But pheromone was not in a hurry to go back. He just sat on the spaceship playing with the beauty and taking the beauty on a tour of the mountains and rivers.

When Lin Feng got on board, Fei Meng was drinking with the beauties.

"Sir, aren't you really in a hurry to go back and restore your life?" A very beautiful woman snuggled up to Fei Meng and said with a smile, "but I heard that the corpse Yin sect was very worried!"

"What's the hurry? The array was damaged by the corpse Yin sect. This is their own retribution!"

Fei Meng sneered and hugged the woman in front of him in his arms. "As for my delicate you, you will serve me well. As long as you are comfortable, I will give you everything you want." Fermont opened his bow and laughed.

"You are so bad!" The beautiful girl's voice spread around. Lin Feng stood in the corner and shook his head after seeing this scene.

This fermont is really obsessed with wine and sex. He hasn't found it for so long.

Lin Feng turned and walked to other places. The highest cultivation on this ship was Fei Meng. Fei Meng's cultivation should be the same as that of Da Luo Jinxian in the early stage. As for other disciples, the most powerful was only the cultivation of Jinxian in the early stage.

Lin Feng shuttled through the spaceship and killed all the other disciples.

Finally, Lin Feng went to the place where Qin Ming was.

For the child who said a lot, Lin Feng actually couldn't bear to do it, but if he couldn't bear it, he would make a big plan. At this time, he didn't have any benevolence of women.

When Lin Feng went in, Qin Ming was wiping his baby.

"I knew you would come back." Qin Ming turned his head and smiled gently at Lin Feng. "You are father and son. You not only look like him, but also have a similar character."

Hearing Qin Ming's words, Lin Feng smiled.

"You already know?"

Qin Ming nodded.

"At the beginning, I just looked at you and wondered if we had met somewhere. Later, when you left, I thought for a while. I remembered that you were very similar to elder martial brother Lin. later, I thought that you were in Qingshan Academy. I saw you in the dark. You were with elder martial brother Lin, and elder martial brother Lin called you father."

Qin Ming's voice is not high, but he analyzes Lin Feng's identity very clearly.

"Then why don't you say it all the time?" Seeing Qin Ming's appearance, Lin Feng frowned.

"What are you talking about?" Qin Ming smiled bitterly, "tell Fei Meng? Tell Shi Yinzong? " Qin Ming looked down, "I like our world, whether it's the fairy world, the demon world or the demon world. I shuttle through the three worlds and have seen all kinds of humans, monsters and warlords. However, what I hate most is the corpse Yin sect. I soared up from the lower world. When I soared up, my family, my family and my hometown were ruthlessly wiped out by the corpse Yin sect, Now, I can't avenge my family, but you do. "

Qin Ming suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, with stars shining in his eyes, "you have, you kill me, you will also kill the corpse Yin sect, and I will die without regret."

Then Qin Ming's eyes dimmed, "besides, qianjimen has long changed. He is ill and can't get up again. In the future, the world is doomed not to be the world of qianjimen. I don't want to live in such a qianjimen. He makes me heartache."

"Haven't you thought about living?" Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of appreciation, smiled and said, "isn't it good to live to see that day?"

Qin Ming shook his head.

"Once we have entered the thousand machine gate, we have already handed over our lives to the thousand machine gate. No matter where we escape, the thousand machine gate should always find us and kill us. Sooner or later, we will die. I am willing to die in your hands."

Qin Ming looked up at Lin Feng and closed his eyes.

"Do it."

But at this time, Lin Feng had no idea of doing it.

Feng Tong's sword trembled slightly, reminding Lin Feng that he could not stay, but Qin Ming's words made Lin Feng lose his determination to do it.

"If, as long as you like, I will give you a shelter?"

For a long time, Lin Feng asked in a low voice.

Qin Ming shook his head.

"It's no use. I'm not elder martial brother Lin. when elder martial brother Lin left, he took his own soul lamp. So after such a long time, Qianji gate didn't find elder martial brother Lin, but I'm different. My soul lamp is still in Qianji gate. As long as I don't die, Qianji gate can find me."

Qin Ming opened his eyes, "at that time, I will only trouble you. Moreover, I have no idea to stay. Do it."

Lin Feng's hand trembled, but he still couldn't bear it.

"Master, there can be no more women's benevolence at this time." Qianlong whispered, "Fei Meng will find out sooner or later. If Fei Meng knows in advance, we will be in trouble at that time."

Lin Feng nodded.

Qin Ming smiled and saw that Lin Feng seemed to have made a decision. Qin Ming closed his eyes again.

"If you really want to think you owe me, help me kill the corpse Yin sect. These cheap things deserve to die!"

Lin Feng's Fengtong sword passed through Qin Ming's body.

"OK, I promise you." Lin Feng's voice was a little heavy, but Qin Ming's mouth aroused a faint smile. Finally, his whole body fell to the ground. In his hand, he held the multicolored stone previously obtained from Lin Feng, and the whole soul automatically disappeared.

Lin Feng was carrying colorful stones, but his heart was particularly heavy.

"After all, the boy chose to die." Thick soil whispered to Lin Feng, "master, it has nothing to do with you."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Feng stood up and put the multicolored stones in his heart, "but I will do what I promised him."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wusuo nodded.

Together they went to pheromone's room.

The room was still singing and dancing. Fermont lay in the middle, and his mind suddenly moved.

"Why doesn't the ship fly?" Fermont asked lazily. The next moment, fermont's mind was on alert immediately, and his whole body was suddenly raised.

"Who?" Fei Meng shouted. When all the women heard Fei Meng's delivery, they screamed and ran away and hid in the corner.

"Your grandpa told me." A light laugh sounded, and Lin Feng appeared in front of Fei Meng, "tut Tut, enjoy it. There are beautiful women everywhere. I think I must have had a very happy life."

Lin Feng stood there smiling, his whole body's breath lingering around, "I can see that it's some good looks."

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