Lin Feng gave him a thousand magic coins.

"My lord..."

CaSO held the storage bag and couldn't believe it in his eyes. When he raised his head, there was no shadow of Lin Feng. Lin Feng had long disappeared.

Out of Dharma City, Lin Feng entered the deep mountains.

The world of Warcraft is full of Warcraft. The body of these Warcraft is different from the monster, and their cultivation is far above the monster.

There are many kinds of monsters, but although there are many kinds of Warcraft, almost all of them are good at strength. These Warcraft are naturally strong and very resistant to attack.

Lin Feng fought these Warcraft with his bare hands. His body was covered with dragon scales and his body had long been very hard. However, as time went on, Lin Feng found that these Warcraft could leave wounds on him, which became more and more serious.

After the wound healed, Lin Feng can clearly feel that his physical strength has become more and more powerful.

be toughened and hardened into steel.

After this idea took shape in Lin Feng's mind, Lin Feng immediately put it into action and competed with these Warcraft with his bare hands.

The waterfall hit Lin Feng. In front of Lin Feng, a huge Warcraft was crawling in the water. A pair of scarlet eyes stared at Lin Feng, and the whole body's breath was suddenly raised.

"Come on!" Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of madness. Looking at the big guy in front of him, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, "little thing, let's fight well today and it's time to reflect your value!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Warcraft issued a huge roar.

This damn human dare to despise his power!

The whole body of Warcraft rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't use his spiritual power, but directly used his physical power to fight with Warcraft. The two people collided under the waterfall. Instead, both of them were washed away by each other's power. Warcraft first stepped into the water and roared.

This damn human is so powerful!

Warcraft's eyes were a little more frightened. Looking at Lin Feng who jumped onto the stone again, his body retreated slightly.

"Come again." Lin Feng licked his lips, looked at the Warcraft in front of him, smiled and said, "don't be shy. Either you die or I leave alive today."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Warcraft took the initiative to attack Lin Feng again. There was a gloomy light in his eyes, and the breath of his whole body was constantly trembling. This damn human was playing tricks in front of him. It was hateful!

Watching Warcraft rush up again, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

This guy seems to have a big temper and can't stand the excitement.

Wusuo swam in the water. Seeing this scene, they shook their heads.

They can see that Lin Feng is clearly bullying this guy.

"The power of the master is getting stronger and stronger." Xingyu could not tell whether he was happy or unhappy. Looking at Lin Feng, he seemed to have some exploration in his eyes.

"Yes." Qianlong nodded.

He has been following Lin Feng for the longest time. It can be said that he has watched Lin Feng grow up little by little. Now he sees Lin Feng standing there with a beautiful face. He thinks of the little boy who can't even turn into God at the beginning. Qianlong's heart misses him a little more.

On the shore, one big and one small passed from above.

"It's him! It's Lin Feng! " The little one pointed to Lin Feng fighting with monsters in the water and said happily, "brother, let's go and say hello to Lin Feng. He's a good man!"

"Little thing, don't forget what the owner told us before leaving. The time is coming. Let's come back and play with him. Besides, don't disturb him if you see he's practicing seriously."

"Oh." The little guy was a little lost in his eyes, but he let his uncle take him away, but his eyes always fell on Lin Feng and his face was reluctant to part.

Lin Feng's appearance is really charming.

When the big one and the small one left, Wusuo just showed up. He breathed a sigh of relief one by one. Looking at Lin Feng, who was still fighting with his body and mind, there was finally a little more smile on their faces.

Lin Feng had been fighting like this for a long time. One man had just left the mountain and entered another city.

After a month of fighting with Warcraft in the mountains, Lin Feng suddenly entered the city, which made him feel like an afterlife.

CaSO gave him information about several auctions in the city. Lin Feng calculated the time and decided to participate in several auctions in the nearest month.

"It seems that the boy CaSO deserves so many benefits from your master." Seeing the parchment in Lin Feng's hand, the voice of violent death was somewhat vigorous, "this information is still very detailed."

"Out of the corpse Yin sect in the north, almost all the information here has been investigated." Lin Feng's voice was faint, his eyes quickly swept the parchment, and finally burned the parchment. "He's a serious boy."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wusuo nodded,.

"But I can see something from this boy." After a while, Qianlong whispered, "although this boy is a disciple of the demon world, he has some meat. It's very good."

"The demon world is just like the fairy world. At the beginning, everyone was friendly." Xing Dun said, "it was only later that the collision between the two led to the existence of contradictions, which was divided into two parts. However, most of the demons would not take the initiative to start a battle. Moreover, although they were separated over the years, the two circles did not think of it at all, but some thought of it."

The voice of the star was not high, and the four shuttle nodded.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Only a few people want to occupy the world, such as the corpse Yin sect." Lin Feng is sitting in the restaurant. In the restaurant opposite him, he is an elder of the corpse Yin sect. Lin Feng is very impressed with him. Seeing this elder here, Lin Feng still feels a little surprised.

"Master, shall we avoid it?" Seeing the elder of Shiyin clan over there, Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng.

"Avoid what?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "speaking of it, has my copper corpse been killed and gone out to fight?" Lin Feng's fingers knocked on the table, and his eyes were a little more curious. "Speaking of it, I don't know how my iron corpse combat effectiveness is, but don't I have a chance now?" Lin Feng's eyes fell on the elder of the corpse Yin clan opposite, "just take him."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wusuo's body trembled.

Same door to same door, no, fake door to kill real door!

"Master, that guy is about to reach the level of great Luo Jinxian."

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