"What they have now is the identity card of the corpse Yin sect, which means that they are also the ones of the corpse Yin sect. It's impossible for easy practitioners to fight against them when they go out. It can be regarded as a way for them to survive. However, the skill I gave them is not the one that the corpse Yin sect is practicing now, but the one that didn't drink blood, As for how they will develop in the future, it is their own business. "

Lin Feng sighed and said.

During this time, he also studied the skill of the corpse Yin sect.

In essence, the skill of the Shiyin sect is not bad even compared with that of the yuan sect. In particular, after a long time of evolution, the Shiyin sect can become the first sect in the demon world for its own reason. Only with the passage of time and enough in-depth study of the skill, the ancestors of the Shiyin sect began to study the more powerful Western humiliation method, which gradually went astray.

Or for the corpse Yin sect, it is simpler. Every disciple can enter the new realm of the Immortal Emperor.

This new world requires them to continuously open up the wasteland world, obtain human beings to serve them, or meet their extravagant expectations.

After solving these disciples, Lin Feng went to several other places to report peace. After knowing that he recovered, Lin Feng released the idea of preparing to refine pills. As soon as the news was released, some disciples of the corpse Yin sect came to the door and hoped that Lin Feng could give help.

Lin Feng smiled and accepted the help. After taking the herbs, he hung up the sign to start alchemy.

All around the yard became quiet. In the middle of the night, Lin Feng walked out of the yard. After everything was arranged in the yard, Lin Feng went deep.

Shiyin sect disciples like to go out to look for food in the middle of the night. At this time, most parts of the sect are empty. Lin Feng is invisible and goes directly inside. After arriving at the array, Lin Feng checks around and installs monitoring around.

The monitor took a clear picture of the surrounding environment and determined that there were no cameras around. Lin Feng began to crack the array.

The crack of the array is very cumbersome. Even if there was a shot in the previous four days, Lin Feng opened the channel just before dawn. When he got inside, Lin Feng carefully hid his mind. As a result, after entering, he found that the previous old man was not guarding here.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but his mind was still on guard.

"Master, do you need our help?" Qianlong whispered.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"No, I can do it myself. I just buried a few bullets. Some atomic bombs exploded together, and the transmission array is estimated to be scrapped. If it is really the means of Qianji gate, the corpse Yin sect will never give up here. At that time, Qianji gate will come to repair, we naturally know, What's the deal between them? "

Wusuo nodded.

After quickly burying the atomic bomb, Lin Feng returned from the same road and returned to the yard. Just early in the morning, Lin Feng took down the sign. Soon, several disciples of Qianji gate didn't come to get the pills. The pills were not good, but this batch of pills succeeded. The disciples of Qianji gate went back with the pills happily with ecstasy on their faces. Lin Feng continued to refine some pills, These are what you want to give to the sect.

After refining all the pills, Lin Feng began to practice and rest.

In the evening, Lin Feng went to pay the pill. Just when he was out there, the back exploded, and the whole corpse Yin sect trembled a few times, while the array over there began to collapse.

"The young master's new bomb is really powerful."

Seeing this scene, Qianlong couldn't help but tut tut sigh, "this is the array of xianpin level 9. It's said to explode!"

"It should be only a small part." Lin Feng's mind moved for a moment, but his body began to run with the surrounding disciples of the corpse Yin sect, with a panic expression on his face, as if he didn't know it at all.

"Everybody be quiet!"

A huge voice sounded in the sky. A white and silver corpse stood quietly in the sky. All the people fell silent under the gaze of the corpse. Lin Feng also raised his head and looked at the corpse. The corpse was very huge and glittering white. Standing in the sky, he stunned all the disciples of the corpse Yin sect below.

"Tut Tut, this is the king corpse of the corpse Yin sect, which is much stronger than the two at the door."

"The old ancestors came out!"

The disciples of the corpse Yin sect came down in silence one by one. Lin Feng went to several known disciples of the corpse Yin sect, swallowed his mouth and said, "this guy is really big!"

"That's the existence of our corpse Yin sect comparable to the Immortal Emperor. This corpse is our treasure and will always be our disciple. In our corpse Yin sect, all other corpses are not qualified to choose their own masters, but it's different. It's always the ability of free choice."

Lin Feng nodded and looked up at the huge body in the sky, but there was a bit more exploration in his eyes. If he could choose freely

Lin Feng's hand began to shake slightly.

"Master, you're not going to fight this guy, are you?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qianlong whispered, "this is the sign of Shiyin sect!"

"What do you think? I'm just thinking about what's wrong with the corpse king. If the corpse Yin sect is allowed to develop in this way, there are two corpses that may be promoted." Lin Feng said simply, but seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qianlong obviously didn't believe it.

The corpse king of the corpse Yin sect is in the hands of the owner of each session of the corpse Yin sect.

Every leader of the corpse Yin sect is obtained through his own ability and means. It is said that all the disciples of the corpse Yin sect are excited when they face the king's corpse.

"Don't be impatient. The elders have gone to check. There are some problems in the back. They will be repaired soon. Go back." A powerful voice sounded, but the so-called patriarch never appeared.

Lin Feng went back with several people.

"Younger martial brother Lin, do you think it's something to hide that we're hungry?"

"I don't think so." Lin Feng followed several disciples of the corpse Yin sect and said with a smile, "maybe it's really just a small thing. Such things have happened from time to time before."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people who were still looking forward to it just nodded, sighed and said, "what you said is, who dares to move our corpse Yin sect in the whole demon world? Isn't that death? "

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