He knew that if he was courteous, he would steal. But now this guy seems to be a little angry!

Seeing Qi Botian's appearance, Lin Feng began to mutter in his heart that Qi Hao's cultivation is good, but he also knows that Qi Hao's cultivation is still a little poor. He will enter the Fifth Academy competition next time.

Unfortunately, Qi Botian seems to really think that his son is the treasure of the world.

Qi Botian looked at Lin Feng. Suddenly, a strong breath rolled over Lin Feng directly.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Qi Hao went to catch Qi Botian. Qi Botian trembled. Qi Hao flew out. Lin Feng still sat there with a gentle smile on his mouth, as if breath had no way for him.

Qi Botian took a step forward. He wanted to see what the boy was wearing!

"Is it too much, sir?" At this time, a voice with some regret sounded, Qi Botian's body trembled, and a hand stopped in front of Qi Botian.

Hongshan stood in front of Lin Feng and looked at Qi Botian with his back.

"Hongshan?" Seeing Hongshan, Qi Botian narrowed his eyes, turned to sneer and said, "President Hongshan came quickly."

"No, it's said that the city Lord Qi is having a banquet tonight. I've come here nonstop. City Lord Qi, am I not late?" Hong Shan said with a gentle smile on his face.

"No." Qi Botian glanced at the back of Hongshan. At this time, all the students stood behind Qi Botian in a proper manner, looking clever one by one. Seeing the appearance of these guys, Qi Botian paused.

"Now that President Hongshan is here, please take your seat."

"Please don't. I just want to ask why Lord Qi bullied my students just now. Lord Qi is da Luo Jinxian. My students are just ordinary people. As the saying goes, one realm is a natural moat. You and my students are separated by two natural moats. Are you really good at bullying my students?"

Hongshan's voice was not high, but Qi Botian's look became more and more gloomy.

Obviously, the old man is asking questions at this time.

"Did you go too far when I said that, old man?" Qi Botian took a step forward, "we are all in the same state. It's just human nature for me to seek some benefits for my son."

"It's natural. Everyone has their own precious things, just like you, the city Lord. But I have to say in front, that is, your son wants to enter the castle peak academy. I welcome it. I don't accept such a way to bully my students."

Hearing Hongshan's words, Qi Botian paused and put a pair of eyes on Hongshan.

"You really don't agree?"

"Boy, you take everyone away first." Hong Shan turned to Lin Feng and said.

"Yes, Dean." Lin Feng nodded and waved his hand. All the students of Castle Peak college left with him. Some young talents who came to the banquet saw the students of Castle Peak college leave. With some regret, some directly followed.

The city Lord is probably out of his mind today.

As soon as someone left, all the people began to walk towards the outside. The main reason was that the pill material on Ji Zhao's body was really in line with their wishes.

Low prices, excellent works, the most important thing is the large number. If they have to collect so many things at ordinary times, they don't know how much effort they have to spend.

"Hongshan, you did it on purpose." Feeling that all the people had gone, Qi Botian looked down at Hongshan and said with a gloomy face.

"Yes, otherwise?" Hong Shan smiled and said, "otherwise, I'll invite you to eat. Qi Botian, I'll warn you again. Don't try to kill my students!"

Hearing Hongshan's words, Qi Botian sneered. Suddenly, Qi Botian's whole body flew up, and then the surrounding space was constantly agitated.

Seeing Qi Botian's appearance, Hong Shan snorted coldly, his feet shook, and a strong breath wrapped around Qi Botian directly.

"Then there was a fight!" Feeling the fluctuation of the surrounding spiritual power, Xiaobai whispered to Lin Feng.

"Don't worry, let's leave now. Ji Zhao, you go to the next city by transmission array, and let's start our experience journey." Then Lin Feng shook his hand and walked directly outside the city with a white feather sword in his hand.

Not long after they left, the golden wolf hunting group.

"Captain, I'm out of town."

Mo Gang, who had always closed his eyes, opened his eyes, then showed a gloomy smile on his face, nodded and said:

"Well, now you start to prepare. Remember, take their heads back and pay tribute to our dead brothers!"

"Yes!" The members of the golden wolf hunting group nodded seriously, turned around and left directly. Lin Feng and his party left the Ying City.

Hongshan stood there with his hands on his back. Qi Botian raised his head and looked at Hongshan with an incredible face.

"You... How could you? It's impossible, you... You... "Qi Botian pointed to Hongshan.

"Although I don't have much talent, I have been instructed by the Dragon Emperor after all. Moreover, I have entered the realm of Da Luo Jinxian more than 100000 years ago." Hongshan looked down at Qi Botian, turned and walked slowly outside the city master's house.

Qi Botian didn't follow up. He just clenched his teeth and looked at the back of Hongshan.

This old man has hidden his accomplishments!

He is really careless!

He was defeated by the old man!

After leaving the city master's house of Yingcheng, Hong Shan looked back and waved his hand. An invisible prohibition directly blocked the surrounding world.

Hong Shan's body disappeared into the night.

"Hongshan!" Qi Botian was gnashing his teeth in the Yingcheng City Master's house. However, the prohibition in the sky was too strong for him to break in a period of time!

"Lin Feng, where are they?" Hongyan appeared in front of Hongshan. Hongshan asked with his back.

"I have begun to experience. All the members of the golden wolf hunting regiment have followed. Among these people, there are many strong men." Teacher Hongyan frowned and said grass.

"Let them go. The battle is unprecedentedly fierce. We can't let them look like the flowers in the greenhouse. It's time to go out and accept the wind and frost."

Hearing the of Hongshan, Hongyan nodded.

"That Mo Gang also secretly followed him. His cultivation is above Lin Feng. I'm afraid..."

"A Mo Gang is not afraid. Don't underestimate Lin Feng's cultivation. Although he is usually careless, his cultivation will never be bad, so you can rest assured."

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