Hongyan nods again.

"Take a look at the other two teams. Although old Du and old Dan follow, as their mentor, you still have to keep up directly."

"Yes." Hongyan's body disappeared in front of him.

Hongshan raised his head and looked at the sky. His eyes were also a little excited. He wanted to see what kind of cultivation level Lin Feng could achieve!

I hope these three boys can get to know themselves this time.

Hongshan's body disappeared into the night, but slowly followed behind the golden wolf hunting group.

Lin Feng and his party went all the way forward, and the members of the golden wolf hunting regiment followed behind. They didn't care in their eyes.

"These guys walk really fast!"

"Yes, we've been following for so long, but we haven't kept up yet. Do you think our leader made a mistake, and those guys haven't left yet?"

"Hey, hey, whatever. Anyway, let's just follow the leader's instructions. No one team is looking for those guys. Otherwise, our two teams will be separated from here?" The man who took the lead said with a sharp mouth.

"OK!" Another man nodded. Ten people were divided into five. One line went to the East and one line went to the West.

On the top of the mountain, a group of guys hid in the air box. The air box effectively isolated the outside and inside world, so they couldn't feel Lin Feng and his party at all.

"Gone?" I don't know who whispered a word. Lin Feng nodded and coughed. A group of people immediately got out of it+

"Oh, I'll go. It's hard enough."

"Yes, yes, it's too hard for this little guy to fill so many people." The crowd came out from the inside. Lin Feng walked in front. Bai Yu pointed to the five people below and said, "let's go. Our goal is the five big guys. Now let's deal with the five big guys!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's eyes were occasionally placed below. Sure enough, they saw five guys coming this way. The five guys looked disgusted. After seeing the five guys, Lin Feng's look changed a little.

"Mo just followed!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's look immediately changed, and the originally relaxed party immediately collapsed.

"Well, is the head of the golden wolf hunting regiment here?" Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng and whispered, "brother Lin, let's hide in the airline box."

"The dean is there, too. Do you want the dean to throw us into the enemy's circle?" Lin Feng looked back at Xiaobai and said coolly, "don't worry, there will be nothing to do with the Dean, so let's go now."

Then Lin Feng's body went directly to the front.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, little baiton shook his head.

"Let's go. There are fourteen of us. Although there are two stronger than us in this team, I will deal with one, Li Feng will deal with one, you two will deal with one, and you can solve the remaining three quickly. Let's divide our work and cooperate."

Lin Feng turned to look at the group and said.

"Xiao Bai, Shi Jia, Xiao Xiao, Zhao Qi, the four of you are behind to ensure the supply of our resources at any time."

"Yes!" The crowd nodded and followed Lin Feng in high spirits. Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the look below. A wicked smile came from the corners of his mouth to find him trouble?

Lin Feng and his party approached the team silently.

Among the team members, two celestial accomplishments and three human immortal accomplishments.

"Shit, these five guys are too cautious. Mentor, once we get close, they can feel it. What should we do?"

"Of course, go straight up and fight!" Lin Feng said without hesitation. With a wave of his hand, Bai Yu's sword attacked the leading man directly.

Lin Feng's shot was fast enough, but the man over there reacted in an instant and attacked Lin Feng directly. Feeling the attack over there, Lin Feng's white feather sword was directly put away and retreated towards the back.

"Boy, die!"

Lin Feng retreated, the enemy advanced, and followed Lin Feng forward. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng smiled, accelerated and went to one side.

Soon, Lin Feng took this guy and appeared in a separate fighting circle.

"Jie Jie, boy, have the courage to pull me Kali out to fight alone!"

Kali sneered, spat and looked at Lin Feng. He rushed directly towards Lin Feng with a weapon in his hand.

The surrounding Lingli competition began to stir constantly. Lin Feng's body kept moving back, and the white feather sword in his hand blocked Kali's attack.

Is this... The power of immortals?

While fighting with Kali, Lin Feng felt Kali's fighting style, and a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

The surrounding spiritual power was constantly stirring around Kali, almost blocking Lin Feng's feeling of spiritual power. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile and sold a flaw to Kali.

Seeing Lin Feng's flaw, Kali's eyes lit up immediately.

"That's stupid enough!" Seeing Kali attacking, Lin Feng's body stood there. Kali's long sword shuttled directly from Lin Feng's body. In turn, Kali's eyes narrowed.

Lin Feng's body had long disappeared.

The power of space?

Feeling Lin Feng's appearance, Kali's body retreated a little. All practitioners who have entered the immortal period have a perception of space governance, but perception and familiarity are different.

Perception just knows the existence of the power of space. You can use the power of space to do some simple things, but Lin Feng's appearance in front of you is clearly not the power of perception of space.

It turned out to be a boy with the power of space. No wonder Qi Hao is not his opponent!

"Jie Jie, you are familiar with the power of space. No wonder Qi Hao is not your opponent. However, you really think you are my opponent when you cultivate into a natural moat?"

Kali sneered, the surrounding psychic powers suddenly stopped, and Kali's hand shook.

"Boy, I'll let you feel the gap between human immortals and celestial immortals!"

With a wave of Kali's hand, the surrounding spiritual training constantly stirred and directly washed the surrounding space.


It seemed that something was broken. Then, a powerful spiritual power rushed towards Lin Feng.

What a powerful force!

Feeling Kali's attack, Lin Feng's body slowly emerged. He didn't retreat but entered. Holding the white feather sword, he rushed directly to Lingli peak training.

"Strike a stone with an egg?"

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