Hearing Xingyu's words, Lin Feng nodded.

The members of the golden wolf hunting group fought with the people brought by Hou Laosan. The deaths of both sides were great. Finally, there was only the battle scene of Mo gang and Hou Laosan.

The accomplishments of the two men were almost the same, and the battle scene could be said to be very wonderful. Suddenly, Hou Laosan's body paused. Then, a black breath directly drilled out of the ground and drilled towards Hou Laosan.

Waiting for the old three's face changed, the whole body kept retreating, and looked at Mo gang with black lines all over his body in horror.

"Mo Gang, you!"

"Hou Laosan, everyone wants to have strong power. You should thank me. Today you can die under my hand and become a stepping stone on my way to the strong!"

Mo Gang slowly approached Hou Laosan, with a gloomy smile on his face, and the momentum of his whole body became stronger and stronger. "My golden wolf hunting group can't be moved by ordinary people. Today is the time for you to wait for Lao San's death!"

With that, Mo Gang grabbed it directly towards Lao San Hou.

Hou Laosan had no intention of fighting. His whole body kept retreating and wanted to escape. Mo Gang directly tracked the past. Here, with the change of Mo Gang's breath, the breath of these golden wolf hunting groups began to change slowly.

A strong corrosive smell is spreading around.

Corpse Yin sect?

Feeling this power, Lin Feng's face was directly gloomy. It was the power of the corpse Yin sect!

Unexpectedly, the corpse Yin sect appeared here!

Lin Feng's momentum burst out suddenly.

"Brother Lin!" Zhao Qingluo's soft drink shouted back Lin Feng's mind. Lin Feng turned and looked at Zhao Qingluo with red eyes.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter?"

"I'm fine." Lin Feng waved his hand, "it's just these animals like corpses that make me very late."

"Why didn't we find anything different about these guys before?" Xiaobai lies down beside Lin Feng and asks.

"I don't know. Maybe it's a hiding method, but it's dark now. Maybe it has something to do with time. These guys will look like this only in the evening. It seems that the corpse Yin sect is becoming more and more powerful!"

Lin Feng's voice was very low, but Zhao Qingluo nearby heard it.

Obviously, Lin Feng has a grudge against these guys, and the hatred is not low!

Thinking of this, Zhao Qingluo stood there with a pursed mouth and didn't speak.

These guys are strong enough, but for her, they are just strong. If anything else, they are still far from strong.

"Brother Lin, what shall we do next?" Xiaobai came up to Lin Feng and asked in a low voice, "do we want to shoot directly at those guys?"

"Of course!" Lin Feng said with a positive face, "you're dealing with the inflammation of the earth's heart here. I'll go and see Mo Gang over there!"

Then Lin Feng's whole body flew out directly. The people paused and wanted to keep Lin Feng, but Lin Feng's body was gone.

"Master, Mo Gang's accomplishments are golden immortals. I think you'd better not go there alone. President Hongshan is not here at this time!" Qianlong's voice was very low and said to Lin Feng.

"There's a time when the third, Mo Gang should be seriously injured. I'm still a little sure about dealing with an injured Jinxian period." Lin Feng said seriously, "if Mo Gang keeps it, it must be a disaster, so we must deal with it as soon as possible!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong stopped talking.

"Master, you should pay attention. Since this Mo gang can put so many refined corpses around him as members, he must have been in the corpse Yin sect for a long time today, but he hasn't appeared before."

Thick soil whispered to Lin Feng.

"I know. Don't worry." Lin Feng nodded and shuttled lightly in the mountains and forests.

He only hates the corpse Yin sect!

It was these guys who occupied his once beautiful home. They hated and hated each other. Therefore, when they met the members of the corpse Yin sect, Lin Feng could never relax. He wanted to kill those guys!

Feel the breath growing stronger.

The battle between Mo gang and Hou Laosan is close to health. Hou Laosan is crushed by Mo gang. At the foot of the mountain, the breath on his body gradually withers.

"Want to fight me?" Mo Gang's face wore a cold smile, "wait for the third, you're still a little poor!"

Mo Gang's hand directly clasped Hou Laosan's heart.

The blood and water shot in the air, and the whole body of the third man shriveled in an instant, and the whole body was thrown on the ground like a corpse.

Mo Gang's eyes focused on Lin Feng's direction.

Lin Feng walked towards Mo gang with a white feather sword in his hand.

"Boy, are you coming to die?" Seeing Lin Feng coming, Mo Gang showed a cold smile, sneered and said.

"I'm not here to die. I'm just here to have a good look at how to kill you bastard!" Lin Feng showed his Mori white teeth, sneered and said, "it's just a running dog of the corpse Yin sect!"

"Corpse Yin sect, can you say so casually?" Mo Gang, holding a long sword, attacked Lin Feng directly.

The position of potential energy and the field of sword spread out at Lin Feng's feet and attacked Mo Gang directly.

Mo Gang sneered, and the momentum of his whole body suddenly lifted up. The long sword broke through Lin Feng's potential energy position and sword field and stabbed Lin Feng.

The black breath lingered around Lin Feng.

"Master, this black spirit is poisonous!" Xingyu whispered to Lin Feng, "this is the smell of the demon family on the ground. These smells are used to influence the practitioners in the fairy world. Once you touch these smells, they will begin to quickly corrode your master's body!"

"Don't worry, I won't take such a little thing to heart!" Lin Feng smiled, turned his long sword and stabbed Mo Gang directly.

Mo gang was injured and his attack power was greatly reduced. He was with Lin Feng. Their attack speed became faster and faster, and Mo Gang's look became more and more gloomy.

"I'll tell you why you come to trouble me everywhere. It turns out that your cultivation is good!" Feeling Lin Feng's attack, Mo Gang sneered with a cold smile at the corners of his mouth, "it seems that I indulged you too much!"

"Thank you for your connivance, but I still advise you that it's better to care about yourself now!" With that, Lin Feng's white feather sword directly pierced Mo Gang's body.

A sword fell on Lin Feng. Lin Feng kept retreating and vomited blood.

What a powerful force!

A black breath directly climbed up Lin Feng's body, lingered in Lin Feng's wound, piled up with Lin Feng's spiritual power, and didn't wear out Lin Feng's body!

Lin Feng wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

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