It was absolutely unbearable for Lin Feng not to eat for a few days.

There's still something to eat now.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Such a day, simple and exquisite, is also a very happy thing for him.

For three days in a row, everyone was busy outside. Lin Feng was also rare to be lazy for three days and walked around the whole Luohe City.

Luohe City is not because of the Luohe River, but at night, the whole city is shrouded in starlight, which runs through the past like a long ice blue river.

It is said that once there was a wonderful woman named luonu in Luohe City. She fought with the demon clan and led the city to prosperity. Finally, she became Luohe in the sky. Only for many years, no one can inherit luonu anymore.

Such legends have been flowing in Luohe City.

Lin Feng is also very excited.

"Master, this may be just a legend. You don't have to take it seriously." The star said to Lin Feng faintly.

"Yes, master, you have heard that no one has inherited the so-called Luo woman for millions of years. It is estimated that it is just a legend!"

Everyone said to Lin Feng.

"I don't expect to get her inheritance. Since I'm here, let's come and have a look!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "anyway, being idle is also idle. You see, a middle-grade immortal spirit stone can stand in the best position at night and feel the Luohe River. How good?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jisuo nodded.

Indeed, the master is not short of Fairy Spirit stone anyway. As long as a medium-grade spirit stone, you can feel it well. It's a good thing for anyone.

Lin Feng went directly to the city tower.

Standing in the highest position of Luohe City and raising his head, Lin Feng only felt as if he were in the Milky way.

The Star River is boundless. Lin Feng's whole body seems to be wandering in it. He can't move at all.

Beauty, it's so beautiful!

Lin Feng never thought that the starry sky in Luohe City could not be like this.

Lin Fengchang opened his arms and enjoyed the beauty of the star river. The whole person wandered in the Star River, and the whole atmosphere was completely released.

"Life is limited, stars are infinite."

Countless ancient breath shrouded Lin Feng's body. It seemed that he was comparing each other's strength with Lin Feng. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

"Life is limited, creation is infinite."

Lin Feng's mouth opened slightly and spoke slowly bit by bit. With Lin Feng's words falling, the surrounding stars began to be in constant love, as if something fell into the quiet water.

A woman dressed in blue sat quietly beside the bluestone slab.

The woman is very beautiful. Her skin is like congealed fat. Zhu Chunxiao bridge has delicate and distinct facial features. It is quiet like a painting, but people can't help but want to touch it.

This is... Luo NV?

Lin Feng couldn't help taking a step forward. In the sky, Lin Feng's body stepped directly into the void.

"Look, is that our mentor?" Li Feng raised his legs and whispered.

Hearing Li Feng's words, everyone raised their heads. Sure enough, they saw a man standing there in the sky, walking forward step by step.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing?" Xiaobai turned to look at Zhao Qingluo and asked softly.

"I remember that there is a legend in Luohe City. The legend says that luonu is the master of the city. She once built the city, but later she turned into a star to guard the city."

Zhao Qingluo paused and looked at Lin Feng in the sky.

"For many years, no one has received the inheritance of Luo women, so many people say that the inheritance of Luo women is false. Now it seems that maybe the inheritance of Luo women is true."

Zhao Qingluo said with a smile.

"Brother Lin just happened to open the inheritance of Luo women."

"Well... Will people in this city fight brother Lin who has won the inheritance of Luo women?" Xiaobai said softly.

"Do you think that a heritage that no one has received for millions of years can be easily obtained by others?" Zhao Qingluo's corner of the mouth pulled, "Luo Nu was a very powerful expert at that time. Even at that time, Luo Nu's reputation made the demon family and the demon family shudder."

Hearing Zhao Qingluo's words, Xiaobai nodded.

At this time, Lin Feng didn't move, but his whole body was in the starlight. The starlight fell on Lin Feng and constantly infiltrated Lin Feng's body, making Lin Feng look more mysterious.

"But I think if mentor Lin succeeds this time, the city will be shaken by mentor Lin again!" Li Feng touched his chin, looked at Lin Feng above, and said with some thought.

"We can't say that about our tutor Lin. how can we say that although tutor Lin is a disaster, our dean said that tutor Lin is a good disaster!"

"Indeed, although mentor Lin is not human, he will not easily harm people at ordinary times!"

Several people stood there and chirped.

What is not easy to harm people?

Lin Feng stood on the sky. At this time, his mind had wrapped up the whole city and united with the stars. Everyone's words clearly reached his ears.

The woman in blue slowly opened her eyes and fell in front of Lin Feng.

"You... Have his breath." The woman's voice was very light. Hearing the woman's Lin Feng, Lin Feng was stunned and stood there, but his whole body couldn't move.

Who is he?

Lin Feng had not made it clear, and the woman sighed again.

"He hasn't appeared for millions of years. What am I still thinking about him?" The woman's finger gently touched Lin Feng's forehead, "but you are his man..."

The finger points on Lin Feng's forehead. Lin Feng only feels that his whole body is completely cold and can't move at all.

"Water properties?"

The woman murmured again, and the tenderness in the voice wrapped Lin Feng in it.

What a gentle and graceful voice.

Lin Feng wanted to struggle, but his whole body seemed to stick there and couldn't move at all. Lin Feng trembled a little.

"Well, since you are touched, you deserve it. I owe that bastard." Luo Nu's voice went from near to far. Lin Feng only felt that a warm current seemed to be injected into his mind. Then, thousands of stars shot at Lin Feng in an instant.

On the desolate and primitive battlefield, a woman in blue was fighting with her bare hands. When she thought about it, thousands of enemies fell under her. She stepped forward with blood, and her face was full of killing intention.

"So powerful!" Lin Feng couldn't help talking about birth.

At this time, the wisdom of the whole Luohe City followed the movement of aura in Lin Feng's body. With the continuous change of aura, all the people around flew into the sky. After feeling this scene, everyone's faces were frightened!

"It is Luo's inheritance that has been touched!"

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