"Just be happy."

Seeing the smile on Mary's face, Lin Feng opened her heart to accept Mary's service. Mary didn't stay in the room for long, so she went out after cleaning up.

Looking at the closed door, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The next morning, Liz brought the map.

"There is some distance between where we are going and where you are going. Our ship will not follow you." Liz put the map on Lin Feng's desk. "There is a road on the map. Next, you can only go by yourself according to this road. Here is the nearest one over there."

Liz smiled at Lin Feng and said, "I can only wish you good luck. By the way, take this. This is my demon clan token. If you meet the demon clan disciples on the way, as long as you take out the token and don't embarrass them, they will never embarrass you."

Lin Feng took it.

"Thank you."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liz waved her hand, "I asked the boatman to prepare a boat for you. With your cultivation, there is no problem controlling the boat to reach the place you want to go. Lin Feng, I wish you a pleasant journey and achieve your wish."

Liston paused and turned to her feet. "Mary and I won't see you off."

Lin Feng smiled, nodded, moved his hand, put a box on Liz's hand, "a gift for you and Mary."

With that, Lin Feng turned and went down. The ship had been tied to the big ship. The boatman nodded to Lin Feng with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, boatman." Lin Feng controls the boat to leave. Liz stands on it and watches Lin Feng's figure go away. She opens the box and puts two exquisite school flowers in it.

"This guy, do you think we're not girls enough?" Seeing the flowers in the box, Liz muttered. The next moment, a touch of surprise flashed in Liz's eyes.

"Is this a spirit tool? This guy has such a precious thing on hand? "

Liz looked up again. Lin Feng's figure had disappeared where the sea and sky met, and the two ships separated from different directions.

Lin Feng sat on the boat, and Bo xunzuo replaced the boat.

"Parting is so fast." Lin Feng is lying on Bo xunsuo. Boqi has the map. Lin Feng just needs to sit in bed and have a good rest.

"Are you reluctant?" Qianlong was in a good mood. He kept flying around. The violent death didn't come out. The sea here was basically water power, which made the violent death very uncomfortable.

"No, it's just that I haven't felt such tenderness for a long time." Lin Feng said with a smile, "this may also be a different life experience."

"Adults like it." Qianlong held out a word for a while and continued to leap around. Suddenly, bosuo paused.

"My Lord, there's a big guy coming this way. The big guy's goal is directly at... You, my Lord." Poche's voice was low. "Do you want to avoid it?"


"Whale sharks that have been about to take shape."

"Go straight." Lin Feng's body stood up and suffered a loss in Bai Cang. He hasn't exercised his body well these days. Since he came to the door in trouble, he can't miss it. Lin Feng moved and imprisoned. Feng Tong sword made a clear sound and fell on Lin Feng. The sword body was also slightly shaking. Everyone was looking forward to this battle.

Lin Feng licked his lips.

"It seems to be a wonderful little thing." Suddenly, Lin Feng chuckled.

At the next moment, a huge figure flew out of the sea and rushed towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's small body flew up, and a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

A joke flashed through the whale shark's eyes.

But it's just a little human. Can't he solve it?

Seeing the banter in the whale shark's eyes, Lin Feng smiled, "don't underestimate the enemy."

Lin Feng's body fell on the whale shark's head and stabbed it directly. The long sword passed through the whale shark's body, and Lin Feng's fist hit the corner of the whale shark's mouth.


Several teeth of the whale shark were all smashed off. Lin Feng shook his arm and attacked the whale shark again.

"Tut Tut, sir, it's too fierce."

"Who let this guy touch the mold of adults? Adults are not in a good mood at this time. "

"Ai Ai, who let adults get angry over there? Since they are angry, according to adults' virtue, they will certainly find a place back."

Wusuo looked at it and turned his head one after another. He couldn't bear to see this scene. Adults need a complete vent to vent their helplessness. Unfortunately, the front side has completely become an adult vent.

Whale shark was soon solved by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the whale shark's inner pill and landed on the ship. Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, everyone looked more calm. One by one, they looked at Lin Feng with a bit of gentleness. When they saw Lin Feng's look of bowing his head and not speaking, everyone's expression followed and softened.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Cang's depression was released under this battle. Lin Feng twisted his body and looked at the big guy, girl.

"No, it's unbearable to fight like this."

The whale shark's body trembled and sank completely. Boshisuo passed over the whale shark. For a child, the sea area was densely packed with sea animals, and those Warcraft were constantly eating the whale shark's body.

The pale grass fell on the sea.

"Elder, it's the smell of that boy. That boy has been here." Bai Cang followed a pale man behind him and whispered, "that boy probably didn't get on the boat, but explored the sea by himself."

Bai Cang snorted coldly.

The surrounding sea area is vast. Bosuo's speed is fast enough. He doesn't have time to respond at all. Feeling this, his pale look is getting colder and colder. That boy is really capable!

"Go back first, I don't believe that boy can turn out any waves!" Bai Cang's body staggered and turned his face a little white.

Lin Feng's means really hurt him, but Lin Feng didn't calculate his accomplishments, so he didn't see Bai Cang's strange for the first time. What annoyed Bai Cang was that the poison under Lin Feng was like a maggot on the tarsal bone. No matter how he cleaned it up, he would always get a little out of the corner.

"This damn boy!" Bai Cang's body trembled again. An invisible black flame burned out of Bai Cang's Dantian. The flame quickly rushed into Bai Cang's muscles and veins. Bai Cang snorted coldly, and his whole body momentum rolled over the little thing in an instant.

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