Brother Lin is so terrible that he is paying attention to them!

All the people dare not speak anymore. You can only look at me. I look at you and look at each other. How can they forget that there are still artifacts on mentor Lin!

Lin Feng's followers, Hong Yan, walked forward at a very fast speed.

Hongyan felt that someone came after him and looked back. His eyebrows wrinkled gently and accelerated his speed.

In front of her, more than a dozen people fell into the miasma forest. They still had wounds on their bodies. It was obvious that they had just fought with others.

"Help!" It seems that he felt the process of Hongyan. There was a reasonable cultivator who raised his head and said to Hongyan.

Hongyan stopped.

"I can save you, but my asking price is not cheap. Can you give it to me?" Hongyan's voice, two vegetarian dolls, looked at these guys and said.

When he heard Hongyan's words, he just waved his hand. A token was thrown in front of Hongyan, and then he didn't speak.

Hongyan pursed his mouth, picked up the token, put it away, hesitated, untied something from his body, put it in front of several people, and said, "this is the antidote."

Seeing a group of people inconvenient, Hongyan fed the antidote to a sober person.

After eating the poison pill, the man immediately felt that the toxin had begun to retreat, and Hongyan stood looking at these people.

"Thank you, nvxia!" The man trembled and gave the antidote pill to others. Hongyan just stood there quietly. After he fed all the people the antidote pill, Hongyan pursed his mouth and said:

"Well, revenge."

Hongyan stretched out his hand, "I'm not a stingy person. Since you took my pill, you should pay the corresponding reward."

"I wonder if the girl is mistaken?" The leader looked at Hongyan and took a silent look at his group of partners. They ate a lot of detoxification pills, and some even ate two. These detoxification pills are of perfect quality. At this time, they simply can't take out so many fairy stones.

If you can't take it out for a few days, then play tricks!

Now that they have recovered some strength, they must have more than enough to deal with the girl in front of them.

Hongyan didn't mean to make a move, but stood there looking chilly.

Feeling the look of red inflammation, several people's bodies trembled. They trembled. You look at me, I look at you, want to say something, but at last they didn't say anything.

"I can give you the deadline for arrears, but I have photographed everything here. At that time, I will go to your house to recover the cost." Hongyan's eyes swept around several people, and the momentum was suddenly raised.

After feeling Hongyan's cultivation, a group of people who were still lucky turned white one by one and stood there speechless.

What a powerful force!

The girl in front of me is clearly not a fuel-saving lamp!

In vain, they just wanted to default!

At this time, let alone default, a group of people can't even speak.

Hongyan turned and went straight away.

The man gave them the token. Naturally, she knew where the people were. Therefore, she didn't care about the debt of these people at all.

What a hearty woman!

Lin Feng follows Hongyan.

Just now, with Hongyan's character, it is naturally impossible to think of it by himself. For Hongyan, there are two ways to deal with the enemy, one is to release and the other is to kill. Therefore, Hongyan has never thought about how to deal with that guy.

"Mentor Hongyan, these guys came here for some special reasons. Let's not talk about the cultivation of these people first. Just the way these guys are burning in the center of the earth, they must not be able to get the immortal spirit stone."

Lin Feng said softly, "however, there are two ways for the tutor to ask for things. One way is to ask him to send the immortal spirit stone to a fixed place. Li Li made a heart demon oath and fixed the time. The other way is to cooperate with others, form a group and ask for debt at any time."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Hongyan Zhenlong dagger looked at Erlang and frowned slightly.

This guy has too many twists and turns.

She can't figure out why this guy has so many twists and turns!

"What are you doing here?" For a while, Hong Yan looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"Benefit them, of course!" Lin Feng smiled. His mind was in a trance around him, and then he went directly to the front. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile. He thought he couldn't solve the problem. Now it seems that he thought too much.

Although these troubles are well prepared, they are obviously not prepared enough.

Only the captain in front looks a little better now!

"Damn it, if we didn't deal with the team just now, we wouldn't be like this now!"

"What a powerful team. The guys of that team don't know what they ate. They went so far in Zhang Qilin and their combat effectiveness is still so strong!"

"Jie Jie, this is where we've been squatting for several years. As long as we make this order, we'll do some business or anything in the next few years. We'll never do this kind of life of knife edge licking blood again. Therefore, we must make this order!"

"Yes, Captain!" Everyone's face is like chicken blood!

The captain's eyes swept over the people, and the smile on his face became deeper and deeper. It's too easy to deal with these guys.

"I said you were so desperate. Your so-called captain racked his brains for this time. Don't you doubt that your captain will embezzle it?"

At this time, a lazy voice sounded in the sky.

Lin Feng is smiling and lying on the tree. The miasma around him is shrinking to Lin Feng's side.

Hongyan follows Lin Feng. She hears that Lin Feng wants to finish something. Thinking that this guy has followed up, she brings this guy here. But what she didn't expect is that this guy came here to deliberately embarrass others!

This guy!

Feeling Lin Feng's actions, Hongyan looked puzzled.

"What are you going to do?" Hongyan turned to look at Lin Feng and asked in a low voice.

"Of course, do something to make everyone happy together. Mentor Hongyan, I told you, you'll wait here. The next thing will be left to me and I'll deal with it for you."

Then Lin Feng flew out directly.

As Lin Feng passed, the surrounding miasma seemed to be cleaned up.

Hongyan looked at Lin Feng's back.

This guy, this is to do business, and then ready to shoot at these guys?

Red hot eyebrows frowned. She didn't want to do such a thing.

How do you feel that Lin Feng is biting her!

"Teacher Hongyan, don't think too much. Those practitioners in the back of this group are recruited by the team in front to die. Anyway, since we have seen it, let's solve it easily, and then take away the treasure in the valley in an instant, don't you think?"

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