"Look at it yourself. By the way, the dean said that you must pass through 36 villages. These 36 villages are plagued by monsters all year round. You should help the villagers solve those monsters."

Hongyan said to Lin Feng faintly.

This is clearly giving them trouble again!

Hearing Hongyan's words, Lin Feng sighed. If they passed the 36 villages, they would have made a big circle. The Dean seemed to like to make such trouble for them.

"I see." Lin Feng sighed and said.

Hongyan paused for a moment and turned to leave, but Lin Feng shouted Hongyan.

"Mentor Hongyan, if you are really ready to do business, I think you can set up stalls where some hunting teams appear. In this way, they will be impressed and know you. At that time, if you want to sell pills and weapons in the deep mountains, they will naturally know you."

Lin Feng said to Hongyan with a smile.

A faint pink rose on Hongyan's face. After hearing Lin Feng's words, he snorted coldly and accelerated his steps out.

Seeing the appearance of Hongyan, Lin Feng shook his head!

He thought this woman wouldn't be shy!

But the shy appearance finally has a little feminine flavor.

Li Feng and others stood behind Lin Feng and winked at Lin Feng. Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said:

"I said, what are you thinking? I have a wife!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Feng and others nodded.

"Teacher, shall we start now?" Zhang Han looked at Lin Feng and asked in a low voice, looking eager to try.

"Wait for Ji Zhao. They are dealing with some things now. When they arrive, let's start together." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "expand our team."

Ji Zhao, are they here?

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's hearts jumped. Ji Zhao and them are all people with a lot of materials!

Seeing a group of guys ready to move, Lin Feng shook his head, feeling that these guys came for other people's materials.

"Come on, let's start a little and gather outside the city." Lin Feng's mind moved. Ji Zhao sent a message. They were outside the city.

Zhao Qi looks at Lin Feng.

"You are still responsible!" Lin Feng said to Zhao Qi with a smile.

Zhao Qi nodded and walked silently again. Zhao Qi has been able to accept that he is Lin Feng's nanny. After all, Lin Feng is a troublesome guy!

Thinking of this, Zhao Qi's depressed mood was swept away. Anyway, it's good to work for Lin Feng and have money.

Thinking of this, Zhao Qi's pace accelerated a little. Unconsciously, Zhao Qi has become the general person around Lin Feng. He not only works for Lin Feng, but also accepts Lin Feng's instructions. Of course, Zhao Qi's accomplishments are also growing.

After a few steps out of Kirin City, Lin Feng felt wrong.

Someone's blocking them!

It seems that Ji Zhao is surrounded by those guys!

Lin Feng's mouth aroused a cold smile. His people can surround Lin Feng casually!

"The tutor is not like a student of the college, but more like a member of the animal hunting team!" Li Feng stood in front of Lin Feng, frowned and said, "I once said hello to those animal hunting teams. They are relatively elite practitioners. Their cultivation is much higher than ordinary casual cultivation, and these people lick blood at the edge of the knife all year round. Their cultivation must be higher."

"Now that people have come to the door, we don't care what they are. We just need to entertain them back." Lin Feng showed his big white teeth, smiled and said, "just in time, I haven't had a good exercise for a long time. This time, I'll play games with them!"

Lin Feng's voice was gloomy and haunted around with a strong murderous spirit.

"Tutor, give you the powerful ones, and let's come if not!" Li Feng and others looked at Lin Feng, shared a bitter hatred and said.

Lin Feng nodded.

"I've informed Ji Zhao that those who haven't arrived should hide first. Let's get ready for the fight. Go to the mountains and kill people outside the city. Those fairy soldiers are also a trouble!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

The crowd nodded and headed in all directions under the guidance of Lin Feng. Everyone seemed to be in chaos, but if you look carefully, there are still some rules where everyone left.

Everyone put away what Lin Feng had previously sent them. Originally, it was difficult for them to walk. At this time, they became very vigorous.

"Dean, I have informed 20 animal hunting teams to surround them. These animal hunting teams have collected our fairy spirit stone. This time, we must make them comfortable!"

A middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stood behind Yu Feng and said.

"I see. I won't reduce your commission. Remember, don't divulge me." Yu fengleng snorted and looked at the students of Qingshan academy shuttling through the mountains and forests. The whole person was drawn into a piece of Rune paper.

He wants to see how these little guys can survive the siege of so many animal hunting teams!

Lin Feng looked at Yu Feng's position.

President Hongshan and tutor Hongyan went to the place where the other two teams were. The old man was very good at choosing time.

However, since everyone has sent them, he will give them a gift!

"Remember to keep in touch!" Lin Feng's voice was very light and said with a smile, "have you arrived at the designated place?"

"Mentor, I'm here!"

"Mentor, I'm here too!"

"Brother Lin, I've done it according to your requirements!"

"Brother Lin, we have arrived at the designated place!"

Everyone answered Lin Feng one after another. Lin Feng nodded and directly buried several bombs on the ground.

There are twenty animal hunting teams. Generally, there are seven to ten people in a small animal hunting team. If so many are put together, there will be 200 people. There must be some animal hunting teams with more people, so Lin Feng dare not be vague at all.

Since Yu Feng wants to kill them, the hunting team he is looking for is definitely not bad.

These hunting teams live a life of licking blood with a knife. There is no difference between humans and monsters in their eyes. Some are only immortal stones. As long as there are enough immortal stones, they are willing to kill them.

If Lin Feng is alone, Lin Feng certainly has the intention to play well with these guys of the animal hunting team. Unfortunately, it's not.

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