It seems that he missed a lot of things, or Yangyang suffered a lot of grievances, but Yangyang has always suffered those grievances and never said it.

When Lin Feng got down from the ship, he was in a trance with jellyfish.

"Master." Qianlong shouted Lin Feng.

"I'm fine. It's Yang Yang's own business. Since Yang Yang didn't tell me, he should guard the secret himself."

Lin Feng waved his hand and turned to breathe a sigh of relief. "Let's talk about things this time. According to my observation, Fei Meng should not be sure to repair the array this time, so he will definitely go back to find someone."

Lin Feng paused and said, "I don't know where the Qianji gate is, but Yang Yang said that he is in the center of the three realms. In this case, he is definitely not in this area."

Lin Feng's voice was not high, but he looked serious. "In that case, let's relax and wait. Then, when the guy Fei Meng leaves, we'll directly follow up and kill Fei Meng and take this ship for ourselves. "

Hearing Lin Feng's affirmation, Wusuo was silent.

To rob the spaceship in the hands of qianjimen, only Lin Feng can say it. Of course, they don't want Lin Feng to do it. It's too dangerous to do so.

"Master, you don't have to." Qianlong whispered, "sooner or later, we all want to bring out the spirit of the instrument, but we don't rush to this time point. Now the most important thing is to ensure the master's own safety. Your cultivation is too weak. Make plans when you get another copy of the blood of the dragon."

Lin Feng shook his head.

He can't be a shrinking turtle all the time.

He is different from Du Ping.

Over the years, Du Ping ran around for the blood of the dragon, but even his closest friend could not tell his secret, but stubbornly guarded it in the deepest part of his heart.

It was never what he wanted.

When people live for a lifetime, there are always some things they can do but don't have to do. On the contrary, there are also some things they don't want to do but can do. Lin Feng firmly believes that he is the latter.

He hopes to get along with others, learn more about the world and improve his cultivation faster.

Fighting and external coercion are the best means.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've made up my mind. Don't say any more. I'll continue to do it anyway." Lin Feng looked at the crowd and said with a positive face, "no matter what will happen in the future, I will do these things according to the will of my heart, and the only thing you have to do is follow my orders and cooperate with me."

Lin Feng's voice was simple, and Wusuo was silent.

"Master, we will help you." The violent death took the lead in opening his mouth and whispered to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng nodded and returned to the yard. Lin Feng lay in bed, but his mind began to tell him.

As Lin Feng expected, three days later, Fei Meng proposed to go back and invite people from the school. This time, the array damage was very serious, and the corpse Yin sect knew that it must not be a simple thing to repair. After all, when the array was arranged earlier, the corpse Yin sect was bleeding. This time, the corpse Yin sect could see that the damage of the array was not much different from the previous one.

Shi Yinzong loves these flowing materials very much, but in order to develop the great cause of Shi Yinzong, Shi Yinzong can only send the materials needed by Qianji gate continuously.

"What a flowing material!" Stealth entered the array center again and saw countless materials piled up there. Wusuo couldn't help but be shocked and discussed happily in Lin Feng's mind.

"Someone guard, don't speak!" Lin Feng fought with his mind, but he carefully restrained his mind and walked around. Nevertheless, Lin Feng was still worried about walking. None of the elders of the corpse Yin sect had been slack, making it almost impossible for Lin Feng to move.

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, although Lin Feng was distressed, he could only retreat in the end.

Out of the range of the array, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

It's safe at last.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng quickly walked back to the gate of the yard. Lin Feng saw that the gate of his yard was full of people. Countless disciples of the corpse Yin sect circled around. Lin Feng's heart jumped, turned and quickly went in another direction.

It was not until dawn that Lin Feng returned to the yard.

"Junior brother Lin, where did you go last night? Don't you know that the elder came to you? " A disciple of the corpse Yin sect took the lead in discovering Lin Feng who came back and said to Lin Feng with a smile.

"I found a body and went to look for it." Lin Feng threw away the dirty things on his body, and his body still had the breath brought out just after entering the tomb.

"Ha ha, younger martial brother Lin also hopes to refine a corpse that belongs to you. Speaking of it, younger martial brother Lin, your cultivation is so high. It's time to find a corpse for yourself. Our disciples of corpse Yin sect can't live without that!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded

"What's the matter with that elder looking for me?" As he went in, Lin Feng asked in a low voice.

"Yes, the elder heard that you had a drink with the disciples of Qianji gate, so he wanted to come and ask you something about the disciples of Qianji gate. You know, now we need to cooperate with Qianji gate. The most important thing is to die. We need to know whether Qianji gate cooperates with us sincerely."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Hello, elder." When he entered the yard and saw the middle-aged man standing in the middle of the yard, Lin Feng said respectfully, "I don't know the elder's visit. The boy is not here. Please forgive me."

"Although he is an alchemist, as a disciple of our corpse Yin sect, every disciple should have a corpse that can guard us. You are right." Elder Bai Gu of Shiyin sect looked up and down at Lin Feng, "tell me about your relationship with the disciples of Qianji sect."

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded and talked about the previous situation on the spacecraft, saying it very seriously.

Bai Gu nodded from time to time. Mu paid attention to Lin Feng, and was more and more surprised.

He found that the boy had a clear mouth and did things neatly and methodically. Although there were many disciples of the corpse Yin sect, there were few such smart disciples! Bai Gu's eyes appreciated a little more. Their corpse Yin sect lacked such disciples!

It's all right to be weak in cultivation. Only when you have a mind can you do things!

"Good!" Bai Gu nodded. "The LORD already knows. He will reward you heavily at that time."

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