Lin Feng's voice was full of banter.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Hong Yan's body trembled.

"As for us, we just saw each other and cooperated because of an accident. It really doesn't have much to do with this matter, so don't worry, teacher Hongyan. Just wait."

Hongyan stood there with her mouth closed.

Lin Feng's words sound good, but she can hear it. This guy is going to set the White Wolf empty handed!

"Boy, since the treasure was found by others, you should compete fairly with others instead of doing this..." Hongyan said to Lin Feng. At this time, the team over there had taken a fancy to another team.

The team was obviously poisoned too deeply. A group of people should have gone back.

"Fortunately, this miasma forest is hidden, so even if we go out to mend the pill, it doesn't matter much. Let the younger martial brother guard the treasure by himself. When it's mature, we can take it directly!"


"This time, we can make a lot of money. If we put it at the auction, we can certainly sell it at a good price!"

"Hey, hey, I've long coveted the daughter of Zhao Shao. Fu in the east of the city. When I sell this man's face and spend money, I'll propose marriage. Zhao Shao. Although her husband died early, she's easy to raise, and her daughter must be not bad!"

A group of people laughed and talked in the past.

Lin Feng sat on a branch on one side.

The team that was still walking immediately stopped. These people couldn't help but say hello to the people over there. Their faces were gloomy and their eyes glittered with gloomy light.

Lin Feng stood there. After feeling the scene, he just smiled.

"Teacher Hongyan, you know now. I just manipulated the consciousness of this team and let them come back. You see, these guys began to fight with them."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "they didn't expect to compete fairly to get the baby. Since they didn't think about it, shouldn't everyone do it together?"

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Hongyan wanted to refute, but found that he couldn't refute at all.

Lin Feng seems to be right.

But Hongyan feels that there seems to be something wrong.

But he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Is it her illusion?

Thinking of this, Hongyan just stood there with a frown, looking cold and hesitant.

"This thing is a little mysterious." For a while, Hongyan can only say this to himself.

Don't think about it.

Thinking so, Hongyan was in high spirits and looked up at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stood there laughing and watching the battle.

"You are too cruel!" Hongyan fell beside Lin Feng and said.

"Sooner or later, we'll fight. There's a good thing here. At least you're here. Wait a minute, you can sell them. And look at this group of people. They don't bother to dress one by one. They don't belong to small families or small hunting teams. You earn money!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "this is in the mountains. Anything can happen. Therefore, you must have a strong enough mind to distinguish right from wrong. Otherwise, either you are eaten or others eat you."

Lin Feng looked down and said with a smile.

Hongyan pursed his mouth and didn't speak.

The battle between the two sides soon stopped. Suddenly, the captain, who was still silent, shot at his teammates behind him.

"Captain, what are you doing!" Someone shouted, the captain's momentum suddenly raised, with a cold smile on his mouth and said: "Jie Jie, the monster has been solved, the Millennium human face flower is mine, as for you..." the guy's face was a little disgusted.

"Do you really think that in the face of interests, I am still your captain and your big brother? Children, you are all too naive. " With that, the man turned directly and walked towards the front.

"Look, I'm right!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hongyan looked at the man below, with some meditation in his eyes, but his heart recognized Lin Feng's words.

These guys are the same.

His face was red and burning, gloomy and terrible.

Soon, there was only one person left in the field. The captain's cultivation was much higher, and the others were not opponents at all.

At this time, everyone followed.

"Tut Tut, how wonderful!" Lin Feng fell down with a smile, "it's so touching."

"Who are you?" The man stepped back, coughed slightly, looked up at Lin Feng, and his eyes were gloomy.

"Me?" Lin Feng pointed to himself, hehe smiled and said, "really, brother, it was used to pit!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "good skill!"

"It's you!" The man's eyes narrowed, "I remember you!"

Lin Feng stood there with a smile, then nodded and said, "yes, it's me. How's it, surprised or not?"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Tutor, I don't think there are any surprises. There are a lot of surprises. On the contrary, do you fully understand that this is what you do?" Everyone went to stand in front of Lin Feng, trembled and asked.

"Of course, otherwise?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "why, I hope there are more powerful things."

Everyone shook their heads at once.

"Come on, let's go on after we've solved this guy. There's only this guy left in the miasma forest." Lin Feng said with a smile. Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people immediately nodded and surrounded them all.

The man's eyes were on Lin Feng's face, flashing a sinister light in his eyes.

Suddenly, the man turned and ran away. Before taking a few steps, several people in the back came out directly and surrounded the man's to the library.

"I'm sorry, our tutor said that you can't escape. If you escape, we will be wronged." Li Feng sighed and said, "those monsters are so powerful that we can't afford to deal with so many monsters a day, so I'm sorry."

Lin Feng turned and walked directly to the front.

"There are many people coveting the Millennium human face flower. Even if you solve this wave, there must be others." Hongyan fell beside Lin Feng and said.

"Originally, we came here to have a look. If it's useful, take it. It's useless. But now, I think the Dean must have taken out the Millennium facial flower. You know, the Millennium facial flower is one of the main materials for promotion. Do you think the dean will give up?" Lin Feng turned his head, looked at Hongyan with a smile and said.

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