Hearing Lin Feng's disdain, Qi Hao turned to look at Lin Feng and swallowed his mouth.

There are a lot of immortal accomplishments of people in the fairy world, but for each level to conflict, it not only needs strong spiritual power, but also needs to overcome many troubles, thunder robbery and their own perception.

Other things are easy to achieve, but feeling such things can be met and can not be sought. Some people may block the way in feeling all their life, and they can't feel a new realm and can't be promoted all their life.

Such things emerge one after another.

"Mo Gang's talent is very strong. If he goes on like this, he will enter the realm of Da Luo Jinxian sooner or later. Generally, a city with millions of people is in charge of Da Luo Jinxian."

Qi Hao paused and said to Lin Feng again.

"The way to cultivate immortality is to cut through thorns and thorns all the way forward. If I shrink back here, how can I go on in the future?" Lin Feng smiled and said, "life and death is just a dream. Eighteen years later, he will be a hero, but we must not be Japanese."

"You're great!" For a long time, Qi Hao held back a word and turned to leave directly.

Although Lin Feng is very interesting, now it seems that you just don't expect too much. It is estimated that you may not see this guy soon.

That's arrogant!

When Qi Hao went back, Qi Botian blocked his way.

"Dad!" Seeing Qi Botian, Qi Hao bowed his head.

"You flinch, Hao'er, that boy is right. The road to cultivating immortals is to cut through thorns and thorns. Today you lost in the hands of this boy. Your skills are inferior to others, and you didn't think clearly."

Qi Botian sighed, looked at Qi Hao and said, "think about it yourself, but if a battle fails, can't you find your direction?"

Hearing Qi Botian's words, Qi Hao's body trembled.

What he just said to Lin Feng was just a proposal, but he unknowingly exposed his fear of the inflamed weakness of the earth's heart. Yes, what is he afraid of?

It's just a failure in battle. He will have countless battles and face countless people in the future. If he retreats here, how will he go on in the future?

In the future, there will only be more and more Jaina.

He will meet more strong people and more people with strong cultivation.

"This is just the beginning. Hao'er, Lin Dasheng woke you up. Along the way, you have walked too smoothly. I have been behind you all the way, so that your will is too unstable. After a battle, you flinch."

Qi Hao listened attentively.

Lin Feng looked back at Qi Hao and Qi Botian standing there, and then took people back to the restaurant. As soon as he returned to the room, Lin Feng immediately opened the array, and the whole room was completely isolated from the exploration of divine consciousness.

"When I went upstairs just now, I found a roadside vendor and bought a copy of the information of the golden wolf hunting group. The golden wolf hunting group is one of the top ten hunting groups in Ying Cheng. It is very powerful. What the golden wolf hunting group likes to do most is to rob other people's labor achievements."

Xiaobai spread out the information and read it little by little.

"Commander Mo Gang is the cultivation of the second level in the early days of Jinxian. He has only entered Jinxian for 20 years. He has excellent talent. His weapon is a long snake spear. His attack is strange and tricky. Ordinary people are not opponents."

"Yes!" Lin Feng nodded.

"There are 43 people in this hunting group, including one golden immortal and twelve heavenly immortals. The rest are the accomplishments of the human immortal period."

"That's good. We don't have a problem dealing with those people. If we use the means at hand, we should have no problem dealing with them." Li Feng took the lead and said.

"I've dealt with the strong in the middle of immortality." Zhang Han stood up and said.

"Don't worry. Although we don't have many people here, we still have a team fighting array. It's not a problem to deal with them." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth, "so now that we are all here, let's get ready to start tomorrow and have a good exchange with this animal hunting group!"

"Yes!" The crowd nodded solemnly and followed Lin Feng. Their whole body momentum was raised.

As long as the tutor opens his mouth, they don't believe that those guys can't deal with it!

When they got up early the next day, they went to the martial arts competition field first. Lin Feng wandered slowly in the city. Members of the golden wolf hunting group followed Lin Feng all the way. Lin Feng was not in a hurry. He walked around and directly took people out of the city.

As soon as they got out of the city, those members began to be presumptuous. They didn't dodge in front of Lin Feng at all. They directly appeared in front of Lin Feng and looked at Lin Feng with scarlet light in their eyes.

"Captain, let's just kill this boy!"

"Yes, it's said over there that if you kill this boy, there are three thousand top-grade immortal spirit stones. Tut Tut, a man's immortal boy is worth three thousand top-grade immortal spirit stones. This is my income for a year."

Several members of the golden wolf hunting group followed Lin Feng and said with a smile as they walked.

The captain standing in the middle pondered and said, "don't worry. Find a place to hide first. It's not good in broad daylight. After all, these little weak chickens of Castle Peak academy come out to experience. They must have followed the mentor behind them. The head has said that the mentor's cultivation is in the middle of Jinxian, and the mentor can deal with it."

So good at abacus?

Hearing these guys' dialogue, Lin Feng's body suddenly moved and disappeared into the space.

"Where's the boy?" Someone shouted. He didn't see Lin Feng anywhere he looked. His mind immediately tightened up, "we lost it!"

"Damn it!"

"What's the noise? I said you couldn't take it with you after research? Don't you see me behind you? " Lin Feng's lazy voice sounded.

A group of people turned quickly, but there was no one behind.

"Look up into the sky!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

A group of guys really looked up at the sky.

"Tut Tut, that's stupid!" Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng shook his head with some sigh, shook his head, and his face was a little sorry.

"You... You did it on purpose!" The leader's mind spread around and shouted into the air.

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