shengming mountain. Do you know what it means to offend Shengming mountain? " A guy stood up and said loudly to Lin Feng.

"Shengming mountain?" Lin Feng took out his ears. "Sorry, I haven't heard of this place, but I know qiumingshan. It is rich in old drivers." Lin Feng said foolishly.

"What is the old driver?" Xiaobai turns to look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng made a move to be calm and not impatient, and turned to look at the five people, "get rid of the odor yourself!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the five people groaned and directly sprinkled themselves with some white powder. As soon as the powder came into contact with these black liquids, these black liquids retreated immediately.

And such a good thing?

Lin Feng's eyes focused on these things. These things look very good. They are good at first sight!

The stars twinkled in Lin Feng's eyes.

"Brother Lin, what do you see?" Xiaobai looked at Lin Feng's eyes and saw that there was nothing!

"Don't you see?" Lin Feng turned to look at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai shook her head pitifully.

"This thing is a good thing. Let's ask these five guys to hand over these things. When we go out to fight with others in the future, we'll put some on it to see who doesn't like it. Tut Tut, you see, how disgusting!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, but he was afraid of thinking about other things.

Although this thing has no lethality, he believes that no one can stand the smell all over his body!

"But..." Xiaobai looked at the five people, the five guys, didn't seem to mean to hand them over!

"Leave it to me!" Lin Feng said with a smile and turned to look at the five people.

Five people stood there and looked at the other side. They looked a little sleepy and looked like they would rather die than surrender.

"Xiaobai, give me your itch powder." Lin Feng looked at these guys with a smile and said, "don't we have itch powder? Give them some itch powder. "

Xiaobai immediately gave Lin Feng a porcelain vase.

Lin Feng smiled, and a barrier rose around the five people.

"Boy, if you dare to come over, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

"Do you think I'm still afraid of your ruthlessness when I'm standing here?" Lin Feng sneered, "be ready to be trapped by me."

With that, Lin Feng's hand shook and a spirit power training fell directly on the barrier. The cultivation accomplishments of the five guys were like the early stage of immortality. It seems that the cultivation accomplishments of the five people can be well linked together to maximize the attack. Unfortunately, they met Lin Feng.

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