"Boy, do you like my field? Do you know what is the biggest difference between human immortals and golden immortals? " A chilly voice sounded in Lin Feng's ear, "that's the field. In my field, I'm the strong. I'm invincible. You can never break through my field!"

Lin Feng took a step forward. His body seemed to step on somewhere. A breath of death wrapped Lin Feng. Lin Feng's head shook. The white feather sword hit the ground, empty and nothing.

Lin Feng's body walked slowly around. There was no wind and waves around, and it was quiet.

Suddenly, a strong murderous spirit rushed towards Lin Feng from behind Lin Feng. Lin Feng's body moved. An attack rubbed Lin Feng's body. In a hurry, countless attacks rushed towards Lin Feng.

Is it endless?

Lin Feng's body is constantly flying, but his mind is trying to spread outside this space.

Domain is just another small world in this world.

Countless sword Qi fell on Lin Feng and cut down one by one. Lin Feng only felt that the blood gas around him was becoming more and more rich. He could not see or hear it. The attack could only rely on his own perception. The soul force wanted to break away, but it always seemed that he could not break away from this space.

Lin Feng suddenly stopped.

The attack comes this way from one direction, which means that the attacker is standing there.

Lin Feng's body suddenly rushed towards the other side. The golden light wrapped Lin Feng's whole body, leaving only his ears, nose and eyes. Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with golden light. Wherever the light went, the attack was immediately prohibited.

What's that?

Mo Gang's body retreated half a step. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance now, a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes.

How did this boy become a monster all the time?

At the moment, Lin Feng's body was covered with dense dragon scales, his hands became claws, and his eyes were golden. When Mo Gang observed Lin Feng, Lin Feng's eyes directly shot at Mo gang.

Mo Gang's body retreated half a step. A palpitation from the depths of his soul made Mo Gang's body tremble and shake.

This is

This is a kind of trembling from the depths of the soul. Trembling and fear!

You have to kill this boy!

Mo Gang thought about this, and the momentum of his whole body began to stir again and rushed towards Lin Feng.

So, you want to beat me?

Feel Mo Gang's breath, Lin Feng's mouth is hooked up, and the white feather sword directly touches somewhere!

The field of sword and the position of potential energy rushed again, and the purple and white lightning ball exploded wildly towards that place.


It seemed that something had broken through the prohibition, and the surrounding space stirred for a while. Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and everything around him became real.

"Your field is nothing more than that!" Lin Feng sneered, and Bai Yu's sword rushed towards Mo gang.

A breath broke through the sky in an instant. Mo Gang's spiritual power gathered in one place and rushed towards Lin Feng. The attacks of the two people were together.

There were countless explosions around. Reiki wrapped the two people in it and covered everything around.

"Brother Lin!" Li Feng and others have come. The ink attack passed by Lin Feng and rushed directly towards Mo gang.

"Boy, I thought you were an iron wall. What if you put on this damn armor? I can still crush your heart! " Mo Gang's voice pierced through layers of spiritual attack, and everyone's body was constantly retreating.


How did this happen?

The crowd looked at a scene in the sky.

"Brother Lin!" The crowd suddenly burst out the biggest attack and rushed towards the black fog in the sky. "

"Grandpa, where the hell are you?" Zhao Qingluo crushed the jade slips, his eyes were anxious, but Hong Shan still didn't appear. Zhao Qingluo's heart spread around, but his attack didn't fall.

Lin Feng can't do anything!

Zhao Qingluo doesn't know what's wrong with him, but the strong consciousness in her heart is telling her that Lin Feng can't do anything, absolutely can't do anything.

"Boy, be sensible when you are reborn in your next life!" Mo Gang grabbed Lin Feng's heart and said with a smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Don't you feel that your whole body has no strength?" Lin Feng smiled and grabbed Mo Gang's hand directly, clicking. His voice was not heavy, but Mo Gang felt that his whole body seemed to be broken down.

Lin Feng threw Mo Gang's hand out.

Little by little, little by little, Mo Gang's hand is about to break his heart.

Lin Feng protected the position of his heart with the last spiritual power of his whole body. At his feet, his mind wrapped Mo Gang's spirit and didn't let Mo Gang escape.

"Bang!" The two men fell on the ground and stirred up thick dust. They immediately ran towards Lin Feng. In the sunken cave, they were lying there. To be exact, they were one person and a divided body.

Lin Feng's body trembled slightly.

"Brother Lin!" Li Feng and others rushed to Lin Feng quickly. Seeing that Lin Feng still had a breath, they all followed and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kill him!" Lin Feng pointed to Mo Gang's head.

"Brother Lin, you have a good rest and leave it to us!"

"Kill me, adults will not let you go!" A sharp voice sounded, and a little black baby ran out of Mo Gang's mind. Lin Feng's mouth was hooked. Then, the powerful spirit training directly attacked Mo Gang's body.

At this point, Mo Gang's spirits were destroyed.

This guy was finally killed.

Lin Feng quietly closed his eyes.

This time, Lin Feng slept comfortably.

Lying in the air box, Zhao Qingluo and his party continued to move forward. Hongshan never appeared. They found a cave and had a good rest for a day. Seeing that Lin Feng still didn't wake up, they began to walk forward on foot.

Their time is limited and they must rush to the next city within the specified time. Otherwise, the students of the Fifth College over there will directly start to go ahead.

The more ahead, the stronger and more gathered the students are, the less likely they are to succeed.

"When do you think brother Lin will wake up?" Xiaobai looked at Lin Feng in the air box and whispered, "it's been many days."

"Brother Lin, after all, is fighting the strong man who has been cultivated by Jin Xianqi. At this time, it is estimated that it will take some time to wake up. All the way, we should be careful not to meet too powerful monsters."

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