"Who the hell are you?" Liz's voice rose a little.

"Cooperation or non cooperation?" Lin Feng looked down at Liz and whispered, "my patience is limited. If you want to cooperate, you can hand over your things. If you don't cooperate with me, I'll take back the things. Since the news is auctioned, I think Miss Liz is probably not the only one who knows the news."

Lin Feng looked at Liz.

Liz's face was somewhat cloudy and sunny. Of course, she was not the only one who knew the news, and even her news was stolen!

Liz originally wanted to get more things from Lin Feng. She had already been ready and waited for Lin Feng to enter the urn. However, Liz never thought that Lin Feng would be so cautious and would not give her time to think!

This guy's caution threatened her just right. No, no, no, it threatened her in his eyes!

Liz looked down at Lin Feng and sneered.

"How do you want me to believe you?"

"I don't need you to believe me." Lin Feng smiled and turned his head. "Do you believe I'm the same, aren't you?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liz suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng's smile, Liz's whole body softened. This time, she was completely planted.

"Deal." Liz threw the box into Lin Feng's arms, "don't meet again in the future."

Lin Feng took the box but couldn't smile. When he opened the box, there was a message in it.

"This little girl's skin is playing with you, my Lord." Seeing what was inside, Qianlong jumped up immediately. "Look, sir, this place is on the island where the demon cult is located. Isn't this Niang skin just for playing with you?"

"I'm thinking about a question now." Lin Feng suddenly turned and took Qianlong and whispered, "what if the lower boundary of the corpse Yin sect and the demon sect is to find the Dragon tomb?"

Lin Feng's eyes were on Boqi and Houtu.

These two dragon tombs are in the lower boundary.

"It's possible." Borch nodded first. "Otherwise, let's send a message to the earth and go to the Dragon tomb where we were before. If there is really this problem, then we will have a number in mind."

"No need." Lin Feng stood up, "just go straight to sea."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wusuo nodded.

Lin Feng hesitated and let the little girl out. The little girl was still sleeping. Her face was a little pale. She probably felt the sun, her eyelashes trembled, and then slowly opened her eyes.

"I... I..." the little girl's eyes swept around and fell on Lin Feng. The next moment, she cried loudly holding Lin Feng's body.

"It's all right." Lin Feng put his hand on Mary and patted gently, "everything is over."

Mary looked up at Lin Feng. With a gentle smile, Lin Feng rubbed Mary's head and said, "go home. Your family are waiting for you to go home and live a good life."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mary shook her head and the pain on her face became more and more intense.

"They'll kill me, they'll kill me."

Suddenly, Mary screamed sharply with her head in her arms.

"Mary!" Lin Feng shouted. Mary looked up at Lin Feng with tears in her eyes and hugged Lin Feng's body. "They'll kill me."

"Take me away, OK? Take me away. I'll be your maid in the future. I'll take care of you. Take me away." Mary's body was trembling, and her whole body was covered with a light color.

"Demon clan?" Seeing Mary's appearance, the violent death gathered around Mary and looked at Mary, "Sir, send it to the woman of Liz. This girl should be the demon family left outside. Hand it in, and Liz will take good care of this woman."

Hearing the words of the violent death, Lin Feng nodded.

"Well, Mary, listen now. I'll take you to a safe place now, but you should be obedient in that place, OK?" Lin Feng looked down at Mary and said seriously.

Mary looked up at Lin Feng and saw the seriousness in Lin Feng's eyes. For a long time, Mary nodded heavily and said, "OK."

Lin Feng's mouth aroused a gentle smile and once again held Mary in his arms, "good boy."

Lin Feng takes Mary to find Liz. After giving Mary to Liz, Lin Feng embarks on a journey to the sea.

This time, Lin Feng chose to go out with the ship.

The sea is vast, without a familiar helmsman to follow, it is easy to get lost.

Lin Feng looked for a circle at the sea, only found a ship sailing next week, and paid a deposit. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now, we'll take it out." Wusuo followed Lin Feng and breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone looked forward to the upcoming trip.

This week, Lin Feng will visit Mary when she has time. Liz is very sad to Mary and takes good care of her. With the passage of time, Mary looks better and better.

After the last reading, Lin Feng turned and left, and Liz stood in front of Lin Feng.

"She misses you very much. Don't you go and see her?" Liz stood in front of Lin Feng and whispered, "Mary is a good girl."

"When I went, it would only increase her sadness. After all, I was the only one who saw the previous things. It's hard for you." Lin Feng waved his hand and whispered, "the girl is still young and has limited bearing capacity. Don't tell her."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liz raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng waved and turned away. Liz stamped her feet.

"What a heartless man!"

"Sister Liz!" A delicate voice sounded below. Liz immediately restrained herself and fell down. She took Mary's hand and looked up and down. "I'm here. What's up?"

"I heard sister Liz talking to someone. Sister Liz, who are you talking to?" Mary looked up at the sky with some curiosity in her eyes. She seemed to smell a familiar smell, but there was nothing in the sky.

"It's from the demon clan." Liz smiled. "They heard that I found a sister left outside, so they asked me to take my sister back to see everyone earlier." Liz touched Mary's head. "We'll start in two days."

"Yes." Mary nodded with stars in her eyes. Under the comfort of Liz these days, Mary has gradually been able to accept the facts and her mood seems to be getting better and better.

Liz took Mary with great strength. When she left, she couldn't help looking at Lin Feng's previous place.

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