Hearing the words of white bone, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately, and his face was also filled with ecstasy. The muscles of his face began to shake slightly with Lin Feng's words, nodded and said: "elder, don't worry, I will do my own things carefully and carefully. I will never recruit black for our corpse Yin sect, I will..."

Lin Feng said incoherently, and Bai Gu nodded with satisfaction.

This is the attitude a young man should have.

"This is a map of an ancient tomb. If you report meritorious service, you should be given a chance."

Hearing Bai Gu's words, Lin Feng nodded and respectfully took over the animal skin paper in Bai Gu's hand.

Bai Gu patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, turned to relax and said, "little guy, work hard. The future world is yours."

With that, Bai Gu directly turned and left. The disciples of the Shiyin sect outside looked at the animal skin paper in Lin Feng's hand and swallowed their saliva one by one. However, at this time, they didn't have the courage to shoot Lin Feng. Now Lin Feng is the object of the sect leader's attention. Moreover, the sect leader will certainly ask Lin Feng about Qianji gate.

Countless disciples looked at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes, but there was no way to take Lin Feng. The complex look kept turning on their faces. Seeing the appearance of these disciples, Lin Feng snorted coldly and directly put away the animal skin paper.

"Senior brothers, please go back." Lin Feng's words were very simple. After hearing Lin Feng's words, although the disciples of the corpse Yin sect wanted to say something, they all turned and left when they saw Lin Feng's resolute attitude.

The next afternoon, Lin Feng opened the yard door.

Out of the yard, Lin Feng paid the pill to be paid in a month first.

As soon as Lin Feng came out of the corpse Yin sect, his disciples immediately followed him.

These disciples have been guarding outside Lin Feng's garden. After Lin Feng got the animal skin paper, they almost made a decision. Although they can't move Lin Feng, they can follow Lin Feng. They can even follow the past ancient tombs and go down before Lin Feng to seize things.

Lin Feng's cultivation made it clear to them that Lin Feng could never be their opponent!

The disciples of the corpse Yin sect beat the abacus one by one, with a calculating look. After feeling the look of these guys, Lin Feng sneered.

These disciples have their own abacus, and Lin Feng has his own abacus.

How could he allow these disciples to follow!

Lin Feng walked all the way with the map of the ancient tomb. His speed was not very fast. He walked all the way and pretended to go out to look for the ancient tomb for the first time. Those disciples of the corpse Yin sect followed him. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, they became more and more unscrupulous one by one.

Lin Feng's appearance gave them an excellent mobile phone meeting!

The disciples of the corpse Yin sect became more and more daring to fight.

Three days later, almost all the disciples of the corpse Yin sect surrounded Lin Feng.

"Just come."

Lin Feng chose a small valley, camped in the valley and settled down. One day, the disciples of the corpse Yin sect pretended to be nothing. The next day, the disciples of the corpse Yin sect were more anxious. Three days later, the disciples of the corpse Yin sect couldn't stand it anymore and appeared directly in front of Lin Feng one by one.

"That won't work?" Seeing the disciples of the corpse Yin sect who rushed out, Lin Feng shook his head, "I thought you could hold on for four or five days. Unexpectedly, you couldn't hold on for three days." Lin Feng shook his head with some regret in his eyes.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, all the disciples of the corpse Yin sect trembled.

Lin Feng's voice was not high, but Lin Feng's words seemed to come from hell. Their bodies all trembled. Their random tone and words, but Lin Feng's words made their sweat stand up!

Obviously, stop vomiting is a fairy boy!

Those disciples of the corpse Yin sect forcibly emboldened themselves.

"Junior brother Lin, senior brothers are also kind to help you. Generally speaking, there can't be only one corpse in the ancient tomb, and we don't need too many things. Just take us with you, junior brother Lin!"

"Yes, you can rest assured, younger martial brother Lin. we are all people with principles. We will never attack the corpse you like, younger martial brother Lin!"

"Younger martial brother Lin, you're safe with us. We'll do it. You'll definitely return with a bumper harvest at that time!"

With a smile on their faces, several disciples of the corpse Yin sect came up to Lin Feng and said with a smile. It was completely like I was doing it for you.

Seeing the appearance of these disciples of the corpse Yin sect, Lin Feng shook his head.

What he hates is such a hypocrite.

"What a pity." Lin Feng shook his head and held a long sword for a while. The potential energy position and the field of sword were launched at the same time. He wrapped the disciples of the corpse Yin sect in it. The disciples of the corpse Yin sect had not reacted. Lin Feng had already shot and directly dealt with the disciples of the corpse Yin sect. Lin Feng spat.

"Before attacking others, I advise you to find out where your own status is." Lin Feng stood there condescending, sighed and whispered, "if you can't find your own position, you will be hurt in the end!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the disciples of the corpse Yin sect only came to make a few grunts, and all fell to the ground.

They didn't expect that Lin Feng, who obviously had only the cultivation of human immortality, had the cultivation of earth immortality, and he was also a cultivator of immortality.

Some disciples of the corpse Yin sect wanted to send all this back to the sect, but it was too late.

Lin Feng cut off his hands and cut off his head.

More than a dozen disciples of the corpse Yin sect were killed in one breath. They had no time to respond.

"All killed." Lin Feng looked down at the disciples of the corpse Yin sect and shook his head.

People are selfish, and so are the disciples of the corpse Yin sect. They didn't tell others all this in order to get Lin Feng's treasure alone. Therefore, Lin Feng can act calmly and win these more than a dozen disciples in such a fast time.

If these dozen disciples had told him about the ancient tomb map in his hand, Lin Feng knew that he would never have finished it so soon.

Lin Feng put away Feng Tong's sword, turned to another direction and followed the spaceship of qianjimen.

Qianjimen's spaceship didn't travel fast, especially after Wusuo made some means in the spirit, the speed was even slower.

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