Suddenly, Lin Feng put away his weapon.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, everyone was stunned immediately and had to say something. Lin Feng's hand shook and a star slowly came out of Lin Feng's body.

The starlight is twinkling with a faint blue light, which is very similar to the starlight of Luohe City, but the breath is more powerful.

"It is the inheritance of the tutor!"

When they saw this scene, they all followed closely, and their eyes turned with Lin Feng's hands.

"I'm sorry, everyone. Although I like to fight alone, I'm not good at group warfare." Lin Feng smiled and waved his hand. Thousands of stars shrouded the whole scene in an instant.

While those students were still immersed in the beauty of the starlight, countless water arrows formed in the starlight and greeted everyone with a strong murderous spirit.

They hurried to avoid the attack in front of them, but Lin Feng's body appeared in front of these students like a ghost. While these students didn't respond, the attack fell on those students again, and then kicked the students off the table.

As long as you get off the stage, you admit defeat.

Lin Feng's action was very fast. Those disciples had not reacted yet. Everyone had been kicked off the table by Lin Feng, lying there one by one, trembling and shaking all over his body.

Tanima is cruel!

They didn't expect that Lin Feng's shot would be so fast and without hesitation!

This guy is on purpose!

Lin Feng was still standing there, and the last student had been put up with by him.

Lin Feng coughed softly.

This attack method is very powerful, but it also consumes spiritual power.

Xiaobai immediately went on stage and held Lin Feng.

The immortal spirit water was constantly flowing in Lin Feng's body and gradually restored Lin Feng's cultivation. Soon, Lin Feng's body recovered almost, and his face was also with a gentle smile.

Feeling Lin Feng's appearance, everyone's look changed again.

This guy is just a change of state!

There's no fun at all!

Feeling this guy's appearance, the students of the third college were crying under the stage, one by one with a helpless face.

When did Castle Peak academy produce such a powerful guy!

They can't imagine!

This guy is a little too powerful!

"Hehe, admit it!" Seeing that the students below looked defeated, Lin Feng shook his head and said helplessly, "this attack is skilled. You are too lack of skills!"

When stepping down, Lin Feng still did not forget to say.

The crowd trembled.

They all know that Lin Feng must be selling his baby!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but sigh. Mentor Lin is strong. His cultivation is strong and his ability to earn immortal spirit stone is also very strong!

As soon as he stepped down, everyone gathered around. Obviously, everyone was curious about what Lin Feng said!

Seeing these guys around, Lin Feng nodded to Xiaobai.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to know, please get ready first, and we will explain it at the first time!" Xiaobai's voice was very high and said loudly to everyone, "everyone is ready. We will announce it a little bit at that time!"

Hearing Xiaobai's words, everyone laughed with him. Is there any difference between this and not saying?

"Tonight, at Yuehe restaurant, our castle peak academy has covered the whole floor. Don't you want to know the skills of one-on-30? Welcome to communicate then! "

Zhao Qingluo's voice was very nice. In addition, she was a beautiful woman. As soon as she opened her mouth, everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Qingluo. After hearing Zhao Qingluo's words, everyone suddenly realized on their face and nodded.

Is there such an operation?

The people suddenly realized on their faces and stirred up in the hall one by one.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the students of the eighth Institute were inspired one by one.

Among the crowd, Minghao finally came. He mainly came to see how Lin Feng dealt with the three hospitals. After feeling Lin Feng's attack, Minghao completely lowered his head.

Lin Feng, it's so powerful!

The gap between the five institutes and them is so strong!

Feeling this, Minghao's mood slowly bullied him. Suddenly, he thought of what Lin Feng had given him before. Minghao bowed his head, looked at the things in his hand, looked up at Lin Feng's back, but his heart was constantly stirring.

Are you going?

Minghao is a little uncertain, but Lin Feng's powerful power still attracts his attention.

Especially here, there are many students.

"Captain, shall we go back now?" A student came to Minghao and said softly.

"No, we'll go to Yuehe restaurant tonight!" Minghao shook his head and said seriously, "we've also got a lot of resources along the way. We'll change the resources into the materials we need before we leave. There must be more materials in Castle Peak college than in our college! "

Hearing Minghao's words, everyone nodded.

Several other students also followed Minghao and smiled at Minghao.

Minghao didn't pay attention to their meaning, but took the people to go out. The hall was full of people. It must take a lot of time to go out at this time.

"Sorry, please let me go!" Among the crowd, Wei Yunshu kept shuttling, and then rushed directly to the front until she reached the door. Wei Yunshu never saw Lin Feng again.

"This guy walks so fast that there is no exchange for gambling!" Wei Yunshu's eyes rolled and swept around the crowd.

She just opened her mind. Why didn't she see that guy?

"Let's go back first. I have a friend here. I want to see my friend!" With a gentle smile on the corners of Lin Feng's mouth, he said to Xiaobai and his party, "I will come back to Yuehe restaurant soon."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone looked at each other and nodded.

Lin Feng turned and walked towards the hall, gathered his collar, lowered his head and shuttled through the crowd.

Everyone was talking about Yuehe restaurant. No one noticed Lin Feng. Lin Feng walked behind Wei Yunshu.

After repeatedly determining that the untidy little girl in front of him was Wei Yunshu, Lin Feng put his hand directly on Wei Yunshu's shoulder.

How come every time I see this girl, she seems to be pretending to be a beggar?

Lin Feng was in a trance.

Wei Yunshu's body suddenly stiffened, and an attack directly came towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng's body deflected, and the two directly made several moves.

Suddenly, Lin Feng grabbed Wei Yunshu's hand.

"Hooligans!" Wei Yunshu shouted. The people around him passed by Wei Yunshu and ignored Wei Yunshu's meaning. Lin Feng stood there smiling.

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