Thick soil whispered to remind Lin Feng.

"I know." Lin Feng looked at the front with a smile, "what about reaching?"

Lin Feng's words were disgusted. Looking at the people in front, his eyes narrowed, "my body is a different body after all."

"What the master said is." Wusuo immediately nodded like a dog leg.

Lin Feng smiled at the elder of Shiyin sect opposite. Lin Feng's eyes were too explicit. He soon felt Lin Feng's eyes and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng raised his middle finger towards the elder of Shiyin sect.

The elder of the corpse Yin sect immediately changed his face. Lin Feng's body went directly outside the city. The elder of the corpse Yin sect sneered and directly followed Lin Feng out. The boy dared to challenge his majesty, that is to die!

In the suburbs, Lin Feng stopped and waited for the elders of the corpse Yin sect to come.

The elder of Shiyin sect did not hesitate to greet Lin Feng. The powerful force exploded around Lin Feng. The black vortex directly locked Lin Feng's body. A body covered with hair came out of the vortex and hit Lin Feng's face door.

"Go!" Lin Feng waved his hand and threw the body out directly.

The two collided and made a crisp click.

"Patter!" The two corpses retreated a little, and then chased up again. Lin Feng and the elders of the corpse Yin sect were right together.

"Boy, don't you know you can't fight in the same door?" The eyes of the elder of the corpse Yin sect were gloomy. The two people collided together. He suffered a loss. His whole body flew out for tens of meters and stood straight in the distance.

"This is not the corpse Yin sect." Lin Feng was born with a smile. "Do you still care about me?"

Lin Feng directly chased up, swept his eyes around, and finally fell on the man in front of him, "tut Tut, the power is very powerful, but unfortunately, my body seems to be a little more powerful!"

Lin Feng's eyes turned on the two bodies, "you still need to practice well. Your body is too weak."

Lin Feng's voice was not high. Hearing Lin Feng's words, the elder of the corpse Yin sect became more and more gloomy. A pair of eyes directly locked Lin Feng. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the elder of the corpse Yin sect was stunned. How familiar is this boy?

I think I've seen it somewhere?

The elder of Shiyin sect accelerated his speed and attacked Lin Feng. Feeling the attack in front of him, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile, and his whole body retreated a little and turned to meet him again.

Lin Feng's speed was very fast. The elder of the corpse Yin sect only had time to see clearly that a golden yellow passed by him. The next moment, Lin Feng's arm passed through his heart. The corpse stood there because there was no control, and was bullied by Lin Feng's corpse.

"It's you, Lin... Lin Feng." The elder of the corpse Yin sect finally spit out a name and fell to the ground.

"Too weak chicken." Lin Feng clapped his hands. "No wonder the disciples of the corpse Yin sect will not leave the north. If they appear alone, they will be tortured and killed by other sects."

"Master, this guy is just an elder of the outer door." Qianlong took out the identity card of the deceased, "I said that if it was an inner door elder, why didn't I have any impression? It turned out that it was an outer door elder, and the body was just an iron body that didn't reach the level of copper body."

"Although it hasn't reached the bronze corpse level, it's fast." Lin Feng put away the body, "maybe we can sell it to the corpse Yin sect at a high price someday!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wusuo smoked.

Looking at Lin Feng's calculating face, it is estimated that the corpse Yin sect will bleed again this time

Lin Feng didn't make a move. Once he made a move, he would certainly not receive much benefit there!

Thinking so, although Wusuo was speechless, Lin Feng's calculation, but his heart couldn't help getting more excited. Stars twinkled in his eyes, waiting for the time to come.

They also want to see what the final result will be!

Back in the city, Lin Feng cleaned himself up and cleaned up the bloody smell before entering the city.

After continuously participating in the airport auction, Lin Feng didn't get the rest he wanted. Lin Feng quickly rushed to the next city.

Before entering the transmission array, several disciples of the corpse Yin sect stopped Lin Feng's way.

"You have the smell of our elders. Our elders are missing here for no reason. Go with us!" The eyes of a disciple of the corpse Yin sect were gloomy. Looking at Lin Feng, he said faintly.

"Are these senior brothers mistaken? I'm also a disciple of the corpse Yin sect. I came out to practice. Look, this is my identity card." Lin Feng took out the identity card of his corpse Yin sect, "how can I fight my fellow disciples?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the disciples of the corpse Yin sect took an ID card and looked at it. They were indeed their disciples of the corpse Yin sect.

"Younger martial brother, go all the way."

Several disciples waved their hands and made way for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng went directly to the transmission array and was transmitted away.

As soon as Lin Feng left, a disciple of the corpse Yin sect immediately threw over, "there is an order to arrest a disciple of the corpse Yin sect named Lin Feng. That guy sneaked into our corpse Yin sect to steal secrets!"

Lin Feng?

Those disciples looked at each other. Look at me and I'll look at you. Finally, they took a smoke from the corner of their mouth and looked unbelievable.

Just now, Lin Feng left his hand!

"Check which city Lin Feng went to!" The disciples of the corpse Yin sect immediately panicked and hurried to find clues. As for Lin Feng, after transmitting to another city, he immediately took the transmission array to a small coastal city.

In this small coastal town, there will be an auction soon.

This is an auction from the sea. Although the city is very small, because of its particularity, countless practitioners will participate in this auction every year.

As for the purpose, of course, it is to obtain some good things from the sea.

"Master, these monsters in the sea are no different from the fairyland. Even if we u go, won't we get too many benefits?"

Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng.

"It may be that although Haicheng is small, this annual auction has fed the staff of Haicheng. In addition, every year, many good things will appear in this auction. The most important thing is that this auction has always been in the hands of the real demon clan."

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Maybe that woman Liz will go too!"

Lin Feng's mouth was smiling.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wusuo nodded.

"Master, you really care about that woman."

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