The ship walked aimlessly on the sea. All the crew came together, put on their clothes, and many customers came here. They looked at the fish soup prepared by Lin Feng with excitement in their eyes.

All the people looked pitifully at Lin Feng.

"Those who see have a share!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "wait patiently first. Should the crew go back to sail first? If we hit the reef or go in the wrong direction, we will live in the vast sea forever."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the cultivator who took the lead in responding immediately pushed several crew members. Several crew members returned to their senses and hurried back to sail. Lin Feng flashed white on hand. The next moment, dozens of bowls fell directly in front of the people.

The fish soup was like a long dragon. The quantity in each bowl was equal. With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, there was a bowl in front of everyone, even the boatman who went to sail.

"Ah!" A crew member took the lead in taking a drink. As a result, it was too hot and made a scream, but his hand held the bowl and never put it down.

"Try it, too." Lin Feng gave lish and Mary a bowl, "this is a fish soup. This is the only one. There is no semicolon."

Liz took it with a smile, took a bite, and her eyes lit up immediately.

At the entrance of the fish soup, it immediately turned into thousands of breath and entered her body. It was the purest and most primitive power. Under this power, the elixir field that she had never moved jumped for a moment, and a strong magic Qi instantly entered her body.


Without hesitation, lish thumbed up and filled a bowl again. Mary had finished drinking a bowl and went to sleep. There was light black matter seeping out of her body from her brother. After drinking two bowls, lish put down the bowl. Lin Feng looked at several sober practitioners below with a smile.

He is not a cold-blooded man.

Previously, these practitioners did not cooperate with the corpse Yin sect to do anything to him, which moved Lin Feng very much. This feedback can be regarded as all the previous help to him.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you!" Some practitioners immediately felt that Lin Feng's fish soup this night was unusual. They looked up at Lin Feng with caution in their eyes. They didn't expect that the bowl of fish soup given by Lin Feng gave them so much help.

Feel the power constantly filling the body, the stars twinkle in everyone's eyes, and their faces are excited.

Lin Feng waved his hand.

Liz prepared a room for Lin Feng, on the top of the ship.

The ship has three floors. On the third floor, there are only the shopkeeper and Liz, and several practitioners who should be similar to Liz.

"Thank you." Lin Feng glanced at his room. It was spacious and had a separate rest and reception room. It was the best room on the ship.

"Yes, I should thank you, shouldn't I?" Liz's eyes twinkled with a soft light and said with a smile, "don't you invite me in?"

Lin Feng made a gesture of invitation.

Liz swept around the room. Lin Feng didn't add anything to the room. Liz sat in front, but her eyes looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stood there and let Liz look at her. Liz suddenly smiled and was born.

"Should I say more?"

"Whatever you want to say, you can speak." Lin Feng said with a smile, "I've been listening here."

Liz shook her head.

"I don't have much to say to you for the time being." Liz was born with a chuckle. "At least not now."

Hearing Liz's words, Lin Feng just smiled, sat down and poured a cup of tea for Liz herself.

"This tea was given to me by the leader of a tribe in the demon world. I think you don't reject Reiki. I think you should like the taste." Lin Feng poured lish a cup of tea with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, a soft light flashed in Liz's eyes.

"So, you are not from the demon world, you are the cultivator of the fairy world." Liz looked at Lin Feng with a smile. Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"I think I didn't hide my identity from Miss LISS from beginning to end."

But you didn't tell me!

This sentence flashed through lish's mind, but she didn't say it. She was too stupid. Because Lin Feng had been practicing in the corpse Yin sect for more than a year, she didn't think about Lin Feng as a disciple of the fairyland. Now Lin Feng put it forward by herself, and lish's doubts were completely solved.

"You also did the massacre of the disciples of the Shiyin sect in three cities?" Liz glanced at Lin Feng again and asked with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded.

"No wonder you will leave the Shiyin sect so soon, but if you are a disciple of the Shiyin sect, if you want to enter the level of Da Luo Jinxian, you have to carry out further baptism and thoroughly clean your body. Therefore, you can't get through that level, so you come out."

Lin Feng looked at Liz with a smile.

Liz was stunned and turned to smile.

"Lin Feng, I'm more and more curious about you now."

"Don't be curious about a man, especially a man with a family. It's easy to fall." Lin Feng got up with a smile, "the girl came to you."

Liz got up and went outside. When she got to the door, she turned to look at Lin Feng and smiled, "in fact, it's good to have a dew marriage."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, but Liz walked away with a charming smile. Looking at Liz's back, Lin Feng was speechless. Was he molested?

Being molested by a woman?

Looking at Liz's distant back, Lin Feng sighed.

This life... It's so painful to be molested by a woman.

Lin Feng shook his head and closed the door.

Before long, Mary knocked at the door and came in with water.

"Brother Lin, I've prepared water for you." Mary's mouth wore a gentle smile, "I'll serve brother Lin. you wash."

"I'll do it myself, Mary. You don't have to do so much." Lin Feng touched Mary's head and said with a smile, "you're fine now."

"But I really want to serve you, brother Lin." Mary shook her head and whispered, "it's brother Lin who saved me. No matter what happened before, brother Lin and sister Liz gave me new courage, and you let me know that I can become stronger."

There was a smile on the little girl's face, as if she had returned to her first meeting. The sunny smile and simple face made Lin Feng's mind in a trance.

For such a trance time, Mary has begun to help Lin Feng wash, with a gentle smile on her mouth.

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