"Master, the members of the animal hunting team have been killed in. There are 378 people in total. Their accomplishments are similar to those of these students. These guys are like beating chicken blood one by one. Master, what shall we do?"

What should I do?

Lin Feng's mouth made a faint smile. Since they all came, it's natural to treat these guys well!

"Four little ones, you are now fixed in your own position to ensure that every student is within your scope of protection, you know?" Lin Feng's mind moved, and the whole array appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

Qianlong, Boqi, Houtu and Xingyu went in four directions. The four people took Lin Feng as the center and spread in four directions: Southeast, northwest and northwest. Instead, they protected all the students.

"Qianlong, arrive!"

"Here we are, birch!"

"Thick soil, here it is!"

"Star, OK!"

The four voices sounded in Lin Feng's mind. Then, there seemed to be something connected in the sky, and all the students rushed towards Lin Feng's direction.

However, before they arrived, a hunting team arrived.

"There is no amnesty for killing!" Lin Feng said with a serious face.

Lin Feng's voice sounded in everyone's ears, and everyone's spirit was raised.

At this time, Ji Zhao and others hiding in the dark came out. According to Lin Feng's previous agreement, they buried the array plate and fairy stone in the designated place.

Feeling that everything had been completed, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

Li Feng and others did not love war, but attacked all the way to Lin Feng, pretended to attack a few times, turned and fled.

"These guys seem to be gathering!" Some members of the hunting team found it fishy, said.

"What are you afraid of? There are only eleven of them in total. We have more than 300 people. Are you afraid of several students as we men with iron, blood and bone?"

A voice sneered and said.

"Yes, we are not afraid!"

The members of the hunting team immediately shouted.

"Tut Tut, it's interesting for you to say so!" Lin Feng tut tut sighed, "don't look at yourself. You are still a clanking man. I think you are a group of scum!"

Hearing Lin Feng's voice, the members of the hunting team immediately stood on alert and checked around one by one.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you here?"

The people of the animal hunting team were on alert and shouted to Lin Feng.

"I'm your great grandfather. I've come to give you gifts!" Lin Feng smiled and waved his hand. The four shuttle returned directly to Lin Feng. Lin Feng's mind moved, and all the students immediately fell on the Qianlong shuttle.

"Remember, some people, not you can offend!" Lin Feng waved his hand and everyone rose to the sky.

"Mentor, don't you need someone to control this array?" Li Feng turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a serious face.

"This is a one-time explosion array. Don't worry. There are hundreds of people outside who haven't come in. I'll go and greet them first!" Lin Feng smiled and fell directly into the dense forest, guiding the members of the animal hunting team to the array.

Previously, these hunting teams had seen that all the people were heading that way. After the battle, those hunting teams immediately went to the battle place.

"Why do these people of the hunting team forget where to fight?" Someone asked, frowning.

"It's very simple, because our heads are more valuable than their dispatch this time!" Lin Feng said with a gentle smile, "these guys are preparing to give us a blow!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded.

"Master, almost." The voice of the star rang out in Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng nodded and waved his hand. The center of the earth turned into a long dragon and went straight down.

"Those guys are in the sky!" I don't know who shouted. All the people looked at the sky and felt the look of these guys. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a touch of light ridicule.

Want to deal with us in the sky?

I'm afraid you are not qualified!

As soon as the inflammation of the earth touched the bombs, those bombs directly began to explode with the help of the flame. The whole array was pulled by the spiritual force. One side exploded, and the whole array below exploded.

There was a wail below, and countless stumps flew up and down.

Everyone stood there with their hearts beating.

They have seen the tragic scenes during the animal tide, but none of them is more tragic than the scene in front of them.

It's all human in here!

"The world is bustling, all for profit, all for profit. Today we didn't kill them. They will certainly kill us for their vested interests. At that time, we are the following tragic scene."

Seeing a group of people trembling, Lin Feng frowned and said seriously.

The people stood there with their heads down and listened to Lin Feng silently. Lin Feng was quiet and everyone dared not speak. They sat there so quietly.

"Brother Lin, let's just watch the array below explode all the time?" Suddenly, Xiaobai came up to Lin Feng and whispered.

"Of course not." Lin Feng shook his head and looked at the array below.

"The explosions are one-off and will stop soon. However, these guys won't hang up with a few bombs, so get ready."

Lin Feng's body perked up, and the white feather sword trembled gently in his hand.

"What are we doing?" Xiaobai asked softly.

"Kill them directly and let these guys taste our power!" Zhao Qingluo snorted and said loudly.

"Go!" Lin Feng shouted, and the whole body flew down. The students followed behind Lin Feng and went inside. The explosion stopped quickly. This time, the victory was caught off guard. There were only dozens of people left of more than 300 people, and many of them were seriously injured.

"These students are a little strange. We'd better leave!" After experienced people of the hunting team felt this scene, they shouted, and some members of the hunting team began to step back.

However, when they reacted, they found that the array had been arranged here.

"The array is not strong. Let's go!" Someone shouted and wanted to go towards the array, but Lin Feng's shot was too fast. Those people haven't reacted yet, but Lin Feng's battle has come to the front.

"Now that everyone is here, let's fight with us, won't you?" Lin Feng's voice was chilly. Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people who were still looking forward to it immediately perked up, and kept retreating one by one. They couldn't believe it in their eyes.

They are not fools. Naturally, they know that Lin Feng is controlling this scene.

"Who the hell are you? We have no enemies with you. Why do you deal with us like this?" Many members of the hunting team stood together and said loudly to Lin Feng.

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