Although these forces were weak, he felt them.

Strong power, strong breath, and the surrounding environment shuttled in front of him. Lin Feng could feel the different breath around him. Those breath wrapped Lin Feng's body. The chaotic gas in Lin Feng's body began to slowly connect with the chaotic gas in the chaotic world.

I am me, I am the world.

Lin Feng's mind shuttled around and wrapped the whole thing in it.

All kinds of things in this world are completely displayed in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng can feel the intimacy from this world.

For a long time, Lin Feng just opened his eyes.

"How long?" Lin Feng turned to look at Qianlong and asked in a low voice.

"The world has been for three months." Qianlong muttered a little and said, "nine days have passed outside. We haven't contacted Boqi. I don't know what's going on outside?"

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng nodded and swept away his mind. Boqi immediately returned the information.

The situation outside is not optimistic.

Corpse Yin sect and this side are still in contact. The two ships are walking together.

This old thing!

Lin Feng's heart was blocked by the old man's practice.

"My Lord, you can take advantage of this world to practice here." Qianlong whispered, "ten days here, one day outside, the tassels in the world are much slower than outside. Practice here, sir. You also have more time to complete what you need, don't you?"

Hearing Boqi's words, Lin Feng was cold and nodded.

Lack of business, he spends less time practicing here, but he can get more.

However, Lin Feng shook his head.

It's good to practice here, especially at a critical juncture. The aura here can provide sufficient conditions for Lin Feng, but even outside, the chaotic seed is at the center of his aura and is constantly providing strength to Lin Feng. For Lin Feng, it's almost the same as outside.

But outside, he can feel the world more different.

No matter whether it is cloudy, sunny, round or missing, day and night, or even the alternation of the four seasons, this is not in the seeds of chaos.

Lin Feng's mind moved and fell into the valley.

The girls just came back from killing a little monster. Their faces were excited. They looked up and saw Lin Feng standing there. They were stunned and lowered their heads.

"My Lord."

"Still used to it?" Lin Feng glanced at the women and asked in a low voice.

"Thank you, sir. We are all fine." The girls looked at each other and whispered, "thank you for giving us a place to live."

Lin Feng waved his hand.

"You do a good job. I think your construction here is very good, and I'm also very satisfied." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile, "please tell me if you need anything, and I will help you get it at the first time."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the women's looks eased a lot. Lin Feng gave them some high-tech products.

"These are things that this place doesn't have and you've never touched." Lin Feng smiled and looked at the women. "If you have time, you can learn, which may be good for your death ability in the future."

After the explanation, Lin Feng's body returned to bosuo.

Boqi leaned against the ship and saw Lin Feng coming out. He immediately reported the outside affairs to Lin Feng.

"My Lord, the two ships have been communicating. I guess the ship of the corpse Yin sect will be separated from here these days. There is still some distance between the place where the girl Lisi is going and the place where the corpse Yin sect is going."

Poche whispered, "besides, this ship is not going to the demon cult over there. It will take us a little time to go there."

Hearing Boqi's words, Lin Feng nodded. His mind was hidden in Boxun shuttle, and he didn't dare to release it at all.

There is a strong man who is infinitely close to the Immortal Emperor level. Lin Feng is not a fool. Naturally, he won't go out and touch the mildew at this time.

"Nothing." Lin Feng waved his hand, "wait until the corpse Yin sect leaves."

When he heard Lin Feng's words, Boqi nodded.

Lin Feng has been lurking in boxunzuo for three days. The ship of the Shiyin sect has just gone away. Two days later, Lin Feng has just put away boxunzuo and climbed up from below. Liz is waiting for Lin Feng on the deck.

"I knew you weren't that kind of honest man." Liz looked at Lin Feng with a smile, twinkling stars in her eyes, "Mary was brought by me, but she was very determined to you."

Mary stuck out her tongue behind Lin Feng. Lin Feng smiled, "this shows that this girl is reliable and worth cultivating."

Lin Feng smiled and passed by Liz. "I'm hungry. Do you want to eat together? Tut Tut, it's really hard for me for more than a month. That old man Bai Cang has the ability." Lin Feng shook his body and waved his hand. He had a few more spirit fish on hand. "Do you want to come and drink a bowl of fish soup with me at the right time? I don't mean myself. My fish soup is not something everyone can eat."

Lin Feng cut the fish skillfully and prepared the seasoning again.

"Really?" Liz leaned against the railing and saw Lin Feng's skilled preparation. A touch of surprise flashed in Liz's eyes.

"Were you a cook before you became a cultivator?" Seeing Lin Feng's serious preparation for fish, Liz said with a smile, "if so, I'll change direction to investigate you."

"Before I became a cultivator, I was an excellent student. Do you believe it?" Lin Feng's voice was a little hoarse. His eyes swept over Liz and finally stopped on Liz's two small peaks. "In our school, people like Miss Liz and you are all school flowers."

Lin Feng opened his mouth and revealed a beautiful little white tooth.

"Come on!" Hearing Lin Feng's garden, Liz rolled her eyes. "Just like you are now, you are a little wolf!"

Lin Feng smiled. With a wave of his hand, the inflammation of the earth's core fell directly at the bottom of the tripod. The fire was suffering slowly below. A faint fragrance lingered around. With a wave of his hand, a Fairy Spirit water fell into it, and a faint smell of fish spread all over the ship.

Liz's lazy body stood straight. Mary stood behind Lin Feng, with stars shining in her eyes.

"Brother Lin, it smells good. I want to eat it." Mary's mouth drooled and her eyes stared at the ding in front of Lin Feng without moving their eyes.

"We'll have it later." Lin Feng smiled and sprinkled the seasoning. When several spirit vegetables went down, the surrounding fragrance became stronger and stronger. Feeling this strong fragrance, Liz couldn't bear it any longer and walked forward a few steps.

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