Lin Feng's attack properly divided everyone's attack and crushed the spiritual barrier directly set by the five people.

"No, I said you should practice more. If you come out to be thieves, you should have some skills!" Lin Feng shook his head and waved his hand. One of the five people felt his body shaking constantly, and his breath shrouded him.

"Oh, sorry, it's all on one person." Lin Feng smiled very cheap.

"Boy, you!" Five people stepped back.

"Gold, wood, water, fire and earth!" Lin Feng pointed at the five people, then smiled and said, "yes, your synthetic attack means are very powerful, but it's a pity that you met your great sage Grandpa, or tell me where you are. Otherwise, I have countless ways to make you feel better."

Lin Feng smiled very happy.

Feeling the smile on Lin Feng's face, several people sneered and didn't speak.

Lin Feng still just stood there smiling and looked down at the five people.

Itch powder is sprinkled on a person who is constantly scratching his body.

"This itch powder is made exclusively by me. As long as I don't give the antidote, this itch powder will itch on you all the time. Don't you advise your little partner?" Lin Feng still smiled.

The man didn't speak, but sat there with his face flushed.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. Another advantage of this guy is that the more you let psychic power impact him, the more itchy he will be!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

These five guys are obviously mountain thieves.

These mountain bandits have no bottom line. The only thing they fear may be that they feel uncomfortable.

"Big brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother, you save the little brother!" The guy broke his skill in an instant and shouted, "just tell him!"

"No!" The other four shook their heads directly.

"Don't worry, our stronghold leader will come soon!"

The guy said directly.

"Is that your stronghold leader?" Lin Feng pointed to the cultivator who flew directly in the sky and said, "Oh, why did he fly?"

"Stronghold leader!"

"Stronghold leader!"

Five people suddenly began to shout.

Lin Feng sat there without talking.

He didn't know the array to isolate the breath and sound for a long time, and wrapped a transfer array. Now, they have already arrived at the famous mountain. As for the leader of Suo Wade stronghold, he should enter the treasure secret place to get people!

After all, the breath of five people inside is still rolling!

Lin Feng sat there smiling.

For a long time, five people shouted tired, lying there with a sad face looking at Lin Feng.

"Just said, brother Lin is the most patient person. Besides, now your stronghold leader doesn't mean to save you. Do you really have the heart to be pitiful here?"

Zhao Qingluo stood beside me and said with a smile.

If it had been him, he would have attacked.

"Don't worry. We've been fighting for so long. It's rare to have time. It's bad to fight. Let's just watch it here."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "this thing is a good thing. We're ready to give it to ourselves. If we see an unpleasant one in any kick, we'll give him a good taste!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Feng and others trembled.

They finally know why they are students. People who are lower than their accomplishments are mentors!

This is clearly an old fox!

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the five people trembled.

"Master, why don't I release a little more breath?" In his mind, Chihiro said again, "this emotion controller is really easy to use. I don't know. There was such a good thing."

In the voice of Qianlong, there is a roar.

"Take it easy, there's another expert outside!" Lin Feng whispered, "there's a big master outside. If we're too high-profile, it's easy to be found."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong will no longer release his breath greatly. The master is right. If the breath is too big and the experts outside feel it, it's not good.

I have to ask for this thing!

Lin Feng's eyes were still on the five people.

"Now there is only one way to go in front of you, that is to tell me something. In this way, I will let you go." Lin Feng said with a smile, "otherwise, I can only say I'm sorry. Anyway, I can't ask anything. I'll do it directly."

Lin Feng smiled very happy.

The eyes of the five people paused on Lin Feng. They saw that Lin Feng was not a good stubble. He was a bloody bastard!

They just seduced some students. Why did this person follow?

Thinking of this, their bodies trembled. They saw the uniforms of Qingshan Academy on these people. They couldn't say anything at this time.

What else can they say?

What else to say?

"The last thing I like to do is kill people, but there are always some people who don't have eyes. My white feather sword may not have moved well for a long time."

Lin Feng holds the white feather sword in his hand.

As soon as the white feather sword came out of its sheath, the strong murderous spirit lingered around with a faint smell of blood. The body of the white feather sword trembled. Five people followed the body of the white feather sword.

Good sword!

The eyes of the five people immediately lit up. Instead, after seeing the hand holding the sword, the five people lowered their heads. This good sword belongs to you, who controls them.

Five people are so depressed. Good. How did they get caught?

They never thought of it!

But now the fact is that they fell into Lin Feng's hands.

If they don't say what they made, they can see that the person in front of them really doesn't mean to let them go. However, if they say, the boss will certainly not let them go.

The five people turned their heads directly.

"Hum, kill or cut, whatever you want!"

"Commendable courage!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "Xiaobai, you lift the thin monkey who took the lead to me." Lin Feng's white feather sword pointed to the front man and said, "since they are not afraid of death, my 108 death methods can be operated well."

Lin Feng still smiled very well, but there was a bit more cold in that smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the leader's body trembled. He wanted to struggle, but he was not Xiaobai's opponent at all. He was directly carried to Lin Feng like a chicken.

Lin Feng's white feather sword is on his neck.

The boss immediately got a layer of goose bumps and looked up at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's face was calm and normal. I was used to doing such things.

"You... What do you want?" The boss's eyes narrowed.

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