"I... am I ugly now?"

"No." Lin Feng took his clothes out of the storage ring and put them on Mary. "Don't think about anything, darling. When you get up to sleep, the matter will pass." Lin Feng sent Mary into the seeds of chaos and looked at the demon sect disciples opposite.

These guys are so hateful that they even bully an unarmed girl!

Lin Feng's eyes glittered with bloodthirsty light.

The disciples of the demon sect were not afraid because of Lin Feng's appearance, but after Lin Feng destroyed their good deeds, a group of people rushed directly towards Lin Feng. These people were like a machine without any ideas and came straight towards Lin Feng.

"My Lord, these guys have been absorbed. Now they are a fighting machine."

Xingyu's body stirred around and whispered, "Sir, be careful."

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded. Feng Tong's sword went through a group of demon sect disciples and directly pierced the hearts of these demon sect disciples. At the next moment, these demon sect disciples still followed, looking like they would not stop until Lin Feng was completely solved.

These guys are so stubborn!

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of cold. He still had to fight. Those guys accelerated and rushed here.

Lin Feng wiped the blood off his face and rushed into these demon sect disciples again.

Soon, more and more practitioners joined the battle, and these demon sect disciples began to get more and more.

"I can't see you're quite hot-blooded." Liz stood beside Lin Feng, her eyes turned behind Lin Feng, "I like you more and more."

Hearing Liz's words, Lin Feng twisted a demon sect disciple into meat mud, turned to sigh and said, "I have a wife named Alice, which is also the reason why I like you, but seriously, you..."

Lin Feng made a circle around Liz.

"What a boring man!" Liz rolled her eyes, turned around and went straight through Lin Feng. "Your wife must be speechless to know people like you."

Lin Feng did not speak, but continued to fight with these demon sect disciples.

After the last disciple was treated, the whole beach was filled with the corpses of demon sect disciples. The blood stained the whole coast red. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground.

Liz sat beside Lin Feng.

"The base camp of these demon sect disciples is on the sea." Liz breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "usually they also enter the mainland, but most of the time they are still very few. I didn't expect to be so fierce this time."

"Don't you think they are controlled by something?" Lin Feng's eyebrows frowned slightly. Those demon sect disciples had no consciousness at all. They were completely a combat machine. People with clear eyes could see that those guys should be controlled by something.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liz shrugged, "it's not surprising that these things can do such things for their own interests. By the way, what do you exchange with me for the news you want?"

Liz had a box in her hand. "There's something you need in it, but I don't really want to give it to you. If you want to take it away, I think you should show more sincerity?" Liz shook the box in her hand. "Do you want it?"

Lin Feng looked at Liz.

"What?" Lin Feng's mind swept over the box. The box was made of materials that could isolate her mind. Obviously, the woman was very tight against her.

"You left early, but before you left, they sold a message about the Dragon tomb." Liz's body moved closer, "and the corpse Yin sect sold it to the auction."

Lin Feng's body trembled slightly.

Corpse Yin sect

In order to cooperate with qianjimen, Shiyin sect has been looking for Dragon tombs everywhere over the years. Therefore, Lin Feng knows very well that if it is the news sold by Shiyin sect, the possibility of this news is very high.

But why did the corpse Yin sect sell the news?

This has become a point of Lin Feng now. He never thought that the corpse Yin sect would be such a good person who would be willing to sell the news and don't care.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng smiled.

"What does this have to do with me?" Lin Feng looked down at the information in his hand, "even so, I don't think I have enough reason to trust this thing."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liz smiled.

"You know better than me, Mr. Lin Feng, don't you?" Lish gathered forward, "although the corpse Yin sect occupied the north, they didn't completely block the internal news. At least I know that among the disciples of the corpse Yin sect, there is a man named Lin Feng who looks like you."

"Chips?" Lin Feng looked at Liz and asked directly.

"No refutation?" Liz's eyes revolved around Lin Feng, still with some curiosity, "I thought you had to refute!"

"Don't you already know?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "now that I know, what else can I do?"

"But I'm very interested in where you came from. You suddenly appeared in the corpse Yin sect and became a disciple of the corpse Yin sect, but your past is a piece of white paper." Liz leaned forward, and the stars twinkled in her eyes and fell on Lin Feng.

"Women are so smart that no man wants them, don't they?" Lin Feng looked at Liz with a smile, "so, be stupid."

The corner of Liz's mouth bent. Lin Feng seemed not to see it and threw it directly in front of Liz.

"This is my chip. If you like, it's a deal."

Liz picked up Lin Feng's storage bag and turned to stare at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded,

"This thing, even if it's qianjimen, doesn't exist. Qianjimen does business in three circles. Compared with qianjimen, you know what qianjimen has. Qianjimen has always wanted to get it, but has never been able to get it, haven't you?"

Lin Feng looked at Liz with a smile.

Lizzie bit her lips slightly. After hearing Lin Feng's words, she could only nod her head.

She knew this thing very well. It was made by the traitor of qianjimen, but the man had already left qianjimen, even appeared in qianjimen, and was still looking for the shadow of that guy all over the world.

But that guy seemed to be missing and never appeared in the fairyland again.

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