Back from there, Lin Feng went directly to the port.

The ship docked on the beach. Several repairmen were checking the ship. Lin Feng was going up. Several repairmen stopped Lin Feng's way. "The ship hasn't been repaired yet, wait."

"OK." Lin Feng smiled and nodded and stood by the sea watching them check.

It was dawn. Lin Feng got on the boat with everyone. His room was a small single room, a simple bed, plus a table and a chair. The bedding was clean and comfortable.

Lin Feng lay in bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not bad." Lin Feng opened the window and looked at the sea view outside. The sea breeze blew across his cheek. Inexplicably, Lin Feng looked forward to the road ahead.

"My Lord, our ship will set sail soon. Do you need anything?" A respectful voice sounded outside Lin Feng's door.

"Thank you. No need." Lin Feng's answer stunned the people outside. It was the first time for them to hear such a mellow voice after traveling so many times.

The footsteps outside were getting farther and farther away. Lin Feng took out the box that Liz gave him and pondered it again. Although it was just a laughing news, it was enough for Lin Feng to travel. Suddenly, a strong fishy smell appeared on the ship.

It's the corpse Yin sect.

Lin Feng's mind swept away. Outside, a group of disciples of the corpse Yin sect got on the boat and turned to their respective rooms. The elder who took the lead was the elder who had previously guarded this array.

"It seems that it's really over there."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, restrained his mind, closed the door and practiced at ease.

On this voyage, it took at least three months to reach the destination. Lin Feng practiced on the ship for a month. During this month, the corpse Yin sect never came out from beginning to end. All the disciples of the corpse Yin sect were in their own rooms and had no intention of coming out at all.

Lin Feng's previous worries went directly. Feeling the appearance of these corpse Yin sects, Lin Feng turned his mouth.

It seems that he thought too much. These disciples of the corpse Yin sect didn't mean to leave at all.

Lin Feng went out and breathed on the deck for a while.

"My Lord." A middle-aged man stood beside Lin Feng. "What do you need, sir? Let's wear something with fresh fruit. "

Lin Feng waved and refused, "no, thank you."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the middle-aged man smiled, "we have been sailing on this sea. This trip is almost a year. There are too few people on the road."

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, Lin Feng was stunned and nodded with a smile.

"That's good."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the middle-aged man scratched the back of his head and said, "what adults say is, but there is less time with his family. The boy of our family is studying in the demon family college now. I'll come out and earn more magic money. I hope he can have a bright future."

Lin Feng listened quietly.

Poor parents all over the world. What every parent wants to give their children is always the best.

"The child will remember you well." Lin Feng said with a smile, "this time, they will return to their arms safely."

"By your grace." Hearing Lin Feng's words, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the front and burst out a powerful brilliance.

Lin Feng continued to sit on the deck, blowing the sea breeze.

It was not until dusk that Lin Feng walked in. In the corridor, the elders of the corpse Yin sect stopped Lin Feng's way.

"Boy, you're here." The eyes of the elder of the corpse Yin sect glittered with a gloomy light, and the breath of the whole body suddenly raised, "if you kill your fellow disciples, you should be punished."

"It's an elder." Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly and seemed to be smiling. After seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the elder of the corpse Yin sect retreated.

"The elder really wants to do it here. It's only been sailing for a month. If we fight, let's not say whether I can live or not. The elder's breath will directly kill all the mortals of Tang Gang who wear the mountain."

Lin Feng walked forward. "If these mortals are dead, the ship can't reach the place to go. There's no end to the vast sea. Even if the elders can go back alive, what about these disciples of the corpse Yin sect? What about the mission? "

Lin Feng had a gentle smile on his lips.

"If you can't finish the task, you won't get anything. Is the elder really willing to be taken away by the demon sect?"

"You!" Elder Shi Yin pointed to Lin Feng, and the gloom in his eyes became more and more strong.

"You let people go?"


"Still ask?"

"Oh, that's not true. I really just because the elder gave me a map, and then I went to look for the body. As a result, after I took the body, the bottom collapsed. If you doubt me about this, you'd better doubt the person who gave me the map. After all, this map is not known by ordinary people."

Lin Feng looked at the person in front of him with a smile, "originally, I was thinking of a corpse Yin sect, but you see, you all want to kill me. I just came out of the level to experience, and I was treated like this. Do you say, am I cold hearted?" Lin Feng still stood there with a smile on his face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the elder of the corpse Yin sect fell on Lin Feng with his eyes.

Lin Feng looked at the people in front of him with a frank face, as if what the people in front of him had just said was pulling calves.

In particular, Lin Feng's eyes are too real.

They were so sincere that they could not imagine that the boy in front of them would be the one who killed countless disciples of the corpse Yin sect.

"If the elder is all right, I'll go first." Then Lin Feng opened the door of his room directly.

"Boy, let you live two more months."

"Thank you, elder." Lin Feng closed the door and closed his eyes instead.

"Your Excellency, you are too cruel!"

"This is a strong man who is about to approach the Immortal Emperor level. Is it really good for you to do so, sir?"

"Then we should also consider their purpose of going to sea this time. Don't worry, it will be fine." Lin Feng looked at the front with a smile and said, "since he doesn't dare to start now, there are ways to escape next?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wusuo nodded.

In the impartial past of time, Lin Feng can always feel that a divine consciousness falls in his room, and feel this divine consciousness. Lin Feng sighs.

Jiang is still old and spicy. The old guy has always locked his divine consciousness in his room, which makes Lin Feng have no way to escape from here.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was still a little depressed.

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