A group of guys around Lin Feng boasted loudly, with a proud smile on their faces. Lin Feng trembled when he saw the appearance of these guys.

"Well, your battle has been postponed until tomorrow. Let's go back and have a good rest. This battle, but I'm very tired. Qi Hao is not a fuel-saving lamp. He's too cruel."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people nodded and walked outside with Lin Feng. After a while, Lin Feng suddenly stopped. Seeing Lin Feng stop, the people also stopped with Lin Feng and turned to look at Lin Feng.

"What's the matter, mentor?"

"Someone followed us." Lin Feng's mouth wriggled, not from the fifth hospital.

"What is that?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people began to be on alert. Sure enough, after walking for a period of time, the people felt the breath behind them. It was not just one person tracking them, but many people tracking them!

These Jiahui are so hateful!

Feeling this scene, everyone's look followed the cold, their eyes were serious and alert.

"It should be a hunting team. I don't know it was set by that bastard. Everyone should be careful." Lin Feng paused for a moment and said, "these guys are not good stubbles. They must have come for human flowers."

"It's really haunting. These guys have arrived in the city now, and they don't mean to let us go!"

"What do you think we are bullying!" After everyone felt this scene, he he smiled and said.

"Let's go. Since we're all here, we really treat us as sick cats if we don't greet them well!"

"The point is, we didn't disclose that we are students of Castle Peak college before. Who leaked it?" When Zhao Qingluo opened his mouth, all the people were silent. You looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other.

Yeah, who did it?

"Our affairs, only we know, and there is..."

Hongyan tutor and Dean!

You look at me and I look at you, looking at each other one by one.

"And play like this?"

"I always feel that the dean is setting us up!"

"Shit, that old guy just can't see us." Hum, Lin Feng said directly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone bowed their heads and didn't speak. They didn't dare to speak ill of the dean and the marriage event.

"What shall we do now?" Xiaobai came up to Lin Feng, "in previous years, we didn't play like this. We just finished the task directly."

"Since I'm here, I'll never let go." Lin Feng smiled and said, "anyway, it's all what we have to deal with, so we'll deal with it together."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's body trembled. When they saw the smile on Lin Feng's face, they only felt the chilly back, but they silently felt distressed for those animal hunting teams.

With their mentor, the members of the hunting team will suffer.

"Let's go back and have a rest. We'll play the game tomorrow. As for these animal hunting teams, I'll check them for you." Lin Feng said to the crowd with a smile.

"Don't worry, mentor, we will strictly complete the task."

"Boy, these hunting teams are used to train you. You are not allowed to use arrays, bombs, potential energy positions and sword fields. You can only fight in a regular manner."

As soon as Lin Feng's brain began to turn, the voice of Hongshan came.

For training?

"Don't worry, the animal hunting team I found for you has done some bad things. Even if you deal with it, there is no problem." Hong Shan still said with a smile, "but your cultivation is too strong. You have to control it, or you won't play a role in other students."

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng just shrugged indifferently.

He really didn't care about this.

"I see. Since I didn't come to trouble on my own initiative, I know how to deal with it."

Hearing Lin Feng's Hu, Hongshan's eyebrows picked up. He wanted to say something. When he felt that Lin Feng seemed unwilling, he restrained his mind and nodded instead.

"That's good." With that, Hongshan disappeared from Lin Feng's perception.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Lin, what happened to you just now?" Xiaobai came up to Lin Feng and asked.

"Exchange life with beautiful women. Would you like to try it?" Lin Feng smiled at Xiaobai and said.

Xiaobai quickly shook his head, carefully looked at Zhao Qingluo, pursed his mouth and said, "brother Lin, I'm a good man at home. You can't lead me bad."

"Why, I'm worried about kneeling durian. You see, the practitioners are rough and fleshy. It's OK to kneel occasionally." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Xiaobai's body trembled. He turned to look at Lin Feng seriously and said, "brother Lin, Qingluo is a good girl. Don't always transmit some messy thoughts to him, will you?"

Lin Feng walked with his hands on his back. Li Feng walked in front. On the contrary, Xiaobai's backup group has always followed Lin Feng.

"When this fight is over, Ji Zhao, you are in charge of the business here. We will leave first. I think we may have a big fight next." Lin Feng arranged the next thing.

"Don't worry, sir. We will never be vague about earning immortal spirit stones. Don't worry, sir. We will earn enough immortal spirit stones for you and carry forward our Dan shop!"

Ji Zhao said with a smile, "I've made up my mind. When I graduate from Qingshan college, I'll accept my mentor. As you said earlier, I'll go back to my hometown city and create a Dan shop."

"Have ambition!" Lin Feng smiled and patted Ji Zhao on the shoulder.

Everyone talked and smiled forward. Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped. On the roof not far away, a man was standing there. When he saw the man, Lin Feng frowned.

This guy, what a powerful aura, and Lin Feng can clearly feel that guy's killing intention has always been aimed at him.

"That's Mo Gang, the head of the golden wolf hunting regiment. The golden wolf hunting regiment is one of the relatively powerful Hunter regiments in Ying Cheng. The golden wolf hunting regiment has a bad reputation, but Mo Gang's cultivation has reached the level of golden immortal. Therefore, ordinary hunters fall behind and don't dare to deal with Mo gang at all."

Qi Hao stood beside Lin Feng and whispered.

"So what?" Lin Feng sneered.

Since he came to the door, he had to deal with it whether it was trouble or not!

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