"Where else is there a dragon tomb?" Lin Feng's mind moved and asked.

"There is only one dragon tomb. It's in Yuanzong, but I don't know the specific situation of the Dragon Tomb of Yuanzong. I occasionally feel the breath of that guy. The breath of that guy is very strong. Now you certainly don't meet the standard of entry."

The star paused for a moment, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"There are the remaining dragon tombs. One is in the cloud family, and the demon world and the demon world are also assigned. It is still very difficult to gather twelve dragon tombs."

Hearing Xingyu's words, Lin Feng nodded.

"Then Yuanzong!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Sisuo nodded.

"Let's go to Yuanzong. According to that guy's urination, he will certainly attack us. Master, should you absorb the dragon blood of Xingyu?" Qianlong whispered.

"It's still early. Don't worry." Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "when the time comes, you can naturally go out."

Lin Feng looked at the battle below.

Li Feng's figure is constantly shuttling. With his figure shuttling, the surrounding environment has gradually changed, especially the surrounding atmosphere has become more and more powerful.

"Is this Li Feng's famous stunt?" Qianlong suddenly opened his mouth. Lin Feng looked ahead and saw that Li Feng's body turned into countless Li Feng. Each Li Feng attacked the dark wolf.

The speed is as like as two peas, and every Li Feng who has been transformed is the same as Li Feng.

Countless Li Feng attacked the dark wolf.

"I'll help you!" Xiaobai suddenly rushed to Zhao Qingluo's side, and his hands fell on Zhao Qingluo's body. With Xiaobai's body falling up, Zhao Qingluo and Xiaobai suddenly changed a strange smell. The dead flowers on Zhao Qingluo's forehead suddenly burst into a powerful brilliance, and a powerful force of the integration of the two was directly distributed on Zhao Qingluo's body.

"What is this?" Lin Feng's eyes narrowed.

"This is the boy's blood power. Unexpectedly, the boy's blood power can help others!" Xingyu sighed, "no wonder this boy is so powerful and his talent is so weak."

Lin Feng paused and looked at several people below.

The dark wolf was really solved by them.

"President Hongshan is here." The star whispered. Lin Feng looked up at the sky, turned his mouth, and finally sighed.

The old man came here at this time.

Hong Shan sits beside Lin Feng.

"You can, boy. You have solved Mo Gang's strong cultivation." Hong Shan patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "you know, other people can only look at their backs and dare not move!"

Lin Feng turned and looked at the dean. The Dean stood there smiling, with a gentle smile on his face.

"I said, Dean, it's too late for you to show up at the critical moment. It's too late for you to show up now?" Lin Feng turned to look at Hongshan and said, "almost, my little life was taken away by Mo gang. Almost, he pinched my heart!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Hong Shan waved his hand and still narrowed his eyes.

"I feel it. If you hang up so easily, I'll burn Gao Xiang back. Don't come here, boy. I'll tell you something more powerful. I guess you can solve it!"

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng groaned.

"It's mainly Hongyan. Something happened to the girl and she was delayed for a while." Hong Shan sighed and said, "boy, this time, it's very serious."

Lin Feng turned to look at Hongshan.

Hong Shan sighed and said, "you know the girl Hongyan. I'm such a girl. I'm also very sad about that girl. Guess what, when the girl went back to investigate the golden wolf hunting group, the girl was arrested. I didn't expect that these guys had something to do with the demon clan."

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng paused.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the nether wolf completely solved the problem. Li Feng and Zhao Qing, who took the lead, fell very seriously on their hands. They were lying on the ground and had no power to move at all.

"In this girl's heart, it's really good for you. The only life-saving jade dish I gave her was crushed for you." Hong Shan sighed. His eyes couldn't help sweeping around Lin Feng again. This boy is excellent enough, but there are too many people around him.

Hongshan stood there, looking at Lin Feng with some helplessness. Lin Feng's face looked like a fool.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Hong Shan paused and sighed.

"Boy, this time, I want you to take them into the city." Hongshan handed a bottle to Lin Feng, "this is a light falling pill. I'm ready to come. You can arrange it yourself, but boy, I'm such a niece. If you don't have absolute confidence, you can't do it!"

Hong Shan looked nervous, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Go!" Lin Feng waved his hand and fell directly beside the people. Feeling the breath, a group of people were on alert immediately.

"It's me!" Lin Feng smiled, "can you still move?" When Lin Feng came to the crowd and saw Lin Feng, a group of people immediately showed an expression of information. Lin Feng waved his hand and the pill directly entered everyone's mouth.

"Brother Lin!" Li Feng gasped a few times, opened his mouth and showed a smile, "this time, we're trying our best."

"Hard work!" Lin Feng squats next to Li Feng. Li Feng is the most injured. Now he looks the most embarrassed.

"Go and lie down in the air box first. There is Juling town in it, which is convenient for you to absorb Reiki and recover." With that, Lin Feng directly threw Li Feng into the air box and opened the spirit gathering array. The whole air box immediately became the holy land for Li Feng's healing.

"Is it OK?" Lin Feng looked at Xiaobai and said with a smile.

"Too... You NIMA are great, brother Lin. I won't meet these guys in the future!" Xiaobai shook his head and said pitifully, "brother Lin, you're too powerful."

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Feng just smiled and said, "you and Qingluo together. Fortunately, I have many air boxes."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people opened their mouths and showed a smile.

Lin Feng's air boxes were all prepared by Yang Yang. When they were in Qingshan college, they thought about buying one, but it was too expensive. Now it seems that this air box is really a treasure. Everything they need can be basically met here.

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