Grandpa said as like as two peas, master Lin Feng was a master and a master of greed. Zhao did not believe in his former light. Now he saw Lin Feng, and Zhao realized that he was just the same as Grandpa.

Grandpa is right. The guy in front of me is an expert.

Zhao Qingluo breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't have a strong sense of experts, but it was easy to be reassured to look at the guy in front of her.

This guy is the real master.

No wonder grandpa said he wanted her to communicate more with Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, we have almost sold here. When will Ji Zhao arrive?" Xiaobai walked up to Lin Feng, frowned and said, "the supply of goods tonight may not be enough."

"I have a part here. Use it first. As for the rest, let's not worry now. Wait!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

In the sky, Hongyan and Hongshan stand together.

"Dean, do you really let that boy do this with them?" Hongyan bit his lips slightly, turned to look at Hongshan and said, "is this boy too unscrupulous?"

"As long as we finish the work according to our requirements, we don't care about the others. They are all young, and their heads can study, live and better. In this way, they won't be afraid of starvation when they go out of society, will they?"

Hong Shan said with a smile.

Hearing Hongshan's words, Hongyan was silent.

Yes, these students will graduate after participating in the war of the five institutes. At that time, they will enter all kinds of sects or other things and start their new life.

Every experience at this time is to lay the foundation for their future.

Hongyan was silent.

"Girl, young people are different now. Let them toss around. If you have time, toss around!" Hong Shan waved his hand and put a storage bag in front of Hong Yan. "It's not fun to hide in the clouds all day. When you're free, sell materials and pills to those practitioners."

Hearing Hongshan's words, Hongyan was stunned, then took the storage bag and turned down the clouds.

Hongshan looked at it with a smile, but he saw that Hongyan went directly to the deep mountain.

Going to sell in the mountains?

Seeing Hongyan's appearance, Hongshan's eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

This... Is this too overbearing?

Seeing Hongyan's appearance, Hongshan was only surprised. Especially at this time, Hongyan's body went to a small army fighting with monsters.

"This girl..."

Seeing Hongyan's appearance, Hongshan shook his head helplessly.

He suddenly found that he seemed to have done a wrong thing.

Let this girl sell things. It seems that she has completely cheated this girl!

Thinking of this, Hong Shan sighed and narrowed his eyes to look down. Yuehe restaurant is still very lively, and countless scattered repairs have begun to go there.

Lin Feng is the boy who can really do business.

Seeing this scene, Hong Shan couldn't help muttering in his heart. Unfortunately, when the boy was eight or nine out of ten, he was a little unreliable.

"How many colleges do you have tomorrow?" Until late at night, the stall was just over. Lin Feng and Li Feng stood together, looked out of the window and asked softly.

"We have dealt with two colleges and three more." Li Feng pursed his mouth, turned his head and said with laughter, "the strength of the three colleges is very strong. Their speed of gulari is slower and is being rectified now."

"Well, come on!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Mentor, will you still do it?" Li Feng looked at Lin Feng and asked, if Lin Feng shot, they would be very relaxed. The rest people can't come at all in Lin Feng's hands!

"If I do it again, the dean will take me away in person!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

At the same time, in the deep mountains, Hongyan walked around aimlessly, and finally focused on a group of people not far away.

This group of guys have just solved a monster. Most of the people have been injured. The pills on them are obviously not enough.

"Do you want to buy pills?" Hongyan went directly to the group of friars, looked up at the group of friars and said coldly, "I sell all the pills here."

The people who were still healing heard Hongyan's words and looked up at Hongyan with an unbelievable face.

How can there be business people in the mountains?

A group of people immediately stood on alert. Hongyan stood not far away, holding weapons in his hands, and his whole body was undulating.

Redness is tense.

But in the eyes of outsiders, isn't this just trying to murder money?

"Bah, where did you come from? I tell you, we are the hunting team of Zhangjia in the city. If you dare to sell to us, Zhangjia will not forgive you!"

Hongyan frowned at these guys.

Seeing the appearance of Hongyan, several people look at me and I look at you. It is obvious that some people are not sure what Hongyan is standing here for at this time.

Hongyan took another step forward, and a group of people took a step back.

"I'm just asking you, do you need healing pills? I have it all here. " The look of red inflammation was not so nervous, and his speech eased a little, "this is the list."

With a wave of Hongyan's hand, Lingli directly outlined all the lists and placed them in front of the hunting team.

Really just selling medicine?

A group of people obviously disagree. Selling medicine in the deep mountains?

Lin Feng and Li Feng stood together and watched the scene.

The corners of your mouth of the two people smoked at the same time.

"Tutor, you are so powerful that you even monitor tutor Hongyan." Li Feng gave Lin Feng a thumbs up.

"It's okay, let's have a sneak look." Lin Feng smiled and said, "it's good for us to keep abreast of her developments at any time."

Are you sure you don't want to peek at the beauty bath?

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Feng touched his nose and whispered softly. Lin Feng looked at Hongyan's business failure and turned away.

No one wants to do this woman's business in the mountains and forests.

However, Lin Feng's heart suddenly moved. If he could leave a self-service point in the mountain and let everyone get things from it with immortal stone, would it be convenient for many people?

Besides, these practitioners are easy to get hurt when they are outside. If they can arrange convenience points, they can provide services for the practitioners in their hands. Those who might have faced death will be fine with such services!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng began to think carefully.

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