The students of the three students stood there with some pride, with a little disdain on their faces.

"The eyes of these guys are really annoying!" Shi Jia said with some disdain, "one by one, it seems like an uncle. I really want to solve them directly!"

"Listen to the Dean!" Li Feng said faintly again, "besides, strength is strength. It can't be changed with one or two eyes."

During this time, with Lin Feng, Li Feng thought he had grown up a lot. He was almost immune to such eyes!

Besides, after three consecutive battles, they are already very tired. If they go to deal with three colleges, won't they find their own guilt?

Therefore, it's better to let others pose. Anyway, they are not the opponent of tutor Lin!

"These guys really think we can trample on them!" Zhao Qingluo's voice was faint, and his voice was not high. He said softly.

"Hey, hey, let's do whatever we want!" Xiaobai said with a smile, "let's have a look. Anyway, these troubles can be handled soon."

"Just wait for brother Lin. brother Lin should solve the three colleges outside the city. I guess he should come over." Zhao Qingluo said softly.

"Our family still knows me!" As soon as Zhao Qingluo's voice fell, Lin Feng walked slowly into the guild hall, glanced around the three colleges, shook his head and said:

"I thought I was an immortal master. It turned out that the cultivation was so bad!" Lin Feng muttered, and his whole body fell directly on the field. Bai Yujian directly three teams and said:

"Come on, let's go together. Don't waste my time!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Feng and others only felt that their chin was light, the corners of their mouth were open, and their face was incredible.

One to thirty?

Li Feng wiped his eyes and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stood there with pride on his face. Bai Yujian pointed directly at the people below and looked dismissive. The tip of Bai Yujian pointed directly at several people, completely disdaining the students of the third Institute.

The crowd swallowed their saliva.

"Mentor Lin, it's so powerful!"

"This... Pick thirty!"

"Is this the real strength of mentor Lin?"

The crowd murmured, leaving only their murmurs in the whole venue.

"Patter!" It seemed that something fell on the floor. All the people reacted at this time and all their eyes were on Lin Feng.

This... This is too powerful!

One pick thirty!

The whole audience began to get excited.



"Come on!"

The audience in the venue began to shout loudly. The students of the third Institute reacted at this time. Looking at Lin Feng on the stage, they have determined that this guy is going to pick 30!

This guy, he's dead!

They are the top of thirty immortals. The strong ones with big and round peaks!

Lin Feng's mind moved and sent a message to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was stunned at first, and then directly started gambling on the field.

"Come on, set up a gambling game. Lin Dasheng, PK Castle Peak Academy of the third academy, who wins and who loses. Come on, let's set up a gambling game!" Xiaobai's voice is loud.

"Master Lin wins, a hundred top-grade immortal spirit stones!" Li Feng put a storage bag on Xiaobai's tray and looked down. Then he saw that there was a larger storage bag and a relatively small one on it.

Zhao Qingluo put another one on it.

"Brother Lin bet he can win, 100000 top-grade immortal spirit stones." Xiaobai scratched the back of his head and said softly.

The people in the venue are naturally very willing to participate in gambling. They have the leisure to spend so much time watching the battle. They are basically funny and continue in the mountains. A hundred or so top-grade immortal spirit stones are nothing.

In this circle, except Castle Peak academy, all the spectators outside bet that the third academy can win.

A million top-grade Fairy Spirit stones!

Xiaobai looked at the storage bag in the tray and swallowed.

"I... I'm 100. The Lin Dasheng on the gambling table won." A thin and weak body pushed to the front. A pair of eyes turned around Lin Feng and said softly.

"Little brother, you have too much vision!" Xiaobai said with a smile, "there are only 15 of us gambling on brother Lin. in this way, we can share a lot of fairy stones!"

Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm short of money." Wei Yunshu muttered. Looking at Lin Feng on the stage, her eyes were full of expectation. She was also curious about what kind of cultivation this guy had achieved!

Really, I haven't seen this guy for a long time!

Wei Yunshu's eyes are still turning.

On the stage.

"Are you sure you want to pick thirty?" The third hospital stood opposite Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng and asked again.

"I said, you guys, come or not, I don't choose 30. What am I doing here? Make a sculpture!" Lin Feng turned his eyes, looked disgusted and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the students of the three institutes smoked at the corners of their mouths.

This guy's mouth. Ba, why is it so smelly!

Does he really think he's invincible?

"Although you came from Qingshan academy, one of the five academies, we still solemnly tell you that our dean has told us that as long as we defeat you, we can continue to move forward instead of Qingshan Academy. Do you really not change?"

The leader of the third hospital was a young man with red hair. Looking at Lin Feng, he said loudly.

"If you are so wordy again, I have the right to think you give up!" Lin Feng took out his ears, squinted at the person in front of him, and said faintly.

"Fuck you!" The man saw Lin Feng's appearance and exploded in an instant. The people behind him surrounded Lin Feng at almost the same time and attacked Lin Feng one after another!

fuck! Didn't even say hello!

Lin Feng's whole body suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

"Don't panic, we've locked the whole scene. That guy can't attack us!" A student shouted.

Feeling the wanton of these guys below, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile, his hand shook, and an attack flew directly towards the people. Before the people reacted, Lin Feng's body had fallen in front of a student.

The student stepped back quickly, and the attack in his hand never fell.

In order to deal with Lin Feng, it is obvious that they are also ready.

After all, as long as they beat this guy, they can participate in the competition. This is the good news rarely found in the world!

The look of the people kept a strange consistency and surrounded Lin Feng in the middle. They didn't mean to let Lin Feng go.

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