Li Feng said with a sigh of relief.

"Yes." Xiaobai nodded.

The party walked towards the front.

Three days

Four days

Along the way, they tried to avoid monsters.

Lin Feng's mind is slowly recovering. With the passage of time, the breath on his body began to strengthen. The originally dry Nebula began to slowly inject power, and the spiritual power slowly began to operate in the meridians.

The chaotic seed began to rotate slowly, and the immortal water constantly washed Lin Feng's body, and the wound on Lin Feng began to heal slowly.

Six days

Seven days

Tomorrow, people can go out of the mountain. In another half day, they can rush to the next city, run the city.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, everyone stopped.

"Do you feel any different power?" Zhao Qingluo turned his head and asked softly.

"Seems... Here, a little neutral?" Zhang Han paused, took a step forward and said.

"Li Mu, your perception is the strongest, you say." Li Feng turned and looked at Li Mu.

"It seems that we have entered the field of some monster, and it should be a monster beyond the big monster level." Li Mu paused and said.

"Run!" I don't know who shouted, and the bodies of the people immediately began to run away!

"Ouch!" A loud roar broke everyone's beautiful fantasy, and the silver dark wolf appeared in front of everyone.

The crowd swallowed their saliva.

This... This is a big demon peak. The demon beast with peak cultivation is equivalent to the cultivator who is about to enter the golden immortal cultivation!

This... How to fight?

A group of people stood there.

"Come on!" Li Feng clenched his teeth and said, "this guy made it clear that he didn't let us go. Today, either we die here or this monster has become our food!"

Hearing Li Feng's words, everyone nodded.

"Let's use wheel warfare. Mentor Zhao Qi, you are responsible for the safety of four people, can you?" Li Feng turned and looked at Zhao Qi, who nodded.

"Don't worry, we will protect your back. Come on." Zhao Qi's eyebrows frowned, and his whole body's spiritual power was raised.

The dark wolf planed his claws a few times, and his eyes glittered and fell on the people. Then the dark wolf rushed towards one of them.

Everyone fought step by step.

The power of the netherworld wolf is very powerful. People start with it first and then. Finally, only Li Feng and Zhao Qingluo can insist.

"If we kill this dark wolf, we will become heroes like brother Lin." Li Feng gasped and said.

"Let them go!" Zhao Qingluo pursed his mouth and said solemnly, "you go too, I'll stay!"

Hearing Zhao Qingluo's words, Li Feng shook his head.

"They go, I'll accompany you! I'm the captain. I want to go, and you go too. You take everyone. " Li Feng clenched his teeth and said.

"We're not going!" Everyone stood up, "we are together. When we came out, the dean said that we are a team, a team, we must have strong cohesion!"

Everyone suddenly stood up!

"Yes!" Zhao Qi's four people also stood beside him, "if you want to go, let's go together!"

A strong willpower suddenly broke and climbed up from the people. The dark wolf fell not far away. It also had more or less wounds, but it was better than the group of guys in front of it.

These humans are so naive!

Today, it will be his Chinese food!

The dark wolf roared again and rushed directly towards the group.

The speed of the nether wolf was very fast. Everyone looked at each other and saw fear from each other's eyes. This guy is so powerful, and they can clearly perceive that this guy didn't let them go at all!

"Go!" Li Feng shouted and rushed directly towards the dark wolf. Lin Feng came out of the air box and saw everyone fighting, and a gentle smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

"Master, are you going to help?" The star asked in a low voice.

"Let them fight by themselves!" Lin Feng jumped directly into the nearby tree and looked down at the battle below!

The attack was fast, and everyone raised their speed. The attack fell on the nether wolf. Soon, the nether wolf fell down.

Feeling the attack, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction,

The smell of the nether wolf became more and more fragile, and everyone followed with a sigh of relief.

"Be careful, this guy is going to be beast!" Unexpectedly, Zhao Qingluo shouted.

Demonization is a characteristic of demons beyond the level of big demons. After the demonization, the power of demons will be increased by about three layers on the original basis, which is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

"Is this guy getting promoted?" Li Feng took a step back and said.

The dark wolf's eyes locked on a group of people. Suddenly, he jumped directly at the people, especially Zhao Qingluo in front.

Zhao Qingluo's breath was constantly stirring. With the continuous enhancement of the breath, the dark wolf roared and grabbed Zhao Qingluo.

"Go!" Zhao Qingluo shouted, and a barrier stopped in front. The dark wolf directly broke the barrier and grabbed Zhao Qingluo.

Li Feng's whole body flew up, and his whole body's spiritual power was lifted up. A strong breath wrapped Li Feng's body in an instant. Li Feng's eyes looked at the guy in front of him and attacked him directly.

So powerful!

"Tut Tut, it is worthy of being one of the seed players of Castle Peak Academy. This power is strong enough." Qianlong looked at Li Feng's body, tut tut sighed and said, "what a powerful force!"

The boy's strength should be inherited from himself.

Lin Feng also smiled, nodded and whispered, "this is the first time along the way. These guys have taken out their cards!"

"Master, in fact... You are better than them." Qianlong said to Lin Feng carefully.

"Fuck you, these boys are going to keep Castle Peak Academy. I'm going to win the championship." Lin Feng smiled and said, "does the champion know?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong turned his mouth.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. Who doesn't come with a strong dream?

"Master, after this battle, various sects will come to select excellent elite disciples. Do you think about which sect in the past?" The star asked Lin Feng in a low voice.

Lin Feng paused.

He hasn't really thought about it.

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