"Go back first!" The old man frowned and looked puzzled. Soon several disciples of the corpse Yin sect came and carried Lin Feng back.

Lying in bed, Lin Feng's mind began to recall the array of the corpse Yin sect again.

"Qianlong, you've been hiding inside. Did you find anything?" Lin Feng shouted Qianlong out and asked in a low voice.

"Master, the cultivation of that old thing is too powerful. I can't be too blatant. I haven't found the specific things. However, I can see that the huge transmission array should be the masterpiece of Qianji gate. Only Qianji gate can make things like that. However, in the fairy world, the fairy world orders to prohibit Qianji gate from making such things, To disturb the order of the lower world. "

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng fell into silence.

However, what kind of interest makes qianjimen abandon the contract to make this thing for the corpse Yin sect?

"Master, I guess the old thing still doubts you."

"Don't worry, he can't doubt it. I've been exploring for a long time. When crossing the array, several Shiyin sect disciples didn't reach the place and died because of the turbulent flow of space. When he went to explore, he could only detect that the space barrier over there was broken. It was impossible to think it was me."

Lin Feng's mind moved and quickly put away Qianlong. Then several disciples of the corpse Yin sect came in.

"Younger martial brother Lin, are you there? We came to see you. "

The disciples of the corpse Yin sect came in all the way and saw Lin Feng open his eyes and smiled at Lin Feng. "Don't worry, younger martial brother Lin, it's just an accident. It will be repaired soon."

Hearing the words of the disciples of the corpse Yin sect, Lin Feng said with a smile.

If he stayed with the disciples of the corpse Yin sect for such a long time just for the sake of interests, Lin Feng knew that the nature of these disciples of the corpse Yin sect was not bad. On the contrary, these disciples of the corpse Yin sect were very interesting. However, for other reasons, Lin Feng was really unhappy with these disciples of the corpse Yin sect.

These guys' means are cruel one by one. Lin Feng will never tolerate such means.

"I'm fine." Lin Feng coughed, "it's just swept by the turbulence."

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Seeing the appearance of these disciples of the corpse Yin sect, Lin Feng smiled. When he smiled, he affected the wound deliberately left by Lin Feng. The severe pain made Lin Feng take a few breaths of cool air. The disciples of the corpse Yin sect immediately stood up.

"Younger martial brother Lin, have a good rest first. By the way, younger martial brother Lin, there are many good seedlings who say they want to join us. We have also selected some for younger martial brother Lin. go and have a look at them then!"

The disciples winked and walked away. Lin Feng smiled and nodded. When the disciples left, he looked cold.

There are not many disciples of the corpse Yin sect, but behind every disciple of the corpse Yin sect, there are almost dozens or even hundreds of so-called disciples developed by themselves. The rest disciples only depend on them to do things for them, and they kill and loot outside. In fact, these so-called disciples of the corpse Yin sect are not real disciples. They can only say, He is the dogleg of the disciple of the corpse Yin sect.

After arriving at the Shiyin sect, Lin Feng completely distinguished the so-called Shiyin sect disciples from these Shiyin sect disciples.

There are only a few thousand true disciples of the Shiyin sect.

However, these thousands of disciples of the corpse Yin sect occupied half of the demon world.


It's night.

Lin Feng stealthily went to the previous array location.

Although the array is powerful, it is still under Lin Feng's control. Although it is a little difficult to crack the array, there is no way at all.

Lin Feng swept around the array. After determining the scope of the array, he began to think about it slowly.

"Master, how long will it take us to figure out this array?" Qianlong followed Lin Feng and asked in a low voice.

"I don't need it for too long. Although this array is very powerful, I remember a lot of knowledge about the array and the method to crack it. This array is barely in front of them." Lin Feng paused and whispered, "we just need to go in, so two or three days should be enough."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong nodded. If Lin Feng focuses too much on the array, it will have a great impact on Lin Feng's cultivation. For Qianlong, they are not only Lin Feng's belongings, but also Lin Feng's spiritual mentor when necessary, giving Lin Feng correct guidance.

"In fact, I'm quite curious. How did the corpse Yin sect get such a powerful transmission array? It was really given to the corpse Yin sect by qianjimen. What kind of gift did qianjimen want to do this?"

The star is floating around Lin Feng and whispers, "if it's just a little thing, I can't be hungry and jealous, and the thousand doors will let me out."

"Coincidentally, a little thing is not worth their great effort." Lin Feng shook his head and whispered, "what I am most curious about is what is enough to make them move like this."

Lin Feng shook his head, smiled bitterly and said.

Wusuo was silent with Lin Feng.

Indeed, it is also difficult for them to find out what is enough to let qianjimen go back to their previous agreement.

"However, I'm afraid this battle will be advanced because of the breach of the contract by qianjimen." After a while, Chihiro just said, "I didn't even give my master enough room to grow."

"Growth is never for me alone." Lin Feng shook his head. "So, don't regret. It's true to continue to work hard."

Lin Feng slowly stood up, "let's go back first. It's almost dawn."

With that, Lin Feng directly returned to his cave, had a good rest, took the pill to cover up his breath, and Lin Feng turned directly into sleep.

Lin Feng rested in bed for four days.

He has been studying the array for the past four days.

It was just an array. After research, Lin Feng found that he underestimated the difficulty of the array. It took him four days to find his way in.

"Let's go tonight. You should be well." Lin Feng perked up and went to some familiar disciples of the corpse Yin sect. After they got the disciples prepared for him, Lin Feng went to the treasure pavilion to exchange the cultivation method for these disciples.

After signing the contract with Lin Feng, the disciples happily left with the cultivation method.

"What a contented human being!" Seeing the appearance of these disciples, Qianlong sighed in a low voice.

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