"Thank you." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I bet a hundred immortal spirit stones that you will win. You can give me something instead. What pills, runes and array plates, give me as much as you have." Wei Yunshu reached out to Lin Feng and said with a natural face.

She knew that this girl had nothing to offer and was either a traitor or a thief!

However, the little girl has a good talent, and she is destined to need a place to protect in the future. Now, let her fly by herself!

"Give you some applicable!" Seeing Wei Yunshu's appearance, Lin Feng sighed and waved his hand. A storage bag fell on Wei Yunshu's palm. Wei Yunshu swept around, smiled, hugged Lin Feng, waved his hand and said:


With that, Wei Yunshu's whole body disappeared into the crowd. Shortly after Wei Yunshu left, several people in black followed.

This trouble maker!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng could only shake his head and slowly went to Yuehe restaurant with his hands on his back.

"Brother Lin, why are you so kind to that little beggar?" Xiaobai smiled at Lin Feng and asked.

"This is the talent brother Lin wants to cultivate himself." Zhao Qingluo said softly. She had already seen that although the girl's cultivation was a little worse, she must not be a fuel-saving lamp. If she could follow Lin Feng, she must not be a bad cultivator.

"Yes, I'm going to train well in the future." Lin Feng nodded with a smile and said, "can you?"

"Absolutely!" Xiaobai nodded and said with a positive face, "brother Lin, why don't you bring her here?" Xiaobai looked at Lin Feng and asked softly.

Zhao Qingluo nodded.

"Everyone's character is different, just like you. The mud can't lift the wall. When you are around me, I can give full play to your potential. She is the same. She is a freedom loving person. If you hold her around, it will only destroy her talent. Therefore, it's better not to let him fly by himself."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai suddenly realized on his face and nodded.

Although Lin Feng said very abstruse, he basically understood. Lin Feng meant that this guy is a guy who can toss, so he should toss himself!

"Brother Lin, let me ask you another question!" Xiaobai takes a careful look at the back. Zhaoqing yioh has turned to do things. Xiuaobai breathes a sigh of relief.

"Brother Lin, how do you know so many beautiful women? They all look so beautiful. I also want to know them!" Xiaobai smiled at Lin Feng and said.

"Do you want to know how I know beautiful women?" Lin Feng picked up his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Qingluo with a smile. Suddenly, he raised his voice.

"No, no, no, brother Lin, you understand wrong. I wish I had a light fall, I wish I had a light fall!" Xiaobai quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm just curious. How do you know each other!"

Xiaobai bit the word "you" very hard.

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "this is my personal charm. I'm handsome. Let alone a little sister. Even a dozen little sisters, it's definitely easy."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai turned her eyes and walked away silently. Standing beside Zhao Qingluo, she seemed to be talking to Zhao Qingluo. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a great joy for Lin Feng to meet his old friends in a foreign country.

When I think about it carefully, I don't seem to have gone back to see my parents for a long time. Take time to go back and see my parents!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and returned his mind to the matter at hand. Seeing these handled things, Lin Feng's mood also soared.

In the evening, the whole Yuehe building began to be lively. Everyone gathered together in twos and threes. After seeing all kinds of treasures and group killing techniques above, everyone had no interest in fighting the heroes alone as Lin Feng said earlier.

The baby here is more worth buying.

Lin Feng stood in the dark and guarded the whole floor, mainly to prevent the third hand and some uncivilized practices.

Of course, most of these practitioners come from the right path, and rarely do such excessive things. With Lin Feng, all of them look serious.

Lin Feng was also in a good mood. As everyone looked at it, his eyes were serious.

Seeing this scene, everyone's look immediately changed, and their eyes were looking at Lin Feng seriously.

"I feel a little abnormal!" Zhao Qingluo stood beside Lin Feng and whispered, "the city here is very big. It is reasonable that some local aborigines should come over, but there are too few local aborigines."

Hearing Zhao Qingluo's words, Lin Feng smiled.

"That's normal. In the past, most of the students there were students, but now, you see, students are basically buying things, which means that there are still some people who haven't come out. Those talents are the main force, and those people haven't come out. It's also normal that our income is not so high."

Lin Feng's voice is very light.

"Wait, these people are all ready to move. They must call people over soon. At that time, it will be the real peak of our business."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

The purchasing power of students is limited. First deal with the students, and then wait for the low-end aborigines to come and buy.

"Students, aren't they richer?" Zhao Qingluo said softly, "those practitioners outside are living a life of licking blood at the edge of the knife every day. How can they be willing to buy it?"

"The cultivator who licks blood at the edge of the knife outside is more needed." Lin Feng's voice was very light. "They live in danger all the time. It would be too expensive to buy pills in half of the pharmacies, but now we are direct selling. The quality of pills is good and the price is low. They will certainly hoard goods!"

Lin Feng said with a positive face that business should be done and everyone's business should be done.

For practitioners who lick blood at the edge of the knife, every pill, every weapon, a rune and even an array plate are treasures. They will choose them very carefully, but they will definitely take all the useful ones for themselves.

This is the gap.

This is the gap.

In Lin Feng's hands, pills and other things are almost produced by machines. You only need to prepare herbs. Therefore, you have the opportunity to produce so much.

Zhao Qingluo stood and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had a gentle smile on his mouth, but in his eyes, he had an elegant insight into everything.

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