"I remember that there is a method of death called peeling and cramping. I haven't tried it yet. Otherwise, big brother, I'll try it here today?" Lin Feng looked at the person in front of him with a smile, "do you know how to peel?"

Lin Feng's mind moved and he had a porcelain vase in his hand.

"This is the poison pill I refined. It's colorless and tasteless. The only powerful thing is that it can give people a belly in silence. Yes, yes, it's the kind of poison that's not highly toxic, but do you know what happens when you get poisoned?"

Lin Feng sat next to the boss.

"After being poisoned, your skin will be automatically isolated from your flesh. Then, every muscle and vein on your hand and foot will be exposed. When the muscle and vein are exposed, I'll snap a knife."

Lin Feng's hand moved, "first break the tendons of the hands, then the tendons of the feet, and finally break the other tendons a little bit. After the breaking, I pulled them out again."

Lin Feng still smiled very happy. The boss trembled more and more after hearing Lin Feng's painting.

"I said, I said!" When the boss heard Lin Feng's words, his face immediately became bitter. He stood there and looked at Lin Feng. His body couldn't help shaking. "I'll tell you what you want to know."

"Good boy!" Lin Feng patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "I'm not that kind of bad person. I just want to know one thing. You tell me, where did you configure the things in the array?"

"Boss, Shifu is still in the famous mountain. Do you think Shifu won't kill you if you say so?" A man shouted at once.

"Yes, aren't you afraid of being lingchi executed by the master?"

"We can't escape the master!"

The four people behind said loudly to the boss.

"I......" the boss glanced at the four brothers and turned to look at Lin Feng. Lin Feng still sat there smiling.

"After all, we've been with Shifu for so long. As long as we go back and make things clear, Shifu won't do much, but this guy in front of us..." the boss set his eyes on Lin Feng.

Lin now, the man in front of him is the real devil!

Everyone was silent.

"Behind our famous mountain, there is a pond. There are some white flowers on the pond, which is very beautiful, but there is black sludge under the flowers. The sludge is used to decorate here. The sludge is extremely smelly and can't be cleaned at all, but as long as the flowers go, the odor will fade immediately, We used that mud and albinism to decorate here. "

The boss trembled carefully. He trembled and said.

Hearing the boss's words, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Well, I told you not to suffer like this. I told you, you just like suffering too much!"

With that, Lin Feng waved his hand and the five people were directly thrown into the cave by Lin Feng.

"The array will only last for three days. Then you can come out." Speaker, Lin Feng waved his hand, and Qianlong shuttle fell into Lin Feng's hand.

"Let's go and have a look at the famous Sheng mountain while everyone is here now!" The students immediately stood on the Qianlong shuttle. Lin Feng's mind moved. The whole Qianlong shuttle immediately became invisible, flew silently through the air, circled around, and finally landed on a mountain pointed out by Lin Feng.

Shengming mountain is not very big. The bandit nest here is also very famous.

Qianlong shuttle directly broke through the array of Shengming mountain and fell into the back mountain.

Sure enough, there was a pond of about one and a half mu in the back mountain. On the pond, some palm sized white flowers floated on it. It happened that aluminum industry supported the white flowers. At first glance, it looked like a lotus, but closer, Lin Feng found that the plant was different.

"Master, let's get more back!" Qianlong said to Lin Feng with a smile, "this thing is a good thing. If someone is unhappy and throws it directly, that person will be angry!"

Qianlong's voice was full of schadenfreude.

"Yes!" Lin Feng nodded.

"Let's take a feeling storage bag and pack some soil. As for the flower, I'll study it first and make an antidote for you later." Lin Feng picked a hundred flowers at will and put them in his hand.

The white flowers twinkled with faint fluorescence in Lin Feng's hands.

"What is this?" Zhao Qingluo looked at the white flower in Lin Feng's hand and frowned, "this is a non interest flower. If this flower is set in the refining material, it will have a certain opportunity to help the refining material configure a tool spirit. The root of the non interest flower grows in the smelly mud and is a good material for refining puppets, but this thing is very rare now."

Zhao Qingluo's voice is very soft.

Hearing Zhao Qingluo's words, Lin Feng's mind moved. Is it love or baby?

On such a thought, Lin Feng smiled, moved, and immediately put all the rest they couldn't take any more into the storage bag. The next moment, the storage bag entered the space opened up by chaotic seeds.

Lin Feng was so excited that he opened a small pond beside the flowing Lingshui and raised them there.

"Let's go!" Put away the things, Lin Feng said with a smile. As a result, the students began to refine the interest free flowers for them.

Lin Feng refined Wuxi flower into a simple antidote. A student gave them a hundred of thirty white pills about the size of a fingernail.

"Thank you, mentor!"

With a smile on their faces, they put away their things and turned to look at Lin Feng.

"Mentor, what shall we do now?"

Unconsciously, all the people put their eyes on Lin Feng.

"Who's in the back mountain!" Before Lin Feng spoke, a very headmaster's voice came from a distance. With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, Qianlong shuttle immediately shrouded all the students and took everyone directly to the clouds in the sky.

Lin Feng hid in the clouds and poked his head out with everyone.

"Mentor, will that man find us?" The smell of Li Feng's whisper.

"Don't talk, don't leak your breath, it's all right." Lin Feng said softly, "be careful, that guy is not easy to get along with at a glance!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded and dared not speak with his breath.

In their previous position, a middle-aged man was standing there with a gloomy face. In front of him, the whole pond he was proud of was gone.

"Who!" The middle-aged man shouted, and a powerful momentum spread around.

Qianlong's body raised a faint light, which directly blocked the breath from the outside. Instead, he tutted and sighed, and couldn't help muttering to Lin Feng:

"Master, this guy is really powerful!" Qianlong's voice was very light. "The breath is so strong. I'm a master at first sight!"

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