This is the first time he fought with the corpse Yin sect in the fairy world. He was careless. The combat effectiveness of these guys is very strong!

"Boy, are you afraid?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Mo Gang sneered and directly attacked Lin Feng. Seeing the appearance of this guy, Lin Feng smiled, turned and shook his hand. An attack directly fell on Mo gang. Mo Gang's body quickly retreated. Lin Feng didn't retreat but moved forward, and his eyes pointed at Mo gang.

Mo gang was trembled by Lin Feng's cold eyes. He trembled, and then frantically attacked Lin Feng. This guy's eyes are so annoying that he can't keep this guy!

Feeling Mo Gang's appearance, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a indifferent smile, and his hand became more and more rapid.

The two people piled together again, and there were spiritual talents around them. Lin Feng's mouth stirred up, his mind moved, and his whole body actually expanded.

Feeling Lin Feng's breath, Mo Gang's look changed.

This boy, Haosheng's powerful power, is getting stronger and stronger with the battle!

Mo Gang's body retreated and looked at Lin Feng with some gloom on his face. Lin Feng Jie sneered and directly followed Mo gang.

"Come on, the old and immortal are coming. Why are we polite!" Lin Feng's face was a little arrogant and stabbed directly at Mo Gang's chest.

Mo Gang sneered at Lin Feng's attack.

"Boy, it's a pity that you are doomed to die under my mo Gang's sword today!" Mo Gang sneered and admired Lin Feng. Although this boy's cultivation is not high, his combat effectiveness is unprecedentedly strong. If he can be refined into a corpse and follow him

Mo Gang's eyes revolved around Lin Feng.

"What do you think, old man!" Feeling Mo Gang's eyes, Lin Feng sneered. White feather sword greeted Mo Gang again. It kept rotating around Lin Feng and wrapped Mo gang.

The surrounding air seems to be forbidden.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's body kept retreating, and his expression became very solemn.

"Bang!" With the explosion, Mo Gang's whole body suddenly burst into a powerful explosive force, and his eyes looked at Lin Feng with scarlet light.

"Boy, you want to die!"

Mo Gang's eyes were gloomy. Jie sneered, and his whole body's breath was constantly stirring around.

Lin Feng can feel that this guy's breath is getting stronger and stronger.


Feeling this, Lin Feng spat, looked at Mo gang and narrowed his eyes.

The field of sword and the position of potential energy are still surging at Lin Feng's feet, and their forces are constantly overlapping. Lin Feng's eyes are on Mo Gang, and the momentum of his whole body is suddenly raised.

"Jie Jie, boy, it's a little short." Mo Gang put his scarlet eyes on Lin Feng, and grabbed Lin Feng with one hand in a claw shape.

"Boy, don't worry, I'll soak you in the rotten body pool for three days and nights, and make you my most powerful body!" Mo Gang's hair stood up, and his palm shrouded Lin Feng with layers of black fog.

"Don't you think it's more reliable for me to make you a flower fat?" Lin Feng sneered. He kept retreating back. Thousands of sword Qi washed away towards Mo gang. When he came to Mo Gang, it seemed that something blocked all these attacks.

Still not?

"Boy, are you afraid?" Mo Gang's hand fell on Lin Feng. Lin Feng clasped Mo Gang's hand, and a piece of flesh and blood was directly torn down by Mo gang. Lin Feng's body trembled and trembled. The original pain stung Lin Feng's body.

The long sword fell on Lin Feng. With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, the potential energy position and the field of the sword covered Mo gang in an instant. Mo Gang's body paused. Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Feng fled Mo Gang's comfort.

A strong wind pushed Lin Feng tens of meters away. His whole body hit the wall behind him and sank in.

Mo Gang rushed towards Lin Feng with a sneer.

Lingli pilian stirred around Lin Feng. Lin Feng's body suddenly pulled out. The white feather sword was horizontal in front, and countless sword Qi formed a strong. The hard wall blocked around. Lin Feng's eyes suddenly flashed a light golden luster. With the emergence of those luster, Lin Feng's strength began to become stronger.

"Master, let's go."

"Yes, master, just take us out."

"Master, we can fight with you!"

Sisuo said loudly to Lin Feng, "it's just Mo Gang, a golden immortal. If we go out, we can solve it soon."

"No, I can deal with them!" Lin Feng's mind moved, not weaker than Mo Gang's soul power, and directly moved towards Mo Gang's sense of worship.

"Soul power?" Mo Gang licked his lips, "that's good. When your spirit is hurt, I'll see what you can do to fight me!" With that, Mo Gang's soul power collided with Lin Feng's divine knowledge.

Seeing Mo Gang's appearance, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile. The soul power was very soft and ignited. Milk and white flames. As soon as Mo Gang's soul touched those flames, it began to burn continuously.

"Ouch!" Mo Gang held his head and his eyes were stained with a thick black house.

Countless white and purple balls of light surged around Lin Feng. Lin Feng's body didn't retreat but entered, and rushed towards Mo gang.

The white and purple light ball rushed to Mo Gang's side and exploded directly around Mo gang. The purple and black thunder and the inflammation of the earth's heart were combined to constantly destroy Mo gang. Lin Feng's long sword directly broke through Mo Gang's barrier and hit Mo Gang's chest.

Mo Gang's body moved forward a little, and Lin Feng's body retreated a little.

"Bang!" With a slight noise, Mo Gang's whole body retreated, and the black fog wrapped around Mo Gang's body, protecting Mo Gang's whole body.

Refining corpses?

Seeing Mo Gang's appearance, Lin Feng's mind moved. This Mo Gang turned himself into a corpse. This guy, what a powerful force!

Lin Feng's body moved forward a little, and the golden light in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Boy, you asked for it." Mo Gang suddenly gave out a ha ha laugh. His whole body seemed to be higher, and his whole body exuded a strong smell. Lin Feng stepped back.

"Be my body!" Mo Gang came towards Lin Feng. The black spirit power was constantly stirring around. Countless black spheres rushed towards Lin Feng. These black spheres suddenly exploded around Lin Feng. Lin Feng only felt that his eyes were blind in an instant, and his cultivation seemed to be prohibited.

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