"God, it's been many years. Someone finally touched the inheritance of Luo women!"

"Yes, Luo's daughter is finally willing to find an heir, but who touched the inheritance of Luo's daughter?"

All the residents of the city came out, looked at the voice in the sky and murmured.

For the inheritance of Luo women, many people have made this stall a legendary school flower, but at this time, when they really saw someone sent out to inherit, all their faces were shocked.

What a powerful man, he can touch the inheritance of Luo women!

"It's the inheritance of Luo women!" In the city Lord's house, a middle-aged man stood there with his hands on his back and looked at the man who had been completely wrapped by stars in the sky. For a long time, he whispered.

"Dad, is this Luo woman's inheritance true?" Behind the man, another teenager whispered.

"You don't study in college. What are you doing back?" The man turned to look at the child and asked.

"It's a tournament. Castle Peak academy is going to fight with us, so I'm back." With a smile on his face, the boy whispered, "do you think this person will be our senior brothers?"

"Don't fantasize. Do you see that although Luohe City is not close to mountains and rivers, the nearest thing to us is the Tuojiang River that spread from outside the city, and Luohe City is here because luonu is born with a soft body of water. To inherit her accomplishments, first of all, the dominant attribute in her body must be the attribute of water."

The middle-aged man looked at the figure in the sky and said faintly.

A faint breath suddenly appeared in the sky above the city Lord's house. Although the breath only leaked a little, the city Lord's look immediately changed and looked up at the sky.

"It turned out to be old Hong and old Du of Castle Peak Academy. What advice do you have?"

"The cultivation of this boy is getting better and better." Hong Shan smiled and slowly appeared in the sky, "Yan Zhong, Yan Zhong, your eyesight is getting better and better!"

The Lord of Luohe City is Yan Zhong.

"The Dean praised me." Yan Zhong's eyes swept around Hongshan and Du Deli, and turned to look at Hongshan incredulously.

"Old Hong, do you mean that the child in heaven is your student?"

"My old man has opened the Castle Peak Academy for hundreds of thousands of years. So far, he has not received an apprentice. The child has great talent and is my closed disciple." Hong Shan said faintly.

"Congratulations, old Hong." Yan Zhong arched his hand and said with a serious face.

Hong Shan's words are very calm. This boy, he can't move!

I never thought that a boy would be the disciple of the great man in front of me!

Yan Zhong sighed with regret. Luo women are the wealth of Luohe City. How good would it be if the inheritance of Luo women could be left in Luohe City?

"Luo Nu is a big man in ancient times. Since she chose this boy as her successor, she has made the intention to let this boy leave with inheritance. Luo Nu has guarded Luohe City for so many years, and it's time to rest."

Hong Shan patted Yan Zhong on the shoulder, sighed and said.

"What you always say is that we all know." I dare not fight Hongshan in my eyes.

The original myth became a reality overnight, and the whole Luohe City became lively in an instant. After the five colleges arrived at the specified place, they did not see the students of Qingshan college, but they did not move on, but focused on the figure in the sky.

The inheritance of the strong in ancient times, everyone wants to get it, but they all know that it is not so easy to get it.

"You say, how many days will brother Lin be like this?" Xiaobai has been standing under the sky for three days. Looking back at Zhao Qingluo, she whispered.

"The stars are beginning to disperse. It should be fast." Zhao Qingluo said softly. As soon as his voice fell, he only saw that the stars in the sky gathered in the sky again, forming the original Star River in the sky. Lin Feng opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that there were stars flowing in his veins.

Those starlights finally merged into the Dantian, gathered together with the nebula, and are constantly rotating.

What a powerful force!

Lin Feng closed his eyes slightly. After feeling this strength, a gentle smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

"Thank you, master Luo!" Although he knew that the woman no longer existed, Lin Feng solemnly hugged her fist and said, "don't worry, master Luo. As long as the boy is here all day, he will find a good successor for master Luo and let master Luo's skill be passed on proudly."

There was no sound in the sky.

Lin Feng's body fell slowly. Just as he was about to go down the Xinghe River, he grabbed Lin Feng with one hand.

It's the Dean!

How could the Dean

While Lin Feng was still muttering, Hongshan directly threw Lin Feng into the mountain and turned to silence. Lin Feng stumbled, stood up, bared his teeth and mouth, and checked his body. There was no wound on his body, but it was still too painful to fall so suddenly.

The Dean really doesn't pity her!

Lin Feng bared his teeth, stood straight, patted his swollen fart, and muttered towards the outside of the mountain.

Xiaobai, Zhao Qingluo and Li Feng are looking for Lin Feng in the mountains.

"Mentor Lin!"

"Brother Lin!"

The two voices were very loud and greeted Lin Feng everywhere.

"Here it is!" Lin Feng took out his ears and said immediately when he saw several guys coming.

"Brother Lin!" With a smile on Xiaobai's face, he looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "well, our dean has said, let's not wait for the five colleges. When we get to the next city, the ten colleges will fight together. By the way, brother Lin, our experience has begun."

Xiaobai looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"How happy are you to deal with ten together?"

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng's eyes swept around the people and said with some uncertainty.

"Of course I'm happy!" Xiaobai smiled, "because our dean has said that you can deal with five colleges alone, and we can deal with five colleges, and the powerful five colleges belong to brother Lin. in addition, the dean said that it shouldn't have been like this. It's all because of brother Lin, so..."

So he became the big head of injustice to be slaughtered!

Lin Feng's heart is called speechless!

However, there are no schools, just five schools. Anyway, although these schools look very strong, they must be easy to deal with!

Thinking so, Lin Feng was relieved.

He doesn't know how luonu's inheritance is, but the best way to master one inheritance as soon as possible is to fight, President Hongshan, for his good.

"What a bargain!" Hearing what they said, Lin Feng sighed, "but don't worry. Of course, it's a pity if you still lose to me."

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