When he left, Yu Feng's eyes were on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stood there with a gentle face, just like a good child. He didn't enter the war with Lin Feng just now. Fish meal didn't notice this ordinary boy at all.

"Dean, shall we just forget it?" Out of Yuehe restaurant, a student came forward and said to Yu Feng, "but he is the only one... But the father of my only child!"

This is a pretty woman. Standing there, she trembled and said.

"Give birth to the child, I will raise it myself. As for you..." Yu Feng's eyes turned on the woman and waved her hand. The woman only felt that her whole body could not move. Yu Feng snorted coldly.

"You are obedient. In the face of my future grandson, you still have a good life. If you are not obedient, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With that, Yu Feng went straight away.

The woman's body trembled. When she heard Yu Feng's words, the whole body was trembling.

"Elder martial sister, let's go!" The students behind hurried, and the woman quickly followed Yu Feng. Looking back, her eyes were gloomy.

"Thank you, Dean." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile.

"You boy..." Hong Shan looked at Lin Feng up and down, then smiled and said, "it's good. Go and have a good rest. Hong Yan will come to you tomorrow and teach Hong Yan well, you know?"

Hongshan said to Lin Feng with a serious face.

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng touched his nose and nodded. Thinking of Hongyan selling things in the mountain, Lin Feng's mouth hooked up again.

"She just hasn't had much contact with humans. Don't underestimate Hongyan's combat effectiveness. She came back alive from the demon world." Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Hong Shan sighed and said softly.

"I know, Dean!" Lin Feng nodded.

Hongyan can become their mentor. Although Hongyan hasn't made a move yet, they know very well that Hongyan's cultivation is certainly not bad, even higher than he imagined. What Lin Feng didn't expect is that Hongyan came back alive from the demon world!

Once you enter the demon world, as long as you are found by some demon families who hate human beings, it will be a naked battle!

Such a battle is not something that ordinary practitioners can bear!

Hongshan didn't communicate with Lin Feng too much. He turned and left directly. Lin Feng watched Hongshan disappear into the night and just turned and went upstairs.

Yu Feng took the students of the third hospital back overnight and lost a son in Qilin City, which made Yu Feng feel very bad!

This rest is a full three days.

Three days later, Li Feng came out of the closed gate, and the whole person was much more energetic.

"Mentor!" Li Feng stood in front of Lin Feng with a smile on his face. "How am I?"

"Not bad!" Lin Feng smiled and said, "you can master the potential energy position. It seems that your boy's luck this time is really against the sky."

"The mentor is joking. The potential energy position can't be mastered so easily. Now I just know a little about it. It's far from you. By the way, when did you start the potential energy position?"

Li Feng looked at Lin Feng and asked with curiosity on his face.

"It's been a long time. Is it Jindan period or Yuanying period? It's too long. I don't remember it, but it's really a long time."

Lin Feng turned his head and said seriously.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Feng, who was still a little happy, immediately became silent!

There is no way to compare the two!

"Don't envy me too much. I have a special reason." Lin Feng said with a smile.

At that time, the corpse Yin sect invaded the earth. Only when they rose can they protect their place. Therefore, although their cultivation was not high at that time, everyone was making endless efforts for their own home.

This is the result of their efforts.

"So... Mentor, how did you achieve your potential energy position?" Li Feng asked again.

"Battle, endless battle." Lin Feng's momentum changed suddenly. The murderous Qi around him seemed to condense into essence. Lin Feng's aura changed suddenly.

Feeling Lin Feng's aura, Li Feng's body trembled.

Usually, Lin Feng is a very gentle person!

"I want to learn from you!" Li Feng said to Lin Feng with a serious face.

Hearing Li Feng's words, Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. "Fighting is not something that exists. It contains too many things. There are also some things that we are learning ourselves. Those things are included in it, which makes our fighting more powerful."

Lin Feng's voice is not very high, but it is very persuasive.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Feng nodded.

"In every battle, you should try your best to complete, feel and get inspiration from the battle. In this way, maybe you don't have too many battles, and you can also feel what you want."

Li Feng stood beside Lin Feng and listened quietly to Lin Feng's lecture.

Soon, the other students came together.

Just thank the dean for what he has done for himself!

Lin Feng shared his combat experience with everyone. Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone looked a little serious, and their breath gradually calmed down.

For a long time, a group of people left suddenly.

Hongyan stood in the corner. After hearing what Lin Feng said, she also put solemnity on her face. What the boy said just moved her.

"Teacher Hongyan!" Hong Yan is still immersed in his own world. Lin Feng's voice comes from his ear. Hong Yan looks up at Lin Feng. Lin Feng has a gentle smile on his mouth and says:

"Teacher Hongyan, what are you doing here?"

"There are five colleges in your next stage. When will you go there?" Hongyan stood in front of Lin Feng. He looked much more relaxed than before.

Are there five more?

Lin Feng frowned.

They have solved 16 colleges. According to reason, there should be few left.

"This is only the first stage for you to deal with, and there are many later stages for you to deal with. Therefore, you should be prepared first. The friars over there don't cover their accomplishments."

Hongyan's voice was cold and said to Lin Feng.

Don't worry, teacher Hongyan, I will take it seriously.

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Hong Yandun nodded and put all the data in front of Lin Feng.

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